Not Quite Human - created by musicj19

Not Quite Human
Favs: 3SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 1/7Score: 73.5% (44)20681 views

(5 years and 2697 days ago)

2 Sources:

Pleasant Bedside Manner - created by musicj19

Pleasant Bedside Manner
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 1/2Score: 69.7% (40)14510 views

(5 years and 2686 days ago)

3 Sources:

Ghost Writer - created by musicj19

Ghost Writer
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 1/2Score: 68.6% (39)9316 views

(5 years and 2663 days ago)

4 Sources:

Nammu, Primeval Goddess of the Sea - created by musicj19

Nammu, Primeval Goddess of the Sea
Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/8Score: 67.8% (33)27448 views

In Sumerian mythology, Nammu was the primeval sea that gave birth to An (heaven) and Ki (earth) and the first gods, representing the Apsu, the fresh water ocean that the Sumerians believed lay beneath the earth, the source of life-giving water and fertility. (5 years and 2656 days ago)

4 Sources:

Temple in the Sky - created by musicj19

Temple in the Sky
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 4/5Score: 65% (1)12827 views

(5 years and 2680 days ago)

7 Sources:

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