Your theme for this contest is the four classic Elements: earth, air, fire and water. You can also be creative and use a combination and variations of the four basic elements.
Examples - Fire: Passion, luminosity, sparks. Earth: Terrestrial, terra firma, sphere. Air: heavens, ventilation, ambience. Water: Tears, drench, saliva. Pre-built meshes are not allowed. SBS guides are mandatory. Have fun,
Warlock: Just to clarify: If you wish to model just one of the four classic elements this is fine. The combinations and variations are there to give the author’s more creative freedom if they so wish. ( 5 years and 3354 days ago )
secretsather: I'm still not clear on this one. Do we need to include all 4 elements or just one? ( 5 years and 3354 days ago )
secretsather: Ah, you answered my question while I was asking it. Thanks. ( 5 years and 3354 days ago )
Contest Moderator: 8.1. Step by Step Guides: SBS guides are mandatory for 3D contests and MUST contain a brief description with each step.
Please can members start including a description with each step of their SBS. Screenshots are great, but describe nothing. If you do not include a brief description with each step, your SBS will be declined. As from next week (Mask contest) you will also automatically get a warning, which means your entry will be temporarily removed from the contest until you rectify it. Sorry these are the rules, and have been since the start of 3D contests.
C'mon guys, if you can do an SBS, you can add a description too.... Plus it helps other members, who do not do 3D to read what you have done. ( 5 years and 3343 days ago )
Mad: Thanks for reiterating this mod. ( 5 years and 3343 days ago )
mircea: I would have appreciated a warning on my 2 removed entries from this contest.. But it's ok.. as long as we start doing this from next week! ( 5 years and 3342 days ago )
Contest Moderator: Mircea your entries weren't removed for not having a description on their sbs guides. They were removed for other reasons. Of which you are aware. ( 5 years and 3342 days ago )
mircea: They could have been easily fixed by just removing the problematic mesh... anyway, i've put them as free stock and in my album .. i'll submit others instead. ( 5 years and 3342 days ago )
rohith: Been working all night to submite for the contest and just now i finished, contest closed. sad, ill try for other active contests i guess. ( 5 years and 3339 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Great shot, i love the mood. Looks real...excellent. GL
Warlock [banned] says:
It’s a Very pleasing visual image on the whole and nicely model. But I feel that the exposure settings are making the lighting look a little to dim for me personally. From the backdrop it is only just twilight. I also see from your SBS you are using standard lighting I’d recommend configuring the exposure for the interior lights, then dial up the multiplier just a small amount. Other options are using IES profiles on photometric lights. This would automatic give you a lighter and more accurate scene in the way of lighting. Or using a night time/evening HDR with the help of a light or too. Devils in the detail…..
yip yap yabble yaa yaa.. (I couldn't do it.. so I think it's TERRIFIC...hehehehe) now if I could just sneak in a bottle of vodka and some Kahlua I'd be all set.. with lots of cream!!!
This is a great looking pic nicely done.
From what Warlock says, have you checked out Linear Workflows, there are a few tutorials out there to add to your arsenal.
Nice image. Maybe I would slightly adjust the ice so it was less translucent. The fire looks well, but I'm having a hard time with the edges, they somehow need softening, and the glow intensity maybe should be more centered towards the hottest part of the fire in the middle. But overall a nice image. Well modeled, with some tweaks to the textures this could be outstanding.
author [banned] says:
Many thanks everybody for your suggestions and kind comments is very much appreciated.
Update in progress..........
author [banned] says:
Updated the fire with softer edges. I did not add more intensity to the middle of the fire, as from the visual refs I took a quick look at before I did any major changes you only see this intense glow which looks to come from the center when there are multiple objects alight at once. Same with the melting ice cube it is highly translucent when in this semi dissolved state. Still valid points and made me re-evaluate my work so great feed back.......
Cool idea but still needs a little work just to Increase the realism. The render is not bad but could be improved im guessing this is a HDR environment do you have any lights as well? If not then add one directional light not to strong to help reduce the noise with no shadow type and 250 samples to start with. The water drop is good but looks un-natural due to there are no ripples in the waters surface adding these will improve the realism.
I think ripples would add to the realism also, how about a wavy spline ~~~~ and rotate the same way as you made the glass.
author says:
@Warlock - Yes, I've been aware of the shadow noise, although it be ever so minimal. If you look at the high res, there is one ripple in the water right next to the drop, and perhaps a few more wouldn't hurt maybe added with some noise displacement.
*Edit - I went ahead and upped the samples and added a few ripples with a noise displacement on the top (to try and simulate the randomness of it all)
This has the potential to be outstanding. My problem is the caustics are wrong. This is the reason you are getting Black blocks on your glass and water. The easy way to rectify this is to change the environment to white. The caustics need extending, as all of the subject matter is transparent. and water bends light quite strongly. As for the shadows being noisy, I struggled with this for a long time. This is a combination of render settings and light settings. There is no easy fix for this. I know they're not as noisy as they were. What anti aliasing engine are you using. I would suggest Adaptive DMC. This is by far the better filter. Great job overall though. A bit more work on the caustics and shadows and this would be awesome!
author says:
@r1k3r - I disagree with you. The white and black were purposely put in there to give the object a dynamic look, otherwise everything would be a pale white. It's got nothing to do with caustics (look the word up).
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
This is a pretty nice image author. The only thing I would suggest is to use some lens effects on the camera you used to make the sun less "flat" The lens flare and glow effects would be a good place to start. check out this tutorial for an excellent planet scene. There's nothing more beautiful than the Earth. This has captured my imagination. Well done author.
author says:
Thanks r1k3r, i thought about lens effects, and know a lot of people don't seem to like them. But now you have suggested (and i must admit i like them) i will update scene. Many thanks
Truth is photoshoppers will never like Lens effects Don't know why? But when it comes to space almost always there will be some lens flare and glow effects because of the nature of the sun This is a beautiful image and well done. Just tweak the camera slightly. and this will look like the sun rising over the Earth. Which for those that have actually seen it must be amazing! well done author.
author says:
r1k3r used your sugestion and i think it looks more powerful now, thanks.
Great shot, i love the mood. Looks real...excellent. GL
It’s a Very pleasing visual image on the whole and nicely model. But I feel that the exposure settings are making the lighting look a little to dim for me personally. From the backdrop it is only just twilight. I also see from your SBS you are using standard lighting I’d recommend configuring the exposure for the interior lights, then dial up the multiplier just a small amount. Other options are using IES profiles on photometric lights. This would automatic give you a lighter and more accurate scene in the way of lighting. Or using a night time/evening HDR with the help of a light or too. Devils in the detail…..
yip yap yabble yaa yaa.. (I couldn't do it.. so I think it's TERRIFIC...hehehehe) now if I could just sneak in a bottle of vodka and some Kahlua I'd be all set.. with lots of cream!!!
Kind'a like it!
Great job showing the breeze! I know that can't be easy to do and you pulled it off well.
This is a great looking pic nicely done.
From what Warlock says, have you checked out Linear Workflows, there are a few tutorials out there to add to your arsenal.
super cool work author...very intelligent approach...well done
I like it... lighting and all.
Congrats for 1st, great job.
Congrats Helen...great entry...
Congrats on 1st, lovely image
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: