Looks good, however on a standard CPU the pins are only on one side.
author says:
I know that, this is a technically accurate model based on a spare CPU I have used in the photography competition. The model is placed on a reflective surface which is why you can see darker pins, though they are just reflections.
We're getting political here, it seems. Pretty nice idea. The nail could maybe be a bit more shiny and there could be a slight fracture or something from where it goes in. The blood should be a few degrees darker and it looks a bit plastic where it meets the floor. You could add a shadow for the whole thing too and for the extra eggs on the corner. Nice thinking with the idea..
Hmm shouldn't it be "Stop killing children" but this won't affect my vote of course.
Widiar I agree with you about the lack of shadows and the fractures but I think the blood is nice. Blood exist in all kinds of tones depending on where it is in your body and we can't really tell how it would look when coming from an egg.
I think the blood texture is just a bit too 'bumpy' and especially on the lower part it should be thinner and with a bit more dribbles. I would go for some basic 3D max liquid tutorials first. I'm not in any way saying your blood texture bad, it's just a bit plastic looking into my eyes. With a bit of darker shade, a bit thinner and some dribbles on it, it could look pretty good. Maybe it's just a matter of finding a proper blood texture with a more flow like shadows instead. (So many nice ready to use plugins for 3D softwares, haven't never even tried myself).
If you can't tackle the blood problem, you could maybe add some other suggested enhancements, maybe it will make the whole picture look better and more 'realistic'.
Widiar I think you mean material and not texture. However this is a matter of taste so no offence.
Author if you want to improve the blood always try to look at a reference. If can't get the blood to look good enough with one material you can always render out multiple passes with different blood materials. This is one single image so you can do so much to it as you want without having to think about movements etc.
Besides the standard blood material pass I often render out things like a chrome pass, plastic pass, glass pass, matte surface (no specular) pass.
Chrome for example may not look like blood but when compositing it on top with a very low opacity and another blending mode it may just look right.
It's about experimenting
I think it's a bit out of the box but I had to do it.
If you had a good enough camera and an electron microscope I think you could get something like this :P
Image of bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) attacking bacteria. (5 years and 3525 days ago)
1) The kiwis look a bit dry. If you have spec on them, it should be increased to make them glossier and give some nice highlights that will sell it as being juicy.
2) The kiwi slice that is resting on the other looks very stiff. Adding a slight bend in the middle would help enhance the realism of this shot.
3) The kiwis don't seem to be casting any sort of shadows. The top slice should be casting a shadow or at the very least there should be some occlusion between it and the bottom slice to help ground it.
Again, very good work! These critiques are only meant as food for thought so I hope you don't take it the wrong way.
author says:
Not at all, Im just glad you're trying to help. I tried adding shadows and better reflections but with the blur, the rendering time was just too long.
Made completely from scratch. The model was made in 3ds Max. Used the lathe modifier on the king's shape, nothing advances, you can find countless tutorials about how to do this. For lighting I used a b&w HDR image. (5 years and 3518 days ago)
I'm repeating myself here.. but 90% of the pictures need a proper background.. and this is one of them. Make a nice, clean and colorful chessboard and this will look so much better. You can also show your skills with the board.The piece itself is very clean and nicely done.
(Well, any kind of background. Be it a table, a satin cushion, some clothing or anything else..)
author says:
I'm satisfied about my background. As the contest moderator said it should look like a real macro shot. I used a "digital white box" for my background just like a photograph may do it.
Well, I'm assuming it's a glass texture and it would look a lot better with something showing through. But anyways, the piece itself is very good work, solid and clean.
Nice image, would like to see an SBS. Did you have the caustics turned on? Which render engine did you use? vray, scanline, or mentalray? Did you use any fill lights to enhance the HDR image? I do like this, I just wish you could expand on your explanation with an SBS.
author says:
I didn't use any renders in 3ds Max. Normally I Would use Mental Ray but for this clean untextured scene I used KeyShot 2 with a custom build shader.
Warlock [banned] says:
Nice modeling, do feel that the background is lacking contrast.
Looks good, however on a standard CPU the pins are only on one side.
I know that, this is a technically accurate model based on a spare CPU I have used in the photography competition. The model is placed on a reflective surface which is why you can see darker pins, though they are just reflections.
really cool image author
Howdie stranger!
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