After searching out Bluebeard's treasure, our brave adventurer finds only the bones of the last man to try. (5 years and 2420 days ago)
- 1: Skeleton
- 2: Chest pattern
After searching out Bluebeard's treasure, our brave adventurer finds only the bones of the last man to try. (5 years and 2420 days ago)
(5 years and 3165 days ago)
The black lumps in the background are distracting, since it's hard to clearly make out what they are. The tool chest almost glows in contrast next to them, but great "egg feet" under it.
Edit: THANK YOU! I would not have guessed those to be tires if you paid me. Now they show quite well.
Your shadows are still a bit inconsistent, as the open drawer shows a light shadow beneath it, signifying an overhead light source, while the lip on the bottom drawer shows a somewhat diagonal upper RH light source, and you then have a *too* strong shadow on the right, near the bottom, that is not applied to every other object in the scene.
hehe, eggs, hehe
See the SBS. The lights are doing the shadow work as if in the real world. As far as all the talk about how scratched up and banged up my tool box is or should be and the glossiness of those tires that I put into this composition, so what ... I did this on the fly because I wanted to...this piece took all of 3 hours of my IDLE time and is just here because I did this for fun and not money or fame. Thank You for the suggestions and critique perhaps soon I may indeed amaze all of you all and put up a render that I decided to spend 40 hours of my HOBBY time to complete. Peace Ya'll . Oh and BTW good luck to all of the competitors in this competition...for those of you that have not tried to put something in this 3D category, all I can say is you ought to try it you might learn something new and have some FUN doing it.
Looks like tires to me, even without hi-res. Great idea for this contest, author.
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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