I Robot - 3D Contest [7 entries]

Death Machine Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

Using your favourite 3D software, model a robot, whether it be a mechwarrior, transformer, or your favourite robot from film or TV.
You must model from scratch and not use pre-built meshes. A detailed SBS is a must.

Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Suggested by: Missy

costar: very good as always, still blown away at your helmet ( 5 years and 3805 days ago )
Ory: Wow, looking at these first 2 entries, I am going to have to step up my plans to compete. ( 5 years and 3805 days ago )
dka120: Is it or is it not permitted to use prebuilt meshes? ( 5 years and 3799 days ago )
fodelement: This is really miss leading if I do say so my self. "model a robot, whether it be a mechwarrior, transformer, or your favourite robot from film or TV" ( 5 years and 3798 days ago )
Contest Moderator: I want to clear this up, you are ALLOWED to model any robot from film or TV, this is quite legal for this contest. You CANNOT use, pre-built meshes. As always, a detailed SBS is mandatory. If you see robots from film or tv in this contest, then that is okay! ( 5 years and 3798 days ago )
ramananjv: hey really interesting...im working on this ( 5 years and 3797 days ago )
dka120: Mod: I see.. one of the earlier (and very good) entries clearly shows the use of a pre-built mesh in its SBS. It hasn't been changed but is still in the contest. ( 5 years and 3794 days ago )
wazowski: Some very nice entries here, well done to all of you! ( 5 years and 3793 days ago )
CptMcquacken: Well My piece C.A.P was removed, I was getting hardcore votes too. ( 5 years and 3791 days ago )
fodelement: LOL, last place? What a joke! ( 5 years and 3791 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


Death Machine - created by LKY

Death Machine
Favs: 7SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 1/7Score: 70.4% (41)25562 views

Mst see high REs...

Uffffff....Very lengthy work....and cuz of this I can't participate in any other contest......

All work has been done in Editable Poly (3DS Max) with Mesh smooth over it.......Final render output is in Vray with skylight and a Vray Light......(Special tnks to Billy and Missy about the help and support)

Total work time : 24 hrs (approx)

and finally all comments will be appreciated as always.... (5 years and 3794 days ago)

P.R.B. - created by whiteshade

Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 2/7Score: 62.2% (30)19241 views

Planet Research Bot
All Bryce (5 years and 3805 days ago)

C.W. 26-02 - created by Missy

C.W. 26-02
Favs: 2SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 3/7Score: 61.4% (25)15010 views

3DS max and Mental ray rendering.

C.W. (Combat Warrior) model no. 26 Build version 02. (5 years and 3793 days ago)

Robbie the Robot - created by Missy

Robbie the Robot
Favs: 1SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 4/7Score: 59.5% (0)22208 views

3DS max 2010, and mental ray rendering (5 years and 3794 days ago)

Love story - created by billyboy

Love story
Favs: 1SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 5/7Score: 57.1% (0)16920 views

Made from scratches with 3 DS max.
Render with Mental ray (5 years and 3798 days ago)