(5 years and 3939 days ago)
- 1: Oval frame
(5 years and 3944 days ago)
I like it very very cool good luck!
nice idea.. gl
No word of a lie...this is the best one so far! Very original, very nicely done...! Top score for the resemblance of the two subjects - the thistle and the hedgehog! Very good use of liquifying and warping! Very subtle colors! I'm impressed! Good luck!
nice work
Nice work
i admire and do not touch it! beaaauutiful! good luck!
wow, good luck and great job, very creative!!!!!!
VEEERY nicely done! Unexpected for me GL!
really great..
a great idea! odlicno!
this is great!
Nice work, I really like it
very cool.. good luck
Way to think...good luck!
good job man good luck olso
nice work author
innovative idea
very well done author
Beautiful! Great idea Good luck!
very creative, and a great work. I would just make the thorn's edges sharper, now there are to blurry. Good luck!
Congrats, nice work
Congrats!Well deserved first place!
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
Congratulations for 1st
Thank you for your votes. I'm so proud
Congrats for 1st
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3128 days ago)
great idea really cute
very good but why it is a blue shadow ?
Don't know why but I really do like this image
I'm with Keiley22, this one really has appeal.
Thank you all for nice comments
Withoutdash, I'm afraid I don't understand...what do you mean blue shadow?
this is very nice
awesome work author.love it
high vote and fav for you
best luck
Howdie stranger!
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Aphrodite - Goddess of love, lust, beauty, wife of Hephaestus. Ares is her lover. Eros is her son. Known as the most beautiful of the Greek goddesses. Her symbols are the scepter, myrtle, and dove. (5 years and 3932 days ago)
gud work.....but I am expecting some better background.....
Hey Author... work on the TITLE.. it's all Greek to me... BWHAA HAA HAA HAA.. oh dear.. that was un called for..hehehe.. great Piece.. very lovely
Ellhnas eisai file?
so where are the scepter, myrtle, and dove? how can i know it's her, without you mentioning it? her body posture seems unnatural to me
Might have been good to include scepter, myrtle, and dove, no?
nice job
Nice image great work on the hair really do need the scepter, myrtle, and dove!
Nice. In case you have the hair as apart layer, I'd use liquify (carefully!) to give the hair an even more wavier look. Make the curves softer and more elegant, imo they're a bit rough now. To give the goddess a bit more sensual feeling, you could add some eyelids (but watch out she doesnt look like she's falling asleep ). And yes, if she has certain symbols, she should carry them. Coloring is nicely done! Good luck!
good but if u use real human incase of artistic will be better also u can add a lot things to the background like two lovers at back
good work
Howdie stranger!
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All source pictures are downloaded from www.sxc.hu (5 years and 3945 days ago)
hehe nice
nice result and good totorial GL no hires image?
ummm, no longer hungry, tyvm good luck
Clever, I like it, one problem, whats that weird gray putty stuff? I guess its the base Nice entry tho.
The is very good and the tutorial you found is cool.. you may want to try and make the plastic wrap more smooth.. it still looks good but it has the feel more like one of the seal a meal thingies which sucks all the air out.. this is just fine though... GOOD LUCK
interesting idea nice chop good luck!
Good work
made me giggle, and i dont laugh much at pictures. well done.
nice idea
oh - dehydrated pizza.. um. ok.. GL.
Different! Great idea
hhahah awesome idea!!!
good job and good luck
hahahahahahahahah, its all i can say!
good idea, but the shadow seenms a little too saturated.
Awesome one! Great idea author, my favourite so far!GL
Undone pizza o.o "Open here to build up your pizza as you best wish" :P
Congratulations, celebrations, well done Keep up the good work
you did very well
Howdie stranger!
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go to Milena's profile
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cinderellie cinderellie..dern it.. I'm too big to sing like a mouse... GOOD LUCK.. very cute interpretation
cool idea well done good luck!
Aww, how sweet! Well done Author.
that reflection make me maaaaaaaaaaaad!!!
Nice job, good luck.
nice work
beautiful work.. gl
very nice
very Creative
very nice
very very pretty............................................gl
nice work
Looks extremely good
, but what is that in the window?
I agree with an earlier comment, whats in the mirror? That part could be more interesting.
It's not mirror
it's supose to be a curtain..oh well
Thank you for your comments
So pretty! All the deatils are no nice and cute
Really good
very sweet. High res looks nice
Pretty ok. If it's a curtain inside the window, you may want to reduce the light a bit and give some shadow from the frame on the curtain. Then you create a bit more depth and looks less like some mirror reflection. The reflection under the carriage should be a bit different (you'd be able to see more from the bottom). Good luck!
Sinderella's pumpkin? great!
okay i want to be a pricness! only if i can ride in that!
you did very well, keep going
Howdie stranger!
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