Thanks to laura-s and leocub for the sources. (5 years and 3310 days ago)
- 1: The foot
- 2: The sneakers
Thanks to laura-s and leocub for the sources. (5 years and 3310 days ago)
i have used ready free source pictures, some blur, a little liquify and everything else is in SBS. (5 years and 3584 days ago)
Very cool with some nice touches regarding the label treatment. The white area in the lower right corner strikes me as a reflection of the sky above the green landscape in the background. If that's the case, then the bottle is in front of that background and thus it's reflection should be complete and not encroached upon (except maybe in a ripply sort of way at the edge) by the white sky reflection. Note how the splash reflection takes precedence over the sky reflection.
Oh yeah, you are right. I could try and fix it. Thank you!
is it better now ?
Good job, and I commend you for choosing an excellent beer!
thanks, mate! By the way, the beer is really an excellent one!
Czech beer's are great,maybe the best in Europe...mmmmm...and about the image,with splash like this reflection is maybe a bit to strong...any how nice work author and good luck
In your background source, the splash reflection is remarkably clear, so I would use that as the cue for how to treat your beer bottle. Thus I think the bottle reflection just outside of the splash reflection could actually be a tad stronger, but keep it weak at the bottom edge of the image in recognition of the fall-off of the splash reflection in your source. Also, I think the C-shaped distortion where the reflection edge is disturbed by the ripple should really be more L-shaped, i.e., a disconnect in the reflection on the near side of the ripple.
nice work ............. beautiful reflection...............
Excellent reflection!
Nice work! GL!
great job and wonderful entry, good luck to you!!
Real nice job
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3301 days ago)
very very believable blend author...looks great...best of luck
It's creepy...and it's creepy because it's believable and very well done. Nice job!
what does she eat
nice work
nice blending
is this the turtle from the next photoshop contest?
Yes, it is.
omg I LOVE IT!
Thank you!
Great work and congrats!
Howdie stranger!
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thanks to bberburb, HSmade and th3ph17 for the stocks. (5 years and 3536 days ago)
Hehe, very nice idea! My suggestion would be to reduce the saturation of the yellows and reds on the boots, the colour cast clashes with that of the background image. Good luck!
Pretty clever.. I know the boots aren't meant to fit, but they're still a bit TOO large for my taste. A bit more work with the colours and stuff and it'll be very good.
Haha good idea
I changed the color of the boots. I hope it is better now. I would like to hear your opinion. Also I have added some shadows over the belt and the sword (may be more visible in high res). Anyway, I like the size of the boots and decided not to change it for now. Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
How about increasing a bit the contrast of the cat's image? I think its colors are a little "rinsed out", comparing to the boots and hat. But it's a very cute entry.
ahahahah very cool
Thanks for the suggestion erikuri. I have changed the contrast a bit and I think it really is better now.
fantastic author, can i have him
Much better now. I still disagree about the boots, but I won't punish you for having your artistic freedom with that. The fur looks better with higher contrast and the shadows too. You could give a very slight burn tool or something for the belt edges and if you could make the sword blade just a bit more sharp and clean looking, it would help too. Good job with the improvements..
so cool...
Very cute and great use of the source!
Congrats for 2nd
Congrats for your second place!
Thank you!
Howdie stranger!
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nothing additional used, only original :) (5 years and 3581 days ago)
Well drawn
Very clever work
this one's going on the fridge
I am going to make a SBS soon. I was in a hurry when earlier and that's why i didn't make it.
very cool work author...gl
Very cute idea author, well done
SBS is now uploaded
nice ................
Howdie stranger!
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Good idea, just add some shadows on the laces and maybe a metal ring around the holes (a small metal colored ring will do and use blending modes > bevel to give it a round edge)
Thanks for the suggestions!!! Is it better now?
author..when using an outside source, I think it would be beneficial to use BOTH shoes and make the laces anti symmetric ( don't get me wrong, the resulting image is quite nice, but I think if you paid for the two images it seems a shame not to use Both of them.. that's if you were aiming for realism.. if you were aiming for simple surrealism.. great job.. but if you used BOTH shoes.. I think you would get a much more Powerful image.. but that's IMHO.. good luck
EDIT:.. OH YEAH!!!.. makes it so much more interesting.. to me anyway..LOL (I get lazy alot too LOL.. ).. great job!
Really unique and cool idea.
Drivenslush, you are right and I was too lazy
Thank you very much for the advice! I tried to make it like you said and it definitely is better! I hope you like it more now and I am looking forward to your comments (not only his/her).
Now what a great shoe............... that would save me so much time lol
Super cool intelligent work author...well done
WOW! Excellent and fun image. Beautiful work on the blending ... so real and surreal all at the same time! Definitely a fav!
Nicely done, great summertime shoes!
Good idea... I would have liked to see SBS.... still good.... GL author.
great fun very good chop
Bravo and congrats!
Thank you, guys!
I thought it would be on 3rd place after the crocodiles, but I was very happy to see that I am 2nd and only a little behind the 1s place :P
Howdie stranger!
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