The Light - 3D Contest [18 entries]

The London Road Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

One of the most important features of any 3D image is the lighting. Your goal in this contest is to create the most realistically lit scene possible. Use all your knowledge to light any object or scene, make it glow in the midday sun, or cover it in volumetric light. 3DS max, Maya, Bryce, C4D, Solidworks users note that Vray sun and the daylight system are NOT ALLOWED, it's too easy.
Try and use other types of light to create the lighting you want. Pre built meshes are allowed for this contest, as it's the lighting that's the key. SBS is mandatory. You must show us how you lit the scene, with what type of light and show your settings too. Good luck!

PS: Make sure to read the updated guidelines of the 3D contests.

Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Suggested by: Missy

nudanke: Since 3dsMax users are not allowed to use the sun/daylight system, are Maya users not allowed to use physical sun and sky. I don't do much with 3ds Max so I'm not familiar with its daylight system but in Maya it still takes some work in my opinion to make the physical sun and sky look good/real. ( 5 years and 3569 days ago )
vaiibhavjain: its day light lighting or we can do night lighting ( 5 years and 3569 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Please note the contest theme has been updated to exclude daylight systems from all 3D creation software. The purpose of this contests is to test your skills with OTHER kinds of lighting. You can Light any scene you like, Daytime, Night time, Interior, or Exterior. ( 5 years and 3569 days ago )
vaiibhavjain: it can be light source be a bulb or any human made light.????? ( 5 years and 3569 days ago )
Palaekman: What about the 3ds max skylight, can we use that? ( 5 years and 3562 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @Palaekman, if you mean a photometric skylight or GI then that's fine. ( 5 years and 3561 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Can I remind all members who have, or who want to enter this contest, if you have used pre-built meshes, YOU MUST provide links to them, and credit the author accordingly. ( 5 years and 3556 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


The London Road - created by r1k3r

The London Road
Favs: 4SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 1/18Score: 66.8% (37)15148 views

Here's a visualization of a restaurant called "The London Road" which is my design.
3DS max 2010 and Vray 1.5 rendering.

This image took approx 5 days. 3 days modeling and 2 days for the lighting rig.

So here comes the boring bit!

credits too:
Leather by Banshee
Flooring by Marcelyou
Velvet By Colossus
Brick by Darside85
All from

Mirror by Fill Chais
Plant by Belgioioso Banfi
Spotlights by Moretti Luigi
Lamp by Ellwood Craig
All from
free stock models. (5 years and 3561 days ago)

8 Sources:

The corner seat - created by r1k3r

The corner seat
Favs: 6SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 2/18Score: 66.1% (32)13465 views

3DS Max 2010 and Vray.

Credit to:

Fenoman for the wallpaper
Lucien Vitale for the chair
Bonatz Paul for the bureaus
Sin Dau for the lamp
Rabshani for the picture frame
Banshee for the leather.

All other textures from (5 years and 3556 days ago)

8 Sources:

Living room - created by Palaekman

Living room
Favs: 1SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 3/18Score: 64% (25)19742 views

Used basic lights as mr area omni lights and mr area spot light. (5 years and 3562 days ago)

mirror effect - created by closedeyes

mirror effect
Favs: 2SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 4/18Score: 63.5% (20)12977 views

tried the lighting seen thru mirror.... (5 years and 3556 days ago)

Day Light - created by dilsedosty

Day Light
Favs: 2SBS: 7Hi-resRank: 5/18Score: 61.9% (15)10761 views

this is my first light rig using only spot lights and omni in 3Ds Max. (5 years and 3558 days ago)