50 Examples of Funny Face Photography

This post is not about anything fancy, professional or spectacular; its only purpose is to make you laugh! It is, though, about the sense of spotting a great photographic moment and immortalize it. At one point in our lives we all come across as funny to other people, by what we wear, how we act, what we do, the faces we make. This is a collection of 50 photos that reflect the funny part in some people by the mostly involuntary faces they make, all hilarious. And to make sure that nobody leaves pxleyes without at least a tiny bit of advice, you should really see this as a good lesson and example for you to always keep the camera close by. Let the LOLs begin!

Baby Face

Baby Face author: fuzzychipmunks

Ghostly Punch In The Face

Ghostly Punch In The Face author: itsmymoment


Doh!!! author: donh

Matt- Funny Face

Matt- Funny Face author: AikoTakada

Funny Face

Funny Face author: TanyaParker

Father and Son

Father and Son author: hermsty

Funny Face Woman

Funny Face Woman author: Justin-Simpson

Fuuy Man

Fuuy Man author: bigevil600

Funny Face

Funny Face author: merfam

Roll with the Punches

Roll with the Punches author: Mr. Sardonicus

Funny Face Contest

Funny Face Contest author: donwalheim

Clint’s Birthday Party

Funny Face Dad

Funny Face Dad author: James Mathias

Evan’s Parents’ Cabin

Funny Face Man

Funny Face Man author: jscatty

Funny Face Friday

Funny Face Friday author: songsungmeg

Funny Face Kid

Funny Face Kid author: nadanaka

The Funny Face

The Funny Face author: sinnelrose

And I Thought I Made Funny Faces

And I Thought I Made Funny Faces author: Maximum Mitch

Baby Bella Funny Face

Funny fFace Two

Look at MY Tongue!

Look at MY Tongue! author: Megan is me

Funny Faces

Funny Faces author: jwlkr_photos

Classy Ladies

Classy Ladies author: ilovemygrunt7

Happy Trio

Happy Trio author: camp070905


Johnny author: kelsey_anne_08

Celia Making Faces

Celia Making Faces author: awecelia


Attractive author: smokebigbird

I’m a Pretty Princess

I am a Pretty Princess author: mitramehvar

Damn Hippy!

Damn Hippy! author: jawshoewhah


Bubbles author: wind

Fish Seller

Fish Seller author: patty


WTF author: Linkmax

WTF Paper Clips

WTF Paper Clips author: Linkmax


Phat author: efkie


Rizk author: DeviousClown

Soul Healer

Soul Healer author: NadavDov


Papy author: N-ymphe

Candy Man

Candy Man author: heeeeman

Old Funny Man

Old Funny Man author: liseluvs

My Grandma’s Expression

My Grandmas Expression author: hyugewb

Buryat Woman

Funny Old Woman

Funny Old Woman author: ditisjedag


Hihi author: Bogdan Bârlea

Ugly Face

Ugly Face author: uglyfacesrus

Tough Grandma Hitting 100

Tough Grandma Hitting 100 author: eatliver.com


Sunburn author: mongonz

Mayor and Another Hilarious Face

Mayor and Another Hilarious Face author: poetnicole

I Don’t Trust That…

I Dont Trust That... author: misty pisty

Stacy Carver

Stacy Carver author: Dorret


Howdie stranger!
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3 Responses:

  1. R4i says:

    Hahahaha, some hilarious faces there 😀 Nice one!

    ( 2 years and 4645 days ago )
  2. joyousjoym says:

    these are AWESOME ! did you take all these photos?
    you have a real gift for funny face’s !

    ( 2 years and 4637 days ago )
  3. joyousjoym says:

    sorry i dint see that they are all diffrent photographers .
    i do now , they are all so funny !

    ( 2 years and 4637 days ago )