People get really lazy after a long day of tiresome work. So when they go to bed, they forget to switch off the light. Here is solution for these people(marked with black arrows and numbers)..This comes with an added advantage of automatic switching off of your alarm clock (marked with red arrows and numbers)..
You climb onto your bed (1) which is hanging by means of a string. This causes the bed to come down to the floor(2) while the 100.01 kg concerte block rises (3). This causes green ball to roll down(4a) as well as the lever to go down (4b). The green ball falls on the floor(5) and the cat jumps off the basket to play with the ball(6), causing the basket to swing (7) and hit the billaird stick. The stick hits the cue ball(8) and the ball goes along the dotted line (9) and hits the red ball which moves and falls into the hole(10). The red ball bounces on the floor(11) and falls on a spring (12). It moves along 12 and falls on spring 13, bounces off it (14) and hits the glowing bulb(15) thus breaking it, and bringing the room to darkness.. Mission Accomplished..
In the morning, the alarm rings and wakes you up. You get off the bed(16) thus causing the bed to rise up (17), the concrete mass falls down(18). This sudden impact causes the lever to rise up(19) which causes the blue ball to fly along the trajectory (20) and smash into the alarm clock (21) breaking it.. Now u dont have to manually switch it off..
Troubleshooting: In case your cat decides to leave your house some day, do not replace the broken bulb from the previous night..
End of a long manual... :D (5 years and 3942 days ago)
interesting idea good luck!
i need this system... brilliant!
right on target... good luck
perfectly......perfectly.......perfectly......according to theme........one que. are u best student of ur class ??
Interesting, good luck
Very good work
The only minor problem is the shadow from the bed. It is still really good. Good Luck 
nice man nice
This is a funny invention!
Well thought of, good concept and nice visual presentation. 
Haha, reminds me a bit on Der Lauf der Dinge (argggh, had to check Wiki, looks like that documentary is bà sed on such goldberg principle, so nevermind...). I like the addition of the pool table. Pretty interesting,nice execution. Good luck!
excellent device! )))
Well thats one way to turn of a lightbulb lol. How many people does it take to turn off a light bulb, One just really lazy and tired man LOL XD
Really great work....It is even better in high res!! Good Luck
Nice work author!!
Complicated thinking! Well done!

congrats on 2nd...great entry!
Congratulations for 2nd
Congrats! Way to go! Great entry!
Congrats on 2nd!
Howdie stranger!
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