niravr212: can i add Person blood mark, bullets, markers in final jpg from photoshop ? ( 5 years and 2494 days ago )
Contest Moderator: @Niravr212: simple and short 'no'. Post processing in PS is allowed, this means color adjustments and so on. Adding objects in PS after the final 3D render is made is not allowed. ( 5 years and 2493 days ago )
niravr212: really sorry for that type of word... i promise that nothing happen in future..really sorry for all that. ( 5 years and 2493 days ago )
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A FPS that was rendered in 3d max vray fume fx and post work in PS and AE to get this cool look, and i will tell you how in the sbs (5 years and 2493 days ago)
Hi...this scene is the small part of the game.Using texture from CG TEXTURE and gun modeling done by me and box to.
All modelling done in 3ds max 2013. (5 years and 2492 days ago)
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I hope you weren't expecting Skyrim. I've played video games since before there was 3D. This is an homage to the first 3D first person shooter. I spent many hours playing that one. (5 years and 2502 days ago)
Nice job
Thanks for your appreciation; see you soon.
Howdie stranger!
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