50 Magical Fantasy Scenes to Make You Dream Away

The word “fantasy” is defined as the imagination which isn’t restricted by reality, it is a situation imagined by a creator which doesn’t correspond with the real world, but expresses certain aims or desires, involving scenes that are not possible under normal circumstances. Even though they create unreal representations of the world, computer generated images and photo manipulations with fantasy themes are very popular and can get to that extent where they actually influence some people’s lives. Widely used in the film industry, fantasy scenes have increased in popularity in the past few years and this is just the beginning. Our post for today illustrates just 50 of the most beautiful such images, created by talented artists. They include fairies, dragons, castles, magical landscapes, mythical heroes and mermaids. We hope you’ll enjoy them all and for a few moments let your mind fly into an unknown land, where magic occurs and dreams come true.

Aveyond II

Ephemeral Throne

The Tree

Lotus Fairy

Alice in Wonderland


Peacock Lady

Background Solage


Dark Night


Dreaming of Love


Away Fantasy

Tree Houses

Swamp Dragon

Sleeping Fairy

Sasha n the Fairy

Moonlit Fairy



Mistaken Fairy Tale

In the Rain


Elegant Dragon

Enchanted Pool

Snow Dragon

The Dragon Master



A Forest Lullaby

Waiting for My Prince




Chamomille and the Prince

That Old Black Magic

The Visitors

Magic Rain

The Long Wait of Arwen

Inside The Trunk


Air Ship


Hoax April 1!

Magical Land


Mermaid of Deep Water

Tree Of Hope



Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


14 Responses:

  1. Jae Xavier says:

    I love getting lost in art.

    Great round up.

    ( 2 years and 4645 days ago )
  2. Mario says:

    I see a picture of mine there and one mad for my birthday :)Beautiful colection!

    ( 2 years and 4644 days ago )
  3. Bunky says:

    As always my dear you seem to come up with some great stuff very nice thank you keep going!

    ( 2 years and 4644 days ago )
  4. aLfa says:

    teu iubesc… he13x…

    ( 2 years and 4643 days ago )
  5. black says:

    I like this art . this is very cool.

    ( 2 years and 4640 days ago )
  6. kosa says:

    & NISE Images
    @ riyale Biuti

    ( 2 years and 4633 days ago )
  7. Alan Pereira says:

    Sensacional!!! Very cool.



    ( 2 years and 4632 days ago )
  8. aryan says:

    All the images are awesome………very creative,,,,,,!

    ( 2 years and 4629 days ago )
  9. vian ratulangi says:

    nice, cool and wonderfull art

    ( 2 years and 4627 days ago )
  10. lil.sweet.nothing says:

    Thank you so much! This is really inspirational for me…

    ( 2 years and 4432 days ago )
  11. gayathri says:

    lost in dream.. is true.. its too pity i have to wake in glide back to reality…

    ( 2 years and 4230 days ago )
  12. The Great Houdini says:

    Giulia. I am a 45 Man from México and the Post of these Magical Scenes is absolutly Impressive. Are, like many Worlds side-by-side; such a great vision take us to a parallel Universe. My dream from now to the Future, will be that some day I can get to know you.
    Was a Pleasure.
    Sincerely. Houdini.
    – Abrasos desde México !

    ( 2 years and 3991 days ago )
  13. Blackburn says:

    you have a beautiful collection. I would like to have one tatooed on me with your permission that is. Most of them i could look at all day.not saying there not all good. i love photography and i’m learning photo shop so maybe one day u might enjoy my work.. Keep up the GOOD WORK!

    ( 2 years and 3933 days ago )
  14. Joh says:

    These suck.

    ( 2 years and 3673 days ago )