Ace of Wands - created by sjsmiuk

Ace of Wands
Favs: 0SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 4/7Score: 66.1% (2)9237 views

Used a number of source photos and techniques to bring to life the "Ace of Wand" Tarot Card

The Ace of Wands is the initial burst of creativity and outpouring of energy that energizes a project and inspires people to greatness. This is the spark that starts the fire, and though it cannot tell us whether the fire will burn brightly or fizzle out, its power remains. The symbology of the castle and the river on the Rider-Waite variants tells you that the Ace of Wands is like a torch that can guide you to success. However, you must be willing to carry the torch with you as you travel along that winding stream to happiness. The Ace cannot tell you where to go, but it can light your way so you can make the correct choices yourself.

The Ace of Wands is a good card to see when you are considering a new project that requires speed and boldness. Its appearance is a sign that now is the time to act to achieve the success you desire. You have the skill to start an adventure, and the potential to see it through to its conclusion, whatever that may be. In addition to adventures in the material world, the Ace of Wands can also refer to the start of a pregnancy or the birth of a child. Since the birth of children is the ultimate demonstration of creative power, it makes sense that this event is ruled by the Wands suit.

Wands are also the suit of health and vitality, and the Ace of Wands often brings with it a wave of fresh power and initiative. Old illnesses can just fall away under the light of this card, and the boost of power you get from that should be used immediately. If there is something you have been wanting to do, but were afraid, now is the time to feel the fear and do it anyway. You'll find it much easier to complete the things that you have to do and get to try some of the things you've been wanting to do. Enjoy every iota of the Ace of Wands' energy.

The one drawback to the Ace of Wands is that its force is very unpredictable, and it cannot really be controlled. Like the Fire element it rules, the Ace can sometimes be used to help us, but at other times it rages out of control. And this energy cannot be invoked magically; either you have it or you don't. But those who do have it live life like no other, because they have enough confidence and fiery energy to see them through any battle. Whenever the Ace of Wands appears for you, seize the opportunity and use its energy to your highest benefit. You can achieve whatever your Will desires. (5 years and 2536 days ago)

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Badly Drawn Boy - created by sjsmiuk

Badly Drawn Boy
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 4/15Score: 65.6% (21)6917 views

Used the round blunt medium stiff brush to badly draw this boy! (5 years and 2367 days ago)

RHUM a L'ORANGE - created by sjsmiuk

Favs: 1SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 5/10Score: 65.4% (16)5288 views

Used the image of the San Francisco bridge, house and palm tree as my background, thanks to Davis Paul Ohmer on Flickr.
Brought into photo shop and used the filter Gallery/cutout

Used all the other stock images to make up the elements of my poster using the Filter Gallery/dry brush apart for the cardboard texture, used that as a final element to make the poster look more antique by using multiply.

Thanks to susiwunder, saavem, ShadowRave and paulgeor at for the great stock images

For the oranges I used this fantastic tutorial
By Stephen Petrany (5 years and 2520 days ago)

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Happy Moving Out Day! - created by sjsmiuk

Happy Moving Out Day!
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 5/10Score: 64% (15)11830 views

I have recently moved house and got lots of good luck in your new home cards, but what if you want someone to leave your house? You can replace Husband for Housemate, or grown up Son or Daughter! (5 years and 2421 days ago)

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Turned to sand - created by sjsmiuk

Turned to sand
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 11/16Score: 63% (0)7907 views

This King has been turned to Sand!

Used only the source and an image from Thanks to royv. (5 years and 2536 days ago)

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