Christmas Modeling - 3D Contest [5 entries]

tree photo shoot Picture

Winning entry, with a score of:
Contest goal:

Create a scene with a Christmas tree. It must be real and It must have some decoration in it (lights or/and baubles or something else - choice is yours). You can place some gifts under the tree or place it in forest or in house near the fireplace. Try to express Christmas the atmosphere with a fantastic 3D Christmas tree. (Main object is Christmas tree, all the rest is optional).

Status: finished. Check out the winners below!

itgik: With the statement "It must be real" is that implying that the tree has to be a traditional chrismas tree and not styilzed in any way? ( 5 years and 3002 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @itgik: traditionally a Christmas tree is a fir tree, you are allowed to make some variety on this, but only fir trees are allowed. ( 5 years and 3002 days ago )
itgik: Cheers for the clarification. We are just an untraditional bunch out here in Australia. Had a Eucalypt christmas tree last yeat. Who knows what this year. ( 5 years and 3002 days ago )
Jacu: HEY! It's mine suggestion - nice, but why I am not mentioned here ? ( 5 years and 3002 days ago )
CoyDog: I assume that you cannot use some sort of tree generator to create the tree it self. Is this correct ? ( 5 years and 2997 days ago )
Jacu: I think you can't use any tree generator. You must model it. ( 5 years and 2996 days ago )
Eladine: my name wasnt meantioned either on the last 2 accepted suggestions i made for photoshop contest ( 5 years and 2988 days ago )
Eladine: something must have gone wrong ( 5 years and 2988 days ago )

Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:


tree photo shoot - created by mircea

tree photo shoot
Favs: 1SBS: 20Hi-resRank: 1/5Score: 72.4% (43)15563 views

(5 years and 2989 days ago)

Merry Christmas! - created by JustinRSA

Merry Christmas!
Favs: 0SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 2/5Score: 70.5% (36)15608 views

Take a look at the hi-res and see if there is a gift for you! (5 years and 2995 days ago)

3 Sources:

Blue Magic - created by Jacu

Blue Magic
Favs: 1SBS: 14Hi-resRank: 3/5Score: 68.5% (29)23708 views

3ds max & PhotoShop (5 years and 2988 days ago)

merry christmas - created by mircea

merry christmas
Favs: 1SBS: 25Hi-resRank: 4/5Score: 68.2% (4)11904 views

(5 years and 2991 days ago)

Merry Christmas - created by Ory

Merry Christmas
Favs: 0SBS: 19Hi-resRank: 5/5Score: 65.6% (1)10536 views

My depiction of a Merry Christmas Scene (5 years and 2988 days ago)