(5 years and 3151 days ago)
- 1: by Nanagyei
(5 years and 3214 days ago)
nice 3d effects..,
Fantastic work author...table look fantastic...i like usage of glass material so much...best of luck
nice one -- a bit tough to apply "English" to a table of glass (LOL)
Howdie stranger!
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3ds Max Mental Ray
comments/question welcomed (5 years and 3220 days ago)
Nice job
Excellent work here author, GL
Fantastic design, very realistic, great job.
thanks for the comments and votes
Great piece of work author...well done
Congrats for your second place!
Congratulations for 2nd
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3220 days ago)
Good 'N' new concept ... author, Gud Luck..
Very nice, love it. But it needs a SBS Many thanks.
Very original and very well constructed. NICE!
Hrm, how would the balls go down the holes if they are floating?
the balls will go down the same way the water goes down. The water is continuosly circulated to maintain the level within the pool area (similar to an infinity edge swimming pool)
Great idea.
no offence ! just IMO....too much similarity with this model and it's free on the web.... http://www.archibase.net/download/30374.html......and i try to render that, and look at what i obtained...https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B2xro3CDJYn5YzE3ZDEzYTUtM2M4Yi00NzI5LTk5NWEtNTE4MjYwOTc4MWU1&hl=en&authkey=CKzih5oB....nice pool table with too much similarity!? (I don't think you can get in step 2 that the shape that you wanted to suggest us...IMO !!!) So, I am not convinced that you did this pool table...
and if you want, here: http://www.pxleyes.com/xxxxxxxxxxxxx, i can prove to you that the boat it's not your conception!...do you want that....
Hrm, very interesting genuine!!! Looks like the author has been caught out cheating!
If this is true than I really have no respect for you at all author.
similar is putting it mildly
hi genuine Can u check Final Image n SBS now...
.....author....you are not corectly.....the idea is that you tried to "cheat"....you don't have the courage to assume what you did?!....ok...going in life!
hahahahahahaha...fantastic concept and great execution...best of luck
Howdie stranger!
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Sorry for incomplete SBS.
the pictures i tried to upload got deleted. (5 years and 3221 days ago)
Great work author, GL
Hey this is really good. I have never used any 3d programs what so ever, but I do play pool at least 5 times a week. the shadows and highlights don't seem right to me... other wise this is great! I may use it as a desktop image if that is ok with you?....
it is okay with me ...
P.S. i have never played pool before
Author Gud work done but there is a major defect..as u said that u never played pool before so its obvius that u wud not know abt it....
In pool board the pockets don't protrude out like that..the way u have made it...the pockets should be aligned with the corner beams....the faulty positioning of the corner pockets are not so visible but the middle pockets are not supposed to be like that...have a look at some of the pool board images on the internet...u will sure figure it out what i am supposed to mean...gud luck friend...god bless you
great work...GL
Howdie stranger!
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sorry to say, this angle gives me the impression that the golf ball photo is taken at closer to the camera...

but this is nice, I would like to see it improved
ha, yes I like this.
Nice creative idea, would have love to see these golf balls scattered all the way along the field. Watch your camera dose not over shoot the mark. (See step three) Should be around where the golf ball is so your foreground is in focus and the D.O.F. is shallow.....
Howdie stranger!
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