A homeless snail...well semi homeless (5 years and 2692 days ago)
1 i selected the dogs jumper with quick selection tool, inversed it rubbed out the background
2 i c/p it onto the cat lowering the opacity
3 i used the puppet warp tool to more or less fit the cat
4 i c/p a hat onto the cat
5 cut the cat out and pasted him in his new clothes into the background layer of the snow scene
6 i added shadows, using new layer via copy using the black and white selection in enhance, lower the opacity, gauzian blur (5 years and 2702 days ago)
1 c/p the cat into the background
2 selected and stretched the cats tongue
3 c/p a spring for the cats eye
4 c/p an eyeball to the end of the spring, resized it and reshaped it with the move tool,also took samples of the original eye to make the coloured bit
5 painted an eyesocket where i thought one might exist, used the gradient tool to give it a bit of depth
6 pierced the cats tongue with a screw because it's the fashion
7 c/p an earing to make him look cool
8 c/p a mouse made a new mouse layer via copy resized it with the move tool for my second mouse
9 went around the outside of the cat with smudge tool pulling out bits of hair
10 added shadows by copying each piece that had shadows used the enhance to turn it to black reduced the opacity used gradiet blur (5 years and 2702 days ago)
1 i duplicated the bat
2 copied the wing and pasted it onto the original bat
adding some bumps where the fruit was hidden with bloat tool
3 c/p the fruit and desaturated it a bit and darkened it
4 added some shadows
5 added a filter (5 years and 2696 days ago)
1 i copy pasted a sandcastle and lightened it
2 i copy pasted a boy added it to the scene
3 i copy pasted a bucket ansd spade lowering the saturation
4 i copy pasted a turtle to the scene
5 i copy pasted the girl lowereing the saturation
6 i copy pasted an icecream added it
7 i made shadows from copy layer coloured it with the paint brush then lowered opacity turned it to an angle until it looked right (5 years and 2708 days ago)
go to penaplonk's profile
Thank you for your help dustfinger,i have done what you suggested, it looks much better now
Good idea with this, author. Snails carry their homes anyway, but you've made this one a tent! Good work on the patch, too.
Thank you
Howdie stranger!
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