Thanks to brokenarts for the tree.
Thanks to marcos bh for the camera image.
Thanks to weirdvis for the sky image.
(5 years and 3944 days ago)
Thanks To vierdrie for the guitar image.
Thanks To barunpatro for the backgound horizon image.
(5 years and 3952 days ago)
the guitar at the bottom should be behind his foot, nice idea, good luck and welcome back =)
Nice idea! Great effects too.
we miss Lodd please blend more the guitar and Good luck!
I like the planet behind him. Good luck
yeaah lodd is superstar.
You may consider the size of the guitar, otherwise it look pretty great!
Well done.
Haha, reminds me of the clip Can you Feel It from the Jacksone Five . Tapiona has a good point about the guitar, unless you may want to give it an even more mystical feeling and just let the guitar floating in front of Lodd. The guitar size is ok, just add "My First Guitar" on it
(kiiiiddding, Lodd
). Btw maaaybe you can try to put a gradient in the right lower corner for the planet, so it gets more depth (for example very dark in the corner and then fade to 0%, with blending overlay or experiment with it). Good luck!
the perspective on guitar is a bit ackward. I agree with tapiona.
I agree with the above comments. I'd also take out the blue flashes - they're kinda weird!
This really does remind me of a tutorial I have seen.. GL..
He needs a space suit
The next American Idol, lol!!!
good job and good luck
almost famous yes?
very nice, I like it
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks To lockstockb for the chest image.
and scol22 for the map. (5 years and 3952 days ago)
It is cursed? Damn, I just wanted to grab some gold. Looks good
oo Money i want too! very nice idea and Good luck!
Well done! It's a true pirate's cursed treasure
hmm, it tells me a story... about two robbers... hehee good luck!
just a proportion nit pic.. the skull on the floor would be the same size or a bit larger then the one in the chest.. (unless it's a pygmy or a very old child LOL) other then that it's a very good use of source.. Good LUCK!!!
wow, very nice idea and work, good luck and welcome back =)
needs some shadow work on the box and coins ,looks C+P!
Work on the background, and do what reaprevenge tells you to
Nice job.
Good idea but at the moment the chest looks like it's floating as there is no differentiation beween surface and background. Add some shadows to create a sense of belonging.
Maybe put some ground texture in the background.
Nice idea.. GL.
Your image is good, agree with Golemaura I think the smaller skull should be the same size as the one on top of the chest, unless it is a baby's skull? Colors are nice.... good luck
Excellent entry Good Luck
Good luck!
good luck
IMO skulls should be same size
nice work
Howdie stranger!
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cleverly done and arranged.. good LUCK
Nice concept, good luck
Original concept. Well done sweets!
nice. good luck!
Not bad. If you could add a inside frame in the LCD screen and perhaps a bit of shadow (see also the original camera), it will look more like you actually see it in the camera. Small nitpick, the branches from the tree are a bit blurry, while the berries are very sharp. Perhaps you can give the berries a bit of blur too (or make the tree sharper). Good luck!
nice work, I would try to make camera's display a bit interlaced, to give the LCD feel
nice job
I like what you've done with the source
the overall image is great, in fact
Howdie stranger!
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