3 DS Max, mental ray render
No 2 D graphic program.
If you are curious how to create a hallo light in 3D and deform it in 3 min ( render time included) see SBS. (5 years and 3743 days ago)
Somwhere, in Universe, an advanced civilization live a message on a planet where life is just beggining...
LOL, actually I had in mind â€2001- A Space Odysey†, my all time fav SF movie. If you didnt see it i cant explain what is the golden box on the ground.
3 DS Max, render with Mental Ray.
Organics are sculpted in ZBrush.
No 2 D graphic program, no external sources. (5 years and 3744 days ago)
It's great except the shadows, they look like squares.
wlado, the ground is very bumped, very out of level. thats why the shadow is not uniform. is not made by me, like in photoshop, is a realistic mental ray shadow map.
I was reffering to the shadows of plants, animals and such, but i see that you have already correctd that, cause when I commented they were really low-detailed. I know what bumpmaps are. =)
Really like the water effect...perhaps soften the edge where the water meets sand...
Thanks, pixelkid, you're right. Blur tool from PS is forbiden on 3d contests.What can be done in 5 sec in PS suppose few hours to work on Max. Have to make selections, to assign different materials blured on Mat editor. Maybe I shall try.
I'd reduce the intensity of the shadows & blur them a bit, and give some dimension to the 2 moons. Otherwise it's a good image.
Howdie stranger!
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Modeled using 3ds max. I think the true future of mankind looks more bleak than surreal and so this is my adaptation of a future where cities are lock-down zones with military checkpoints for entry and exit. Kind of like in the tv series Dark Angel. (5 years and 3750 days ago)
I like it. It's as if it comes out of a terminator movie.
Very bleak, I like it
In my opinion it should be a bit lighter.. but good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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3 DS max, V-Ray render.
No 2D graphic program, all maps are procedural, no external sources.
(5 years and 3751 days ago)
It looks great, but, the image is supposed to be a cityscape. That means a view of the whole city or from bird perspective... So, just change the camera angle and do some tweaks. =) I'm holding my vote for now =)
LOL, wlado, I have not wings and my cat refuse to take the camera when she jump in trees. You can vote, man, i shall not change a single vertex.There is no camera to view ALL the buildings in a town. So, how many buildings form a cityscape ? 5, 6 maybe 10 or 100 ? And why strictly from the top or side ? To be sure we have nothing original in our works? Finally, a quote from Razor's comment which I love (the comment, not Razor) â€I think some people need to remember that with art, and themes, we should use the theme as a starting point, not a finishing point,â€
Why from top or side? Because that is supposed to be a cityscape. =P A view of a city as a whole, or a part of it, not view of sky from the city. Your work looks cool, but really, I'm not gonna fall for few simple buildings that look good because of the camera angle. People here have made whole, structired and detailed cities, they designed them, arranged them.. Get what I'm aiming at? I know you don't have wings. But hey, guess what, you don't have a travelling mashine neither, but still you made something futuristic =P It's not a cityscape, but it's supposed to be. So I suggest fixing =)
wlado, usually I'm very open-mind to any technical, compositional or any kind of artistic critic. But discussions about on/off theme are endless and waste of time. I hope you have the artistic knowlege to do a better critic comment than to hang on this problem like a dog on a dry bone. However, I shall keep in my mind that I found a good camera angle for cityscapes , this is a good beginning for your future critics, GL
interesting change from the usual perspective -- nice work
OK, as you wish..... =)
I like the perspective chosen here. Nice job, author!
this reminds me of that movie called the 7 elements or something like that with bruce willis
right jaescoe, is The ffth element by Luc Besson,, I think of that movie
Good to see things from a different perspective. Good job
Great perspective
I love the 5th element.
Hey! I see Mila Jovovich falling from the sky!! Great job.
yay, something unique You've done a good job author, i don't know how to do 3d but this is my fav in the contest... this is realistic
Howdie stranger!
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Made in bryce 5.5...
no outside sources used...
used ps for minor color adjustments
The buildings will be built even in water!!!
We can move from one planet to another with the help of UFO's....and there will also be flying cars too!!!!
(5 years and 3754 days ago)
thanks a lot Missy
Nice! The texture on the buildings is not appealing to me, it's kinda off, but the rest is great! =D
interesting sky colours.. nice work
nice work, very good sbs
Nice image and great use of Bryce! I personally don;t like the green colour around the image, but i asmire the fact that this was done in bryce. Your Step By Step guide is excellent and should be made into a tutorial ASAP!!
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Cool effect, but how does this relate to exo planets? Off theme.... =/
ok, wlady, you: re a real watch dog of on/off themes. as a reward for your good theme suggestion i completely change the entry keeping only the important thing, the light effect. this is an exception, pls notice that i found complete boring and useless on/offtheme discussions . for the future pls use the red flag, we have a mod contest who will remove the off theme entries.
Hey, calm down man! I was just trying to help for goodnes sake! Instead of being a dick and just flagging the image, I tend to help and be constructive first. So take a chill pill, it's not world's end if someone criticizes your work! Learn to accept it.
effrontery and insolence...lamentable...just ignore
ego-centrism and ignorance... miserable.... just ignore.
wlado ... you always have something to say, the world does not revolve around you!!!! ... everyone has an opinion and some thoughts, better or worse!!! ..but how do you know this???...and I have been threatened by Mr wlado!
))))))I beg your pardon! Mr EXO wlado!!!
))) for him everyone is ignorance!!!! yuhuhuhuhuhuu........
WHAT?!?! I never threatened you, you're an idiot and you don't know English. I told you it's not a threat, it's how you say it, I said: "Hey, I just gave you a friendly advice about rules.... Don't blame me later when you get your images taken off the contests..... ". Anyone with a slightest knowledge of English knows this is not a threat!! Next, about my comments here, I did not neglect authors opinions, neither I said the world spins around me. I just gave him an advice how to make the image better. And get rid of me, you really tend to 'follow' me on here and disagree with me on everything.
Continued... You are contradicting yourself genuine. Everyone has an opinion? Well, so do I. It's a contest, and I'm giving my constructive opinion, that's why it's called 'COMMENTS', and that's why they exist. Stop checking my every comment and trying to disapprove it! And the author was the one who started this argument in the first place. You may beg for my pardon but you won't get it. I did not threat you, and I'm willing to show publicly all the PMs we exchanged, and let the people decide if you think it was a threat. The world doesn't spin around me, but it seems that you do. Grow up.
I am an idiot .... you are the best idiot of how many existing!!!!
))) say cheese...or just smile!!!!
What, nothing else to say? Nothing to back it up? Silence speaks the volume.....
Awesome!Good luck!
Guys, relax please! It's not a great image and not worth getting into flame wars about. Sheesh...
simple but interesting..
Howdie stranger!
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