3ds Max 2011 (5 years and 2880 days ago)
(5 years and 2850 days ago)
nice one -- like how the symbol is reflected int the upper edge of the glass
Looks very good and real, i'm not so sure about the letters on the wood tho.
good job author nice reflections gl
Very Nice! Congrats
well done. congrats!!
I really like it, it should be made real =)
Howdie stranger!
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This is a very simple figure, the most important step is the camera.
Done in Sketchup and 3ds max (5 years and 3193 days ago)
The simplicity is awesome!
Great stuff, bravo!!
now my EYES are all googly.. hehehe.. great job
This is a fine tribute to Escher. He would have liked this one.
I love it. High marks from me Author.
Very, very nice composition & techniques, Author! Love it & fave it!
Simply brilliant
Hi @mircea, I appreciate your comment, maybe you have reason in your point of view. In this simple composition I've worked on things that I've learned years ago on the School of Arts and then in the Graphic Design School.
This is a tribute to Escher, and I'm think I'm loyal to his style.
Make the figure bigger? Why? Am I breaking any rules of composition? No, I wanted to fill with silences the figure
Add color or new textures? Never in this composition, this is a tribute to Escher, if you know this artist then you know what's the point in my reasons.
I continue in the next comment:
Continue to @mircea: This is only 3 planes, I know, 3 minutes, I know, but this don't make this work worse than another renders I've done before that took me several hours, the time it took is not a reason to anathematize this work.
I'm surprised by the previous comments too, I've just starting to learn the 3D world but I think maybe the previous commenters catched the essence of my particular tribute and they appreciate the simplicity of forms, color and composition.
The last point: I've never googled "impossible" and take the first result, Escher is one of my favorite graphic artists.
Whatever the case even a simple thing can be great. Bauhaus
There are other very good entries in this contest and I love this type of stuff.
You just sit here and bash this entry for its simplicity, just wondering how many entries you got in here mircea. Everyone is learning here so that last sentence mentioning tracing? and wonder? balderdash.
lovely comments.
No mircea you have not said great and this is your opinion, I said what i needed to you in a pm.
I don't care to argue on a members entry. You said your piece now and I said mine.
Let the voters decide.
Howdie stranger!
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437,884,805 polygons, 2 CPU's rendering for 15 hours (5 years and 3123 days ago)
Did you do this in Vue?
Wow, this is such a good idea! Love it!!
You mean 437 Milion????????
Yes @Bitmap, I added a screen capture (8 in SBS)
Very cool way to use the pattern of a fractal!
Nice Congrats
Congrats, very impressive image!
Howdie stranger!
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Zbrush, 3ds max + vray (5 years and 2850 days ago)
good idea and well executed a few issues with textures but over all very nice, my fav. gl author
Very original.
Great concept for losers to have a trophy!
Nice Congrats!
congrats again
Howdie stranger!
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go to enblanco's profile
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Ani Difranco - Canon
She is from Buffalo, not Australian
For Those about! xD
We salute you!
Very nice work, author! Love the smoke.
Congrats for your second place, Enblanco!
congrats on your second i was saved by inches
Howdie stranger!
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