Top 50 Photos From The Pxleyes Photography Contests – June 2010

Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 50 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month June 2010… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries.
The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the film noir, hats, powerline poles, leather and self portraits contest. Congratulations to the following people: karaflazz, magicsteve, creser, captgeo, mogrim, locksmagic, maclu2iaf, Pat, Karol, dollmommy, Barracuda, cabldawg71, Perathor, donh, EmiK, itsmymoment, wiseman, Artifakts, maplestrat33, Celestial, camschuckie, nynjardin, donaart, smokebigbird and sodoff… Keep up the good work and good luck in next month’s photography contests!

50. Anonymous Creep

Contest goal:
Colors can actually affect us physiologically. That’s why many dentist’s offices are pale green, or fast food restaurants have really bright colors. They can also affect our opinion of what we’e looking at, which is why the things we buy often have different choices of colors. This is a very open contest. The only rule is that the photo must be taken with a color filter. If you don’t have a filter, put a colored water bottle in front of the flash. Use the color to create a mood.


Anonymous Creep photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: color filter photoshop contest

49. the farm

Contest goal:
Most of us have them. Old, new, dirty, clean…. but it seems most garage doors are a bit dull. Take an artistic shot of garage doors. No barn doors allowed – just garage. For this contest, ONLY color photos are allowed, since there have been so many Black and White photos entered and it would be more challenging to get a great picture of plain doors in color.


 the farm photoshop picture
Author: Perathor, created for: garage doors photoshop contest

48. Needs a little TLC

Contest goal:
Humans always seem to want the newest and most modern of everything, whether it’s cars, computers, music, or anything else. This is often true for buildings as well. The problem is we often leave the old ones to decay on their own. For this theme, take a shot of an unoccupied/abandoned building or structure. Black and white/sepia entries are encouraged. Good luck!


Needs a little TLC photoshop picture
Author: sodoff, created for: abandoned buildings photoshop contest

47. Two For One

Contest goal:
The world is full of beautiful flowers. Some are red, yellow, white or lots of colors beyond our imagination. Your goal is to take a closeup of any flower you like. It doesn’t matter what kind of flower, but it should be a real flower. Show us your favorite flower. Best of luck.


Two For One photoshop picture
Author: smokebigbird, created for: flower closeup photoshop contest

46. Reclaiming

Contest goal:
Humans have been destroying various parts of nature for things such as building development for a long time now. Capture an image showing how nature is fighting back! For example, your image could show something like a bramble wrapped tightly around someone’s leg. Be creative and Good Luck!


Reclaiming photoshop picture
Author: Celestial, created for: nature vs human photoshop contest

45. Summer time.

Contest goal:
The world is full of beautiful flowers. Some are red, yellow, white or lots of colors beyond our imagination. Your goal is to take a closeup of any flower you like. It doesn’t matter what kind of flower, but it should be a real flower. Show us your favorite flower. Best of luck.


Summer time. photoshop picture
Author: donaart, created for: flower closeup photoshop contest

44. ’29 Kodak

Contest goal:
From boots and jackets to saddles and hobbies, leather has been around since man first learned how to tan a hide. Enter your most unique shots of leather items. Please keep in mind that leather is the skin of an animal after it has been skinned and tanned, and NOT while it’s still attached to the animal it was removed from. Shots of cows, for example, will be considered off theme. Good Luck!


Author: itsmymoment, created for: leather photoshop contest

43. SunShine

Contest goal:
It seems like everywhere you turn nowadays someone has a camera. This challenge is to take a shot of someone else taking a shot, whether it’s a pro with a DSLR or a random person with a camera phone.


SunShine photoshop picture
Author: nynjardin, created for: photographers photoshop contest

42. Taking A Peek

Contest goal:
The world is full of beautiful flowers. Some are red, yellow, white or lots of colors beyond our imagination. Your goal is to take a closeup of any flower you like. It doesn’t matter what kind of flower, but it should be a real flower. Show us your favorite flower. Best of luck.


Taking A Peek photoshop picture
Author: camschuckie, created for: flower closeup photoshop contest

41. Rebel Without A Clue…

Contest goal:
It is getting warmer in certain parts of the world and more people are getting out and riding their bikes. Whether for transportation, exercise or recreation, bikes are found all over the world. Take a photo of any kind of bike – a kid’s bike, or unicycle – as long as it would be powered by muscle.


Rebel Without A Clue... photoshop picture
Author: magicsteve, created for: bikes photoshop contest

40. Wellcome

Contest goal:
Some of us live in the city, and some in the country. Some of us live in houses while others live in apartments – but we all live somewhere. Tidy up your house if you wish to win this contest! Your goal is to take a shot of the interior of your house. The only restriction is that there cannot be any living thing in the photo (except plants). Good luck!


Wellcome photoshop picture
Author: karaflazz, created for: house interior photoshop contest

39. Divine Adornment

Contest goal:
Whether it’s dedicated to a holy saint, or you’re just a stalker who can’t get over his ex girlfriend, we’ve all seen shrines. What is a shrine? Here’s a web definition – In this contest, enter your best picture of a shrine.


Divine Adornment photoshop picture
Author: Celestial, created for: shrines photoshop contest

38. Gotta Light??

Contest goal:
Film Noir is a style of movies characterized by low-key lighting, usually in an urban setting, with corrupt or cynical characters. These films were very popular in the 40’s and 50’s. Famous examples might include “The Maltese Falcon,” or “The Big Sleep.” A good example of modern film noir would be “Sin City.” Take a photo that represents the film noir style. Black and white is not a necessity but it is strongly recommended in order to properly get the right feel for this contest. Good luck!


Gotta Light?? photoshop picture
Author: dollmommy, created for: film noir photoshop contest

37. Oil Strikes Back

Contest goal:
Humans have been destroying various parts of nature for things such as building development for a long time now. Capture an image showing how nature is fighting back! For example, your image could show something like a bramble wrapped tightly around someone’s leg. Be creative and Good Luck!


Oil Strikes Back photoshop picture
Author: maplestrat33, created for: nature vs human photoshop contest

36. Tri-cycle

Contest goal:
It is getting warmer in certain parts of the world and more people are getting out and riding their bikes. Whether for transportation, exercise or recreation, bikes are found all over the world. Take a photo of any kind of bike – a kid’s bike, or unicycle – as long as it would be powered by muscle.


Tri-cycle photoshop picture
Author: Artifakts, created for: bikes photoshop contest

35. On the highway…

Contest goal:
From boots and jackets to saddles and hobbies, leather has been around since man first learned how to tan a hide. Enter your most unique shots of leather items. Please keep in mind that leather is the skin of an animal after it has been skinned and tanned, and NOT while it’s still attached to the animal it was removed from. Shots of cows, for example, will be considered off theme. Good Luck!


On the highway... photoshop picture
Author: karaflazz, created for: leather photoshop contest

34. Afrimask

Contest goal:
Masks are worn to protect or disguise the face. They are made of various materials including paper, cloth, grass, leather, metal, shell, or carved of wood or stone. They can be painted with symbolic designs and vivid colors. Some masks have realistic human or animal features, while others provide a grotesque appearance. Take a creative shot of masks, it can be a gas mask, tribal mask, mask for Halloween, for drama or art. People are allowed in the picture but make sure the mask is the main subject.


Afrimask photoshop picture
Author: Artifakts, created for: masks photoshop contest

33. St Bartholomew’s Church

Contest goal:
Whether it’s dedicated to a holy saint, or you’re just a stalker who can’t get over his ex girlfriend, we’ve all seen shrines. What is a shrine? Here’s a web definition – In this contest, enter your best picture of a shrine.


St Bartholomew
Author: maclu2iaf, created for: shrines photoshop contest

32. Renaissance

Contest goal:
Masks are worn to protect or disguise the face. They are made of various materials including paper, cloth, grass, leather, metal, shell, or carved of wood or stone. They can be painted with symbolic designs and vivid colors. Some masks have realistic human or animal features, while others provide a grotesque appearance. Take a creative shot of masks, it can be a gas mask, tribal mask, mask for Halloween, for drama or art. People are allowed in the picture but make sure the mask is the main subject.


Renaissance photoshop picture
Author: karaflazz, created for: masks photoshop contest

31. meeting

Contest goal:
We all take shots of other people as subjects but very rarely think of ourselves Your goal in this contest is to take a shot of yourself. It could be just your face, or whole body, as long as no other person is present in your photo. Obviously, this contest is exceptionally not anonymous. Good luck!


meeting photoshop picture
Author: wiseman, created for: self portraits photoshop contest

30. In the memory of Paul Mellon

Contest goal:
It is getting warmer in certain parts of the world and more people are getting out and riding their bikes. Whether for transportation, exercise or recreation, bikes are found all over the world. Take a photo of any kind of bike – a kid’s bike, or unicycle – as long as it would be powered by muscle.


In the memory of Paul Mellon photoshop picture
Author: maclu2iaf, created for: bikes photoshop contest

29. Will Shoot for Food

Contest goal:
We all take shots of other people as subjects but very rarely think of ourselves Your goal in this contest is to take a shot of yourself. It could be just your face, or whole body, as long as no other person is present in your photo. Obviously, this contest is exceptionally not anonymous. Good luck!


Will Shoot for Food photoshop picture
Author: itsmymoment, created for: self portraits photoshop contest

28. Hot Topic

Contest goal:
We all take shots of other people as subjects but very rarely think of ourselves Your goal in this contest is to take a shot of yourself. It could be just your face, or whole body, as long as no other person is present in your photo. Obviously, this contest is exceptionally not anonymous. Good luck!


Hot Topic photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: self portraits photoshop contest

27. Heavenly Dreams

Contest goal:
We’re surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colors! Anywhere we look, we’re inundated by them. Some are natural, and some are specifically designed, but they are there. One thing which can make color so obvious, is the absence of color whiteness. Take a shot where the focus is on the color white. It might be anything, as long as the color white is the main color in your shot. Good luck!


Heavenly Dreams photoshop picture
Author: EmiK, created for: white photoshop contest

26. Water Lantern

Contest goal:
We’re surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colors! Anywhere we look, we’re inundated by them. Some are natural, and some are specifically designed, but they are there. One thing which can make color so obvious, is the absence of color whiteness. Take a shot where the focus is on the color white. It might be anything, as long as the color white is the main color in your shot. Good luck!


Water Lantern photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: white photoshop contest

25. uh….spoon?

Contest goal:
Most of us love to look at optical illusions. We can see things that are really not there and have to take a closer look to see what we are actually looking at. Take a shot of an optical illusion. For example: this picture of buttons on a mirror – This picture looks like a button bracelet, but it isn’t. Take a shot of an optical illusion. Be creative and make the audience really examine your photo to figure out what you’ve done.


uh....spoon? photoshop picture
Author: captgeo, created for: illusions photoshop contest

24. Ramshackle

Contest goal:
Most of us have them. Old, new, dirty, clean…. but it seems most garage doors are a bit dull. Take an artistic shot of garage doors. No barn doors allowed – just garage. For this contest, ONLY color photos are allowed, since there have been so many Black and White photos entered and it would be more challenging to get a great picture of plain doors in color.


Ramshackle photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: garage doors photoshop contest

23. What Lurks

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


What Lurks    photoshop picture
Author: donh, created for: mystic woods photoshop contest

22. Thirsty

Contest goal:
We all take shots of other people as subjects but very rarely think of ourselves Your goal in this contest is to take a shot of yourself. It could be just your face, or whole body, as long as no other person is present in your photo. Obviously, this contest is exceptionally not anonymous. Good luck!


Thirsty photoshop picture
Author: Perathor, created for: self portraits photoshop contest

21. A man of ideas…

Contest goal:
We all take shots of other people as subjects but very rarely think of ourselves Your goal in this contest is to take a shot of yourself. It could be just your face, or whole body, as long as no other person is present in your photo. Obviously, this contest is exceptionally not anonymous. Good luck!


A man of ideas... photoshop picture
Author: karaflazz, created for: self portraits photoshop contest

20. Elegance

Contest goal:
Both men and women have enhanced their allure throughout the ages, with make-up. Sometimes we use it to make ourselves more attractive, or actors may use it to appear grotesque. Clowns use it to look funny, while morticians use it to make some look natural. For this contest, enter your most exotic and eye catching makeup shots. Whether the models are male female, adults or children, show us the make-up they display. Runway models, drag queens, clowns or just face painting, enter your best makeup shots. The only contest guideline is you must have someone in your shot who is obviously wearing makeup. Good luck!


Elegance photoshop picture
Author: karaflazz, created for: make up photoshop contest

19. 1930

Contest goal:
We all take shots of other people as subjects but very rarely think of ourselves Your goal in this contest is to take a shot of yourself. It could be just your face, or whole body, as long as no other person is present in your photo. Obviously, this contest is exceptionally not anonymous. Good luck!


1930 photoshop picture
Author: Karol, created for: self portraits photoshop contest

18. Days of future past

Contest goal:
It’s pretty safe to say that most of us know what power line poles are. Some are made of wood, and some are made of metal. Some tower hundreds of feet while others are just your local telephone line. Enter your most creative and artistic take on power line poles. Please keep them as your main focus. Good Luck!


Days of future past photoshop picture
Author: cabldawg71, created for: powerline poles photoshop contest

17. Cats Cradle

Contest goal:
Blisters, boils, bee stings, cuts, bruises, sunburns, warts or burns. Enter your most disgusting and really bizarre looking skin afflictions. Just for fun, let’s just make people guess what type of affliction it is. All contests rules still apply. Humans only! Good Luck!


Cats Cradle photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: skin afflictions photoshop contest

16. Nemo

Contest goal:
Three quarters of the Earth is covered with water. We’ve explored more of space than we have the bottom of our own oceans. Take a photo of any subject, but it must be taken from underwater. All scuba diving photos are welcome but get imaginative; self portraits, bubbles, different liquids.


Nemo photoshop picture
Author: Barracuda, created for: underwater photoshop contest

15. lil’ spidey

Contest goal:
Masks are worn to protect or disguise the face. They are made of various materials including paper, cloth, grass, leather, metal, shell, or carved of wood or stone. They can be painted with symbolic designs and vivid colors. Some masks have realistic human or animal features, while others provide a grotesque appearance. Take a creative shot of masks, it can be a gas mask, tribal mask, mask for Halloween, for drama or art. People are allowed in the picture but make sure the mask is the main subject.


Author: maclu2iaf, created for: masks photoshop contest

14. Carmen SanDiego?????

Contest goal:
Hats have been around since the earliest days of mankind. Over time, we have become accustomed to them and most of us probably own one. They can be of all different shapes, sizes, colors and materials. Whether it be a baseball cap, Yakima, part of some outrageous costume or even a top hat, show your most artistic take on the many hats we wear. Of course it’s OK for people to be in the shot. Who else would be commonly wearing them? It also must be an intended hat. A plate of spaghetti on someone’s head may look funny but it’s not a hat. Wigs, toupees, brace headgear will not be accepted as hats as well. Good Luck!


Carmen SanDiego????? photoshop picture
Author: dollmommy, created for: hats photoshop contest

13. Reflections

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


Reflections photoshop picture
Author: creser, created for: mystic woods photoshop contest

12. Holy Affliction

Contest goal:
Blisters, boils, bee stings, cuts, bruises, sunburns, warts or burns. Enter your most disgusting and really bizarre looking skin afflictions. Just for fun, let’s just make people guess what type of affliction it is. All contests rules still apply. Humans only! Good Luck!


Holy Affliction photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: skin afflictions photoshop contest

11. Goldfinger (updated)

Contest goal:
Both men and women have enhanced their allure throughout the ages, with make-up. Sometimes we use it to make ourselves more attractive, or actors may use it to appear grotesque. Clowns use it to look funny, while morticians use it to make some look natural. For this contest, enter your most exotic and eye catching makeup shots. Whether the models are male female, adults or children, show us the make-up they display. Runway models, drag queens, clowns or just face painting, enter your best makeup shots. The only contest guideline is you must have someone in your shot who is obviously wearing makeup. Good luck!


Goldfinger (updated) photoshop picture
Author: karaflazz, created for: make up photoshop contest

10. ethnic

Contest goal:
Masks are worn to protect or disguise the face. They are made of various materials including paper, cloth, grass, leather, metal, shell, or carved of wood or stone. They can be painted with symbolic designs and vivid colors. Some masks have realistic human or animal features, while others provide a grotesque appearance. Take a creative shot of masks, it can be a gas mask, tribal mask, mask for Halloween, for drama or art. People are allowed in the picture but make sure the mask is the main subject.


ethnic photoshop picture
Author: Karol, created for: masks photoshop contest

9. Life Is A Caberet

Contest goal:
It’s the time of year again where there are recitals everywhere. Aspiring sisters, daughters and friends show their grace and costumes for appreciative audiences of family and friends. Take your best shot of a lovely girl dancing, ALONE. No one else should be in the frame. Be sure the photo shows her costume. No costume in the picture means the picture is off theme. The dancing can be ballet, hip hop, tap dancing, or whatever the recital is, but a costume must be shown and the girl must be alone. Have fun.


Life Is A Caberet  photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: dancing girl photoshop contest

8. Wheres the Elf?

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


Wheres the Elf? photoshop picture
Author: Pat, created for: mystic woods photoshop contest

7. Devotion

Contest goal:
Whether it’s dedicated to a holy saint, or you’re just a stalker who can’t get over his ex girlfriend, we’ve all seen shrines. What is a shrine? Here’s a web definition – In this contest, enter your best picture of a shrine.


Devotion  photoshop picture
Author: maclu2iaf, created for: shrines photoshop contest

6. Smokin Ace

Contest goal:
Most of us love to look at optical illusions. We can see things that are really not there and have to take a closer look to see what we are actually looking at. Take a shot of an optical illusion. For example: this picture of buttons on a mirror – This picture looks like a button bracelet, but it isn’t. Take a shot of an optical illusion. Be creative and make the audience really examine your photo to figure out what you’ve done.


Smokin Ace photoshop picture
Author: locksmagic, created for: illusions photoshop contest

5. Portal.

Contest goal:
We all take shots of other people as subjects but very rarely think of ourselves Your goal in this contest is to take a shot of yourself. It could be just your face, or whole body, as long as no other person is present in your photo. Obviously, this contest is exceptionally not anonymous. Good luck!


Portal. photoshop picture
Author: mogrim, created for: self portraits photoshop contest

4. Hot Head

Contest goal:
From boots and jackets to saddles and hobbies, leather has been around since man first learned how to tan a hide. Enter your most unique shots of leather items. Please keep in mind that leather is the skin of an animal after it has been skinned and tanned, and NOT while it’s still attached to the animal it was removed from. Shots of cows, for example, will be considered off theme. Good Luck!


Hot Head photoshop picture
Author: captgeo, created for: leather photoshop contest

3. The long way of electricity

Contest goal:
It’s pretty safe to say that most of us know what power line poles are. Some are made of wood, and some are made of metal. Some tower hundreds of feet while others are just your local telephone line. Enter your most creative and artistic take on power line poles. Please keep them as your main focus. Good Luck!


The long way of electricity photoshop picture
Author: creser, created for: powerline poles photoshop contest

2. Never Too Late

Contest goal:
Hats have been around since the earliest days of mankind. Over time, we have become accustomed to them and most of us probably own one. They can be of all different shapes, sizes, colors and materials. Whether it be a baseball cap, Yakima, part of some outrageous costume or even a top hat, show your most artistic take on the many hats we wear. Of course it’s OK for people to be in the shot. Who else would be commonly wearing them? It also must be an intended hat. A plate of spaghetti on someone’s head may look funny but it’s not a hat. Wigs, toupees, brace headgear will not be accepted as hats as well. Good Luck!


Never Too Late photoshop picture
Author: magicsteve, created for: hats photoshop contest

1. You wanna play rough?

Contest goal:
Film Noir is a style of movies characterized by low-key lighting, usually in an urban setting, with corrupt or cynical characters. These films were very popular in the 40’s and 50’s. Famous examples might include “The Maltese Falcon,” or “The Big Sleep.” A good example of modern film noir would be “Sin City.” Take a photo that represents the film noir style. Black and white is not a necessity but it is strongly recommended in order to properly get the right feel for this contest. Good luck!


 You wanna play rough? photoshop picture
Author: karaflazz, created for: film noir photoshop contest


Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


One Response:

  1. Cabldawg says:

    Great shooting in the month of June.
    Congratulations to all of you!

    ( 2 years and 4601 days ago )