only source image used here
and the rest donr free handy (5 years and 3926 days ago)
I already submitted this contest at the old PST site
and i used a source images from PST stock photos...
i tried to find them here but i couldn't , the Author of the background cow pic is : Hilleke .
and the Author of the elephant pic was: Trojan
i hope they dont mind to use it here again , and i hope the Moderators won't mind too !!
the skin of the elephant i used from 1 of my CD'd photos collection . as shown in a print screen . (5 years and 3832 days ago)
go to bbunni1404's profile
very nice thought. clever!!
heheheh I like this one
well done
Good imagination and nice execution.......G/L Author.
he is so cute
Holeyyyyy?... I don't get it... Please explain the title Author.. it's killing me... I NEED TO KNOW WHY???.. hehehe (and the presence of the Uvula is absolutely incredible) high High HIGH MARKS!!!! (Still explain Holeyyyy.. it's going to bug the crap out of me all day.. hehehe (and daring to add the fourth finger to the cartoon/animated is AWESOME)
EDIT: AUTHOR.. NOW IT REALLY MAKES SUPER SENSE!!!! thank you.. I'm a very white Gringo hehehe (I was saying HOLY and couldn't understand. I'm much better now..hehe)
Very nice cutie work.
very nice... good luck
good one......................................gl
Great fun!
Just remove the shadow from beneath the cactus so it doesn't look like it's floating, and straighten the bar thing that holds the strings...
thanks to all for your nice comments ... and i fixed your (notes ) CMYK ,, thanks alot
GolemAura... looool,, well.... when spanish or mexican country singers ,sing they always shouting HOLAYYYY during the music to warm up the dancers or the audience.... thats it hehehe ,,,thanks alot for your nice funny comment..!!
looks like a cartoon character
Great job, nothing to add! No wait......he cant tune his snare instrument/guitar...
Sander...now he can tune the gutiar ...loool.... thank u for your note,, and thanks to all for comments
Well done!
LOL.....Too Cute...Amazing Job
LOVE LOVE! Funny... tells a story... and it's got a great expression. nit picks: Shadow should be a little more underneath and t'wards the back. wishlist: bottom of guitar string holder is a little flat, and the stitches look a little strange, like they're not on the right surface. because the ones behind seem to connect to the part in front.
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! Great usage of source image and fantastic scene! Best of luck!
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice idea!!!
OMG.......absolutely apeechless......Its perfect illustration work....Love it......
I like the expression
thank you all so much for your nice comments ...

Congrats! Very well done.
you did very well
thanks to all voters
and commenters for the nice comments
Howdie stranger!
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