3ds max, vue 7 Xstream, and Photoshop adjustments (5 years and 3766 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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Hope you like it :)
Inspired by making of 'The Hole', Making of 'The Lost City' and Piotr Jaroszek's 'Future City' whose city structure I liked the most and resembled in for my model. :)
Modeling techniques in SBS. (5 years and 3777 days ago)
The idea is to create a cityscape in daylight mood.i rendered this with the 3ds max and vray.i have created some buildings.the creation process is explained in sbs.and used greeble modifier to create the background building and the default vray materials applied and no textures used in the scene and no reference images used.for the light source vray sun is used and a simple vray sky background.this is straight output from 3ds max and didn't use photo shop for this work.i have cleared the process in sbs. (5 years and 3773 days ago)
ihaaaaaa .... we are not allowed to use filters in Photoshop? ...
)) I am verry curious if, MOD accept this work.?! .... btw....this work is great!
WOW! It's AWESOME!!!!!!! But, you're not allowed to edit it in photoshop or similar, you can only tweak brightness contrast and similar, no colour changing, no other editing.... =/ So, you should really do it without, I'm sure it looks fabulous without the effects, after all, you got Vue
Oh, the rules must've been changed the last time I saw them....
It's OK then, I love it! 
you've really have all the others beat with this, the lighting and the sky take my breath away.
You said that author!!!!! ....Gaussian blur .... 13 step in your SBS .... please read again!!! ... or in PS ... Gaussian blur are only in Filters!!!! sorry i don't be nasty .....
.....change text or find something else.....
author ok!!! ... we understand ... we, not used in our work no such thing .... so of course, we understanding!!!!!!! "Filters are NOT allowed, tools such as: Liquify, warp "etc..etc..etc..etc" are NOT allowed."......ok ... your work is the best anyway
for some reason this reminds me of star wars = )
Fabulous work..I love whole sceene,mood,colors...high marks for this fabulous work...
All semantics aside, this is a great piece of art, it will be a deserving winner imho. Great job
Wow... stunning image.. the light. the sky.. it is PERFECT!
Lovely! The only thing I don't like is the repetitive use of the same building.
Cool one.
Congrats Missy, stunning work
Congrats on the win Missy!!
freakin awesome! great work!
Wonderful job.
Goes to my fav.
Howdie stranger!
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