Thanks to ''imstuck'' for source 1
Thanks to ''zotus'' for source 2
Thanks to ''suneko'' for source 3
Thanks to ''rabieshund'' for source 4 (5 years and 3617 days ago)
- 1: Ground
- 2: Planet
- 3: Fox
- 4: Star brush
Thanks to ''imstuck'' for source 1
Thanks to ''zotus'' for source 2
Thanks to ''suneko'' for source 3
Thanks to ''rabieshund'' for source 4 (5 years and 3617 days ago)
Thanks to "solstock" for source 1
Thanks to "flying-dolphin" for source 2
Thanks to "fuelfiredesire" for source 3 (5 years and 3636 days ago)
Because of your unique style, voting is not needed to know the author. Fantastic work and very realistic
I couldn't wait to vote! Very impressive...
Beautiful work as always, but I fail to see much use of the source other than the faint image in the background and a texture for the missile...seems a bit minimal to me, but I'll wait for the SBS.
Looks really good! Perfect landscape o.o
nice work
very nice entry ...ok I will no vote yet author
You can really feel it diving, good effect.
Based on the sbs, not much source is used except for the texture. Most of the image is made from 3-D model.
But nice job on the creativity
nice work.excelent finishing
Really nice
Super work.Great result.
one more favorite
nice work
GL on this entry!!
well done image... congrats on your second place...
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
C4D, CS3 and 1 source....
SBS is coming!!!! (5 years and 3678 days ago)
Well, what can I say: It looks amazing!!!
thanks a lot.....sunzet!
very good ,congrats, 4 the work
Very modern and futurist! Cool!!!
very nice!
Good Work....it looks similar to ESET NOD32 Antivirus robot
very good work!
This is really nice but it is not a 3D contest it's a photoshop contest!
tbh if you are going to judge it as a 3d work its not that impressive
@neverlander and ramib! as a 3d work, its not a 3d work....just a simple compilation!!!....and i don't wanna be to this work to be impressive...just a work, more or less!!!!
unlimited apreciation for that idea......
great work...fantastic for some comercial work...good luck author
u should use only photoshop
I agree. this is a photoshop contest.. It wouldn't be really fair using other programs to improve your work.. i don't know the rules very vell; but i don't think other programs than photoshop are allowed.. like "no manipulation in photography contest" .. Don't ask me..
ou god!!!!....guys....reading well the rules.....and then criticize me if necessary!!!
@li3N...just like an idea and i don't wannabe nusty! many more are not correct here .. but what can you do!? ... you look and shut up .. or say what you say and do nothing ...or you move on http://www.worth1000.com/ is available for me too, what I said here!!! GL !!!
using 3ds max or ny other 3d program is allowed................go and read some rules before crticizing, plus it is a decent manipulation in PS ...........btw great work author n GL
Cool work.
Great work.....and a great imagination.....Too good...
Really creative and perfect
Congrats for 2nd
nice ! congrats
thanks a lot for your comm. and congratulations!!!!!
Congrats on 2nd!
Congrats for your second place, Genuine!
thanks a lot again.....!!!
congrats on your 1st place
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
the globe it was made with C4D...and i'll post SBS...work on it!!!! (5 years and 3686 days ago)
Source links? SBS?
I've seen that cracked globe before... list your sources, please...
It's AMAZING!!!!! -But I'm not voting until I see sources and SBS..... I'm kinda skeptical about this... And yes, take out the '4b81cdba29d48', I seen it a lot of times here, many of us know who you are and contests should be anonymous.
cool, good work
Hope everything is legal here cause this is awesome work. Looking forward to seeing sbs or resources.
everything is legal here!!!!!!
nice work
fine mood!
sbs?? pls.
Thanks for posting source links. SBS would be nice but it's not really necessary if all sources used are mentioned. I wouldn't worry about the SBS unless a mod specifically requests that you provide one.
Very nice, well done. Love the mood GL
Author, your sources are indeed legal. Why didn't you just post them in the first place? Don't you know how it works here yet?
It has a sci-fi movie mood... Great and GL!
This is great work...and my personal opinion is that u have to post your SBS...Work like this demands that...good luck author
marvelous source usage... you lucky dog
OK, I see everything is OK here, but, how do you mean the globe was made in C4D, when you actually used a source photo for it? Also, I don't get why you didn't post sources straight away? As I go through your portfolio I see you do this a lot... Sources are obligatory you know...
Source links? SBS? yooohooo/????
wlado, the author is talking about the inside globe, check the source and you will understand. I find very interesting this work
Creating a kerfuffle to get his "unveiling" more attention, Nice work !! i don't like your image though. Ha !. It's a bit much for a lousy piece of stained glass. Good luck
This one really grabs me!
Yeah really good !! Good luck
O_O nice...
this is so cool. I love the look of the design
Feels surreal! Great Job!
Congrats for your first place, Genuine!
Congrats on 1st place
Great job! Congrats on your first place!
Congrats, awesome work
thanks...thanks....thanks....you aaaaallllll!!!!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Thanks to ''shoofly'' for source 3 (5 years and 3648 days ago)
nice composition but SBS?
Very nice...as I said with many entries here: "doesn't look like a hoax photo but very nice."
awesome.. (source not working.. I think only for me) I think some lights coming from the centre of ufo will be very nice...
hereisanoop....if you read the title ... you'll see looks like a hoax photo!!! indeed, just only after title, but is really hard to be on theme!!!...))...thx for the comm and suggestion!
It's not hard to be on theme: check out "Rooftop Sighting," "The Visitor," "Crop Circling," and "Breaking News." Still, the picture is an awesome sci-fi scene.
Just check out the latest entry "And then I looked up." Great example of a picture that looks as if it was taken by an average guy, of a UFO that seems pretty real.
EDIT: AHA! Knew it was you! I think your PS skills are pretty awesome alone...
gamemastertips....the entry...Breaking News....realy.... isn't in theme....!!!...if that entry is in theme ... then either could be, or it doesn't matter ..
Breaking News, along with others, follows the theme that "even in high-res, you should not be able to tell whether the picture is real or fake." Obviously, the over-dramatic lighting makes this look too fake for a hoax photo. I know, alot of people have forgotten about this rule by now. There's no doubt that this is still a great entry, but it could be more on theme in a more photo-esque scene. You did an awesome job on the UFO, btw.
looks good
Good title great picture
Nice piece of art! You used some nice pics.... And who cares about the line "even in high-res, you should not be able to tell whether the picture is real or fake." .... Start adding 500 different little stipulations to the theme that are personal preferences and you just end up stunning creativity - imo.
Braska...that was the point of this contest. Lots of people can make a really stunning, dramatic, sci-fi scene, but can you also do it while making it look like a hoax photo? This contest isn't called "UFO" it's called "UFO hoax." Ignoring that rule makes the contest too easy. And it's just the one rule, not "500 different little stipulations."
yes, that was a VERY obvious exaggeration when I said 500, was trying to make a point. Saying "your image HAS to be at least 1600 X 1200", the photo has to look extremely life-like, also a "daylight scene is recommended". My 'point' is that it stuns creativity, I fully understand the 'point' of the contest. And why couldn't someone of taken the photo above? Looks good to me, they snapped the shot, tweaked it a little in Photoshop and posted it on flickr, right? And its a nite scene!? Vote lower? naaaa. Outstanding image.
Okay, I see your point, Braska. I suppose it's a matter of opinion what looks realistic or not. We're conditioned to believe that these things are fake, so we consider this "unrealistic." Why? Why can't it be realistic? Yes, once again, great entry.
Fabulous work...very very well done author...high marks from me...
One might argue that producing something awesome while limited by onerous contraints shows true creativity.
awesome work ! great ufo !
Good work.
congrats for your first and second!
Congrats for your first place, Genuine!
Congrats, awesome work
Congratulations both of the top two spots!
thx all for your comm...and grats!!!
Congratulations for 1st
congrats for first and second nice job on both
congrats for first and second nice job on both
Great job, congrats!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
go to genuine2009's profile
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This is lovely! It really has a story to it. I don't know that I'm a fan of the large stars in the upper left, and it's a bit heavy visually on the right (planet and fox) would be more visually appealing if the planet was on the left, and even partially out of frame just so your eye would flow diagonally from upper left to down right, but that's just me being nit-picky about composition. So don't listen to me
I really like this a lot. 
Sweet work, i think the fox looks a bit too large.
Anna has a point about the balance in this, but it's very nice, I love the blues contrasted with the browns in the fox.
I think the fox size is perfect, since it's in the foreground, like on a ridge closer to the viewer, if you look at the size of the grass in comparison it seems like the perfect size. It's like a stolen close moment to the sweet creature.
Wow....really magical.
Wow....really magical.
amazing, i love it!!
This is wonderfully done.
really cool !
Amazing work..........G/L Author.
Fantastic job!
Fantastic work author...very lovely...good luck
really cool
wonderfully done
G/L Author
I'm really confused how much vote i will give on your entry.
I like it
Please post SBS (Think it is required in this level). And also - i´d like to see how it was done.
Very cute!
Great mood

you have changed the whole picture...thats good
good luck!
Fantastic manipulation and mood............ and cute tooo... good luck to you...
Amazing work, author! This has to go to my favs!!!
it is very lovely
simply amazin
fantastic work
so cute !
I like this mood a lot
Thanks a lot for your comm....and fav.......I did not expect it to work like so much...?! thank you all....again!!!
this is quite nice Author, best of luck Sunday.
Excellent work ! Fantastic mood
very nice lighting and contrast///good job
Awww, that fox is so cute, nice entry. GL
amazing job author... my favorite! GL
Congrats for your second place, Genuine! It's a lovely picture!
Congrats for yoursecond place
thx for congrats.....
Congratulations for 2nd
congratulations!! for second place....
Congratulations for this enchanted image
thx ....thx....thx.....
so magical... very nice mood, excellent colors
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: