He was tired of his job...Everyone was laughing at him...His wife was sleeping with the king...He had had enough of this...He decided to give an end to his miserable life...R.I.P. Joker... (5 years and 3760 days ago)
That's gotta hurt! LOL!
Take it easy guys!It's my 1st entry!LOL (5 years and 3925 days ago)
LOL very funny idea good luck!
you should change the position of the lower hedgehog... right now it really hurt! good luck!
haha, love the tongue!
THIS IS A FAMILY SITE, NOT AN ANIMAL PORN SITE..sheesh.. Morals AUTHOR.. MORALS!!!. (sheepish grin) HIGH mark for the addition of the tongue.. hehehehehe
Good one! Where's the humor bar??!!
What a pervie! :P
lol I think they ran, one is tired, other one is all right?
nah!the dude at the top is just too excited! LOL!
the bottom one looks bored, lol, good luck =)
tapiona that's why she looks that way, she is bored! Great entry, good luck.
hehehe great
Hahaha - i would try and chage a few things on the top one to make it less obvious of a cut'n'paste. Maybe flip the foot or something? GL.
Lol, like the tongue XD
LOL Well done!
Good one very funny.
ha ha !!! very funny
This is so cute
I almost spit my coffee all over my laptop when I saw this!! Hilarious!!!
lol, made me laugh, excellent.
Gosh.... Kinda agree with animmax though about the paw. And not sure, but it's a tongue there outside the mouth, no? Shouldnt it be a bit more coming from under the mouth? Would be funny to rotate the eye from the lower hedge hog so it looks more like the eyes from this emoticon
. Good luck!
thanks a lot for the comments guys!annimax and wazowski,i'll try your suggestions tomorrow!
*EDIT*:I made some changes!Hope it's better now!
Oh my gosh...hahahahha
LOL. Nice one
great very funny
good job and good luck
oh my ;p that made me sit up straight and shed a tear lol
LOL! Ouch indeed. The expressions are just perfect Good luck!
LOL : Funny entry.
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
hey congrats Alex
Congrats Giggles second place, great!!!
Congratulations for 2nd
congrats Alex !!!!!!!
Thank you guys!
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It took me a while toget everything right...feel free to comment and give suggestions... (5 years and 3824 days ago)
As far as I can tell, they have no legs and one has a cigar up his nose...
EDIT: Aha! Legs!
Good eye CMYK.. i didn't think about the legs, i thought that the chairs should have a small shadow under the chair itself... good luck though, great creativity!
Check the high res CMYK...You can see parts of the legs...And as for the cigar,it's on it's mouth...what are you talking about?
NVM...I fixed it...Thanks for the suggestions guys...
Good idea. Yeh the cigar does look like its in his nose lol. Also the cards have perspective issues. Good luck and well done!
The cigar is on it's mouth...check the high res or the last step of my SBS...EDIT:Thanks a lot for the suggestion and the comment pixelkid...I'll fix it as soon as possible...EDIT.2: Fixed!
Great job on this. I love stuff made from scratch...that being said...choose which alpaca you want to keep and change the other's lighting. Right now, they are both being lit from behind...choose one and darken the back of it and lighten the front.
EDIT: Looks
It looks more like the cigar is shoved up the alpaca's nose than in its mouth lol... Also 1 of those alpacas is cheating as both have an ace of spades and one has an ace of hearts, which is on the table.
Actually the right one is holding a queen of hearts but it's not clearly visible...But i'll fix it...
wonderful idea and good work. Love the way you made the background. I agree with other about the cigar in the nose, but hey, who says one can't smoke like that? I know people they shove the tobacco up the nose, so why not a cigar? The cards on the table are huge compared to the ones they hold in their hands. But the overall image is terrific.
Congrats for your third place!
congrats Alexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !!!!!!!
congrats this is so funny!!! its my fav now!!!
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I hope you guys like it! :) (5 years and 3788 days ago)
High res is excellent, and it;s a very creative entry. Good luck!
Love the spooky little forms. This is a terrific image! GL
very good work! gl
love the color there...
Good job, so like I almost made a similar entry... Good Luck
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My first +8 contest!I hope you guys like it... (5 years and 3752 days ago)
Very nice image! Good colour choices, and congrats on reaching level 8!
Love the whole blue mood
Where are the little fishies...?
cool drawing author. a touch of sea life would have provided a nice touch to this image. Well done.
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Wow I really like the mood and how you completely turned it around from the original source! Great job, and good luck.
I don't know whether I can say it's a nice idea
but it's a very good work!
Oh great!
I completely agree with Ponti here. The mood and the colours are fantastic, just like the idea. Also a very good blending job! The only thing I would suggest it to change his mouth a bit. I would place it a bit higher, right now it's more or less on his chin. But other than that it's a really great picture! Good luck 
Thanks a lot guys...I'll fix the mouth in a minute...

Edit:Sharpened the background,fixed the mouth...Thanks!
I also love this image.........The tree could use a LOT of sharpening to match the rest of the picture in the high res but, all in all, I really like it!
nice composition and mood
Great mood and color, but the tree shadow doesn't work...
Yeah...I was thinking about adding it...I'll remove it right away!
Edit:Shadow removed, thanks CMYK!
Glad i held off my vote. Love the changes. Good choice of stock images author. they work well together. YOu have indeed created an interesting mood and turned the original happy image into a dark creation. A wonderful artistic outcome. WELL DONE.
Excellent mood and nice transformation.
The world lost some color when he did.... Good job; well composed and blended. For an extra touch of realism, you could twist his head a little sideways...
WOW ! Love this... really nice work !
Ok, so, this is too cool! Wicked imagination!
Very nice work here....Maybe u have do add a bit more shadow on his face.Hat cover's his face from ray's of light so u have to dark a shine a bit.....Great work again....
nice work,gl
looks great!..
wow... GREAT job
very original, good color and contrast balance
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats for your first place, Giggles!
congrats!, well deserve
Congrats, nice work
Thanks a lot guys!
congrats Alexxxxxxxxxxx!
Absolutely stunning work! Creative as well as great execution.
Really Amazing Work, I like to Learn.
Congratulations Giggles
nice chop my friend 
ALEX!!! Good job!!! *pround internet Auntie* heheh
Howdie stranger!
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