Rainforest Wildlife Photography: A Tribute to Guido Sterkendries

Guido Sterkendries is a daring wildlife photographer. He challenges gravity and does things that normal photographers lack the adrenalline for. Dangling from the highest trees in the rainforests of Panama and Brazil, the Belgian photographer seeks rare wonders of nature that haven’t been captured on camera before. He spends up to two weeks in a specially constructed canopy that allows him to get closer to his subjects. He is, for sure, one man who will have what stories to tell at retirement, as a real-life Tarzan of photography. Despite the risky climbings he does, he manages to stay motivated and be very active as an artist and ecologist. The results of these efforts? As it follows:

Golden Frogs

Golden Frogs

In the amazing rainforests of Panama the daring photographer Guido Sterkendries found an almost extinct species: the golden frogs.

Armored Grasshopper

Armored Grasshopper

The trip to the exotic parts of the world wouldn’t be really worth it without capturing the wonders of nature. Looking like a mutant, this grasshopper has an interesting defense mechanism.

The Tree Frog’s Trill

The Tree Frog's Trill

This is a very interesting photo of a tree frog performing a mating song. Observe the fascinating eye.

Unusual Caterpillar

Unusual Caterpillar

The rainforest of the Colon Province, Panama are the perfect home for many species that few human eyes have seen so far. This is one of those species, a beautiful caterpillar.

Red Eye Tree Frog Walking

Red Eye Tree Frog Walking

For the sake of artistic photography, this frog put on a real walking parade on that branch. Also shot in Panama.

The Blue Arboreal Poison Dart Frog

The Blue Arboreal Poison Dart Frog

Very small, very unusual and very… poisonous. Something not every photographer will get the chance of shooting.

Unique Picture of Blue Frog

Unique Picture of Blue Frog

This stunning little blue frog definitely deserves another photo, since nobody before ever photographed it, nobody before Guido Sterkendries.

Black and Gold Howler Monkey

Black and Gold Howler Monkey

A mother and her young captured in close-up photography. Location: the forests of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Unidentified Species of Caterpillar

Unidentified Species of Caterpillar

Guido Sterkendries shows the world whole new species of insects, like this beautiful yellow caterpillar.

The Eyelash Viper

The Eyelash Viper

In the deep rainforest of Panama such vipers feel at home. This is the result of nature untouched by humans.

White-Faced Capuchins

White-Faced Capuchins

These monkeys have an IQ above average for wild creatures. Trying to amuse themselves, they ran away with the photographer’s drying underwear.



Virgin nature. Peace. Quiet. Freshness. Time for love or procreating for this pair of red eye tree frogs from Panama.

A Mosquito and a Lizard

A Mosquito and a Lizard

The rules of nature don’t spare anyone. This photo shows that even the cold blooded can get bitten.

High Speed Photo of the River

High Speed Photo of the River

A truly artistic and beautiful photo of the yellow endangered frogs next to a river stream.

A Harpy Eagle

A Harpy Eagle

The Harpy Eagle is the most powerful and large raptor bird. This photo was taken in the tropical wetland of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Hyacinth Macaws

Hyacinth Macaws

Guido Sterkendries has seen the paradise. And this photo proves that: 4 beautiful blue macaws captured during their flight.

Colorful Beetle

Colorful Beetle

A beautiful rainforest beetle (genus Platycoelia) that adopted the colors of nature.

A Giant Swallowtail

A Giant Swallowtail

Macro shooting in the wild: a giant butterfly.

Black and Gold Howler Monkeys

Black and Gold Howler Monkeys

Black and gold howler monkeys (Alouatta caraya) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil



An iridescent weevil (Curculionidae) in the rainforest.

No wonder that Guido Sterkendries’ photos are so rare and absolutely amazing. Brilliant results require sacrifices and determination. Add some passion to that and dreams become reality. Here’s how he does it.

Guido Sterkendries Working 1

Guido Sterkendries Working 1

Guido Sterkendries builds his way up to the highest trees and takes some dangerous poses just for the sake of finding rare species to take photos of.

Guido Sterkendries Working 2

Guido Sterkendries Working 2

Deep in the rainforests of Panama he twists and turns on the branches of the trees dozens of meters above ground, taking his camera along to capture the wildlife in a manner never captured before.

Guido Sterkendries Working 3

Guido Sterkendries Working 3

Nothing can stand between him and his passion for photography. Not even dangerous swamps.


Howdie stranger!
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23 Responses:

  1. TwitterBackgrounds says:

    Thanks for sharing these beautiful photographs. Too bad that there are so many endangered species in the rain forest (and in the rest of the world too) and that the rain forest is endangered itself. I love the yellow frogs. Truly beautiful creatures.

    ( 2 years and 4585 days ago )
  2. Robert says:

    Good post: snappy and informative. Of course the photographs are great too!

    ( 2 years and 4585 days ago )
  3. David C. says:

    wow. the frog is so skinny! the blue frog is for real ?

    ( 2 years and 4585 days ago )
  4. Bronson says:

    Amazing captures, the clarity and vivid colouration make this one gobsmacking showcase. Beautiful work.

    ( 2 years and 4584 days ago )
  5. David Hardwick Photography says:

    Fantastic set of photographs. it is amazing the length that these photographers go to.

    ( 2 years and 4583 days ago )
  6. Anonymous says:

    it like someone got these frogs and painted them one by one,thy are so pure.

    ( 2 years and 4583 days ago )
  7. basel says:

    that so beautful,so pure.
    u know i wanted to start photography but i dont know how to begin.

    ( 2 years and 4583 days ago )
  8. Kumar says:

    just great ..

    ( 2 years and 4582 days ago )
  9. Akasha82 says:

    Astonishing photos! They looked so real. The photographer did a great job, with the risks he took from capturing wonderful photos. Perfect!

    ( 2 years and 4578 days ago )
  10. Glodel says:

    The Harpy Eagle pic is amazing- well done !

    ( 2 years and 4578 days ago )
  11. amareesh says:

    Compliments! The photographs sing for them selves !

    ( 2 years and 4577 days ago )
  12. SKPATODIA says:

    absolutely amazing,pleasing to eyes

    ( 2 years and 4571 days ago )
  13. Manz says:

    The “working” photos are a great part of the post… especially in an era when we all want to know and understand more and more about the creative’s in the world. Drives home what kind of commitment is needed and given when you love you art.

    ( 2 years and 4567 days ago )
  14. luke watts says:

    Wonderful collection. The effort behind this is really amazing…thanks for sharing.

    Clipping path, Masking, Retouching, Color correction, Vector services

    ( 2 years and 4565 days ago )
  15. Javier says:

    Great photos, thanks for posting them

    ( 2 years and 4562 days ago )
  16. Janice says:

    Snap… a lady photographer… awesome!!!

    ( 2 years and 4561 days ago )
  17. Malini says:

    Tha photograph is just so amazing! I admire his passion for photography. Cool 😉

    ( 2 years and 4544 days ago )
  18. Brisbane Investment says:

    What can i say to appreciate this absolutely unique photography. i was just surprised while watching these photos. Nice natural photography

    ( 2 years and 4517 days ago )
  19. Nikita Hengbok says:


    ( 2 years and 4485 days ago )
  20. mikael says:

    Awfully awesome.

    ( 2 years and 4391 days ago )
  21. Nikita Hengbok says:

    Wow! Great shots. Thanks for sharing.

    ( 2 years and 4327 days ago )
  22. Natural Treatment For ADHD says:

    the power of nature can be seen in these photography. great unique photography.

    ( 2 years and 4316 days ago )
  23. Image Masking says:

    Wow..just amazing! His commitment to Photography is something that we should all appreciate.To dare the forest and to take these nice shots is just brilliant.

    ( 2 years and 4090 days ago )