LKYYYs... Attaaaackkk!!! (5 years and 3918 days ago)
Mainly done in 3dsMax. I hope this is permited (5 years and 3916 days ago)
nice concept
almost don't all that water space.. might want to zoom in on the work so it can shine better.. it would create a more powerful piece and we could see more detail.. it's a nice concept but you really can't see the work.. good luck (though I'm partially blind so what do I know LOL)
3ds max work....absolutely permitted and absolutely gud work.....I whis this island wouldn't roll out...
lol nice work here. I agree with Golem, you should zoom in on the ball area.
Click on high resolution bros
ummm cool
IMHO I would crop for effect! Nice idea.
Howdie stranger!
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"You've been dealt the Ace of Spades" - Contaminated hypodermic needle - (5 years and 3917 days ago)
sources and SBS Please.. I'll wait till these are supplied before I vote.. really need to confirm the work before I can vote on it
don't doubt you ... don't know you.. though I've never ran into a junkie with love handles... hehehe.. you might want to do some liquefy to make a more gaunt appearance (research some Mapplethorpe self portraits.. he was brilliant at doing that kinda stuff, it also helped he was a real junkie).. good luck on this.. I'd try to make the track line more real as well.. they really are just laying on the surface.. might want to try a light pillow emboss..that will give more of a indention look (think multiple large needle bumps.. not just like red lines)
Had the opportunity to know A LOT of peeps of different persuasions (I used to hire people with .. err ummm Special Problems) gov't program thing.. long story
you doubt me GolemAura?? :p - You can't rely on Internet from where I come : ) patience bro
Thx for the tips GolemAura, but it's over 1 am here I 'am not intending to spend the rest of the night at home : ) Maybe I'll rework it tomorrow, tc
bro what is this work???? where is source, the teme is very strong but u have to do better to touch people not only pick a strong subject and trow it out to me this is nothing. good luck (and u should know that with a subject like this u will hurt sensitive people)
oh...totally confused...
Mariosilva, I have friends who got it, some weren't fast enough to treat it... so with all my repect don't preach me cause the only thing we did by then was joke about it.. This is not a tibute or anything, this just a modeste work of art that I enjoyed to do last night.. And the only 2 images that I used were taken by me.
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Entirely PhotoshopED :) (5 years and 3306 days ago)
I really like it author good job
i really like it2
The level of detail in the full res image is unbelievable! IMO, this is the best entry so far! No disrespect meant to others with entries
Great work and detail ... would love to have seen a different background ... or maybe he could have been landing in water that way your GREAT reflection could have been still been used but the image would have had more "story" to it ... just food for thought, I know I am late and there is nothing to be done now but just had to share my idea!
thx arca
Howdie stranger!
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Si Lom - This way >> (5 years and 3922 days ago)
thi is great! high quality would be awesome to see the detail in there, but it's a really imaginative image! well done!
very pretty image
simple but good
very nice
Nice work looks like its fitting rught in
Howdie stranger!
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you gots your self a LKY party LOL.. great color scheme.. good luck
interesting work
LOL......they all aren't in good mood.....
.....nice work.....
Its like lots of angry green smurfs! Excellent
very nice
good work
Howdie stranger!
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