As soon as I snapped this shot I thought, "yup I just got that" he only bit his nose for a quick second. I just loved the moment and am so glad I had the opportunity to capture it! (5 years and 3153 days ago)
I had my model where extremely red lipstick. Then I desaturated the entire image a lot and because red was the only prominent color I think it really pops now. I'd love to select just the lips and really push it further, but that would be for a photoshop contest :) I also had to use a curses move to brighten it up a bit. As well as a bit of overall color correction to give it that sorta green tone, and some contrast adjusting. The whole image was lit by one light bulb in a hallway. (5 years and 3202 days ago)
A cool building just up the street from my parents house. I think this was roughly a 30 second exposure. In post I kept wanting to do some sort of color swing or sharpening effect, but nothing I did seemed to make it any better. Just goes to show that sometimes a picture stands its ground! I did end up doing just a slight brightness contrast move to make my blacks a tad darker than they were. (5 years and 3189 days ago)
There is a wonderful Penguin exhibit at a zoo in Syracuse NY. I just did a bit of brightness contrast, some color editing, and a touch of sharpening. I was going to clean up some of the little scratches and floaties, but I wasn't sure if that counted as something you could edit, plus I kinda like the little details so I left them. And the vignetting is done in camera, I have a little wide angle lens that screws onto the end of my other lenses and if you zoom all the way out you can see the edges in the corners. I liked how it gave this particular capture more a fish bowl feel. (5 years and 3238 days ago)
go to Robart523's profile
Fun shot!
I don't think he was biting. Looking for something in particular! : )
hahaha yes I think I know just what you mean, perhaps thats why he only held like this for a second, it was not what he was looking for
Absolutely beautiful
Great shot!!!
very emotional, nice work
Howdie stranger!
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