36 Pictures That Look Photoshopped – But Are Not

The power of Photoshop is amazing, but still it doesn’t beat the power of imagination. Although many photos taken by professional photographers and enhanced in Photoshop can be absolutely stunning, the photos taken wisely and in a creative manner are even more impressive. Today’s showcase is dedicated to such photos, the ones that make people skeptical about not being manipulated and still they are genuine and impressive. They can be really inspiring and a pride to every photographer’s portofolio, no matter if they are funny, dramatic or just miracles of nature.

Salar de Uyuni

Salar de Uyuni author:abmiller99

Water Fairy

Water Fairy author:alexiuss

Burn the Sky

Burn the Sky author:bast-86

Roof Dancers

Infinite Possibilities

Infinite Possibilities author:Philip Perold

Gelato di Nuvola

Gelato di Nuvola author:meppol

God’s Canvas

God's Canvas author:Delacorr

Please Don Not Fall, Cloud

Please Don Not Fall, Cloud author:P0RG

Lending a Helping Hand

Lending a Helping Hand author:hb19

Cloud Dragon

Cloud Dragon author:hb19

Falling Up

Falling Up author:nikki.jane

Escape from Fairytale Land

Escape from Fairytale Land author:nikki.jane

Morning Mood

Morning Mood author:Tatiannna

Got You Now

Got You Now author:Scarabanza

Playing with Perspective


Revenge author:inhisgrace

Hot Dog

More than a Mouthful


Stool author:scaramuzzino

Camel Kisser

Camel Kisser author:sebr

There Is No Spork

There Is No Spork author:Chema Madoz

In Memoriam

In Memoriam author:Frank Daske

Jump from the Ship

Jump from the Ship author:A. Zahron

Rubber Duck

Watusi Bull

Watusi Bull

Volcanic Lightning

Volcanic Lightning

Weather Phenomena

Weather Phenomena

Infamous Guatemala Sinkhole

Infamous Guatemala Sinkhole

Minor Paddle

Minor Paddle author:ukaaa

Dean Potter – On the Line

Not Photoshopped

Not Photoshopped author:emilychughes

Last Drop

Last Drop author:ahermin

Der Mann im Spiegel 2

Der Mann im Spiegel 2 author:SimonSantana

Paradox Place

Paradox Place author:neon-lilith

Fabia Light

Fabia Light author:JogiART

Light Painting – Friends

Light Painting - Friends author:Ryan0001

Dollhouse Darlings

Dollhouse Darlings author:girltripped


Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


105 Responses:

  1. kwikshot says:

    Might be worth actually explaining how they aren’t…

    ( 2 years and 4402 days ago )
  2. ben says:

    THESE ARE IMPossible!!!! lies!!!

    ( 2 years and 4401 days ago )
  3. Mario says:

    beautiful collection G 🙂 !

    ( 2 years and 4401 days ago )
  4. Giulia says:

    😀 Tx a lot, glad you like it 🙂

    ( 2 years and 4401 days ago )
  5. idiot says:

    alot of these are definitely heavily edited

    ( 2 years and 4401 days ago )
  6. Anonymous says:

    Great stuff, some are incredible.

    ( 2 years and 4400 days ago )
  7. Stevie C says:

    Nice collection… pretty sure the spoon one is shopped though, or at least I would like to know how it was made

    ( 2 years and 4400 days ago )
  8. Rease says:

    These are really great! I loved trying to figure out how they did it. Lots of playing around with depth.

    ( 2 years and 4400 days ago )
  9. Rafael says:

    The spoon photograph is not a photoshop trick. It is a light trick.

    When he did is placing a spoon on a very thin piece of paper. Then he put a fork underneath the paper, so spoon and fork are one on top of each other with the paper in between. Finally he lighted the paper from underneath.
    So the actual shadow comes from the fork underneath the paper, not the spoon.

    Clever, isn’t it?

    ( 2 years and 4400 days ago )
  10. Alanna says:

    Some of these are obviously not shopped and were just playing with distance and perspective, but other ones I have a hard time believing are not edited.

    ( 2 years and 4400 days ago )
  11. GameMasterNick says:

    Stevie – The spoon appears to be sitting on a cloth that has an imprint (possibly coal drawing, more likely a picture) of a fork’s shadow.

    That or it’s magic. ^o^

    ( 2 years and 4399 days ago )
  12. ginger95 says:

    many photos than have been developed can be manipulated way other than photoshop. you can double up on negatives to burn on a single print, cut them, trace them. Ohh the possibilities are wide! c’mon get crafty n creative (:

    ( 2 years and 4399 days ago )
  13. Kiki says:

    These photos are amazing. I understand the idea of perspective and I’m not questioning any of those, but the introduction to these photos gives the idea that none of these pictures are manipulated (“Today’s showcase is dedicated to such photos, the ones that make people skeptical about not being manipulated and still they are genuine and impressive.”). I’m a little skeptical about that. Whether they are or aren’t doesn’t take away from how great these photos are, I’m just not sure I believe that none of them were manipulated it some way.

    ( 2 years and 4399 days ago )
  14. Reason says:

    A couple of these ARE photoshopped. For example the spray can with the clouds is a Worth1000.com contest entry. Really wish I had a source to post for it… but you should really know your stuff before you claim these aren’t photoshopped.

    ( 2 years and 4398 days ago )
  15. jagadeesh says:

    good site

    ( 2 years and 4398 days ago )
  16. yodz says:

    tricky title…maybe they use other photo editing software – so yes, some of the photos are not photoshopped

    ( 2 years and 4398 days ago )
  17. blah says:

    All of these can be made without photoshop, the only hard one is the water fairy, yet it is not impossible you only need a few fella to help you out in the studio, and a real good teamwork 😀

    ( 2 years and 4398 days ago )
  18. tradecon says:

    Very clever!

    ( 2 years and 4398 days ago )
  19. Bri says:

    i can understand how some of these aren’t photo-shopped but there are a few that make me question it

    ( 2 years and 4398 days ago )
  20. SB says:

    I’m sorry, but some of these are blatantly photoshopped. The pixels betray the claim that they’re untouched.

    ( 2 years and 4398 days ago )
  21. Jeeem says:

    Pretty cool and interesting…until I got to the fork / spoon one…Now how the heck was that done?

    I really think there should have been some explanations for some of these. Most are rather obvious little photography tricks…but some, well…appear to defy an explanation like the fork / spoon one, Watusi Bull, and Paradox Place.

    The term used here is “Photoshopped” the common term you see all over the net, but “editing” as is used here on some of the comments, is basically the same…I see no difference. Hence, one might say, “Oh, this photo is NOT Photoshopped,” simply because they truthfully did NOT use the Photoshop program to EDIT the photo…a play on words I think.

    -The ORIGINAL Jeeem-

    ( 2 years and 4397 days ago )
  22. buddblazermtn says:

    inspiring me to play-gerize!

    ( 2 years and 4396 days ago )
  23. Jon says:

    Timing, placement, depth of field. I can believe all of these were not Photoshopped and thank you person who explained the spoon/fork/spork one

    ( 2 years and 4396 days ago )
  24. PGS says:

    Some of these may have been digitally enhanced, but I can promise you that every one of these can be done with nothing but film and a higher-than-moderate knowledge of photography techniques.

    ( 2 years and 4396 days ago )
  25. AMC says:

    i don’t get the last one? Why would anyone think that might be photoshopped. Am I missing something?

    ( 2 years and 4396 days ago )
  26. LOL says:

    Non of these have been edited. They are all merely playing with perspective and field of depth and simple photography tricks. The only three that you all think are photoshopped are easily explained.

    Der Mann im Spiegel 2:
    A black and white negative burned over a color print. Quite simple and it is first year photo class stuff, VERY simple.

    Not Photoshopped:
    COME ON people can you not see the edge of the mirror? This one is SOOO easy to spot its ridiculous. None of these are digitally enhance at all just simple tricks you learn in Photo 101.

    Like all of the pictures with Macro/Micro proportions are simple depth and perspective tricks. Otherwise the rest are timing.

    Except for the two light paintings which are achieved by setting your camera to 400 or slower speed and setting it to B or Bulb mode and keeping the shutter open in a dark scene and using a laser or light to “Paint” onto the exposure.

    OH and the rubber ducky in the lake…That is a giant blow up rubber duck, it is full of air. You can see people to the right all gathered and looking at it. It is obviously an art installation.

    Ankole-Watusi is a breed of cattle originally native to Africa. It has very large, distinctive horns, which can grow up to 6 feet (1.8 m) long. The animal is sometimes known as Ankole or Watusi, and is one of the Sanga group of types.

    How about you do some research before trolling a site and claiming their post as false!

    ( 2 years and 4396 days ago )
  27. Korpse says:

    Some of these look super fake, I’m torn whether to be amazed or disappointed.

    ( 2 years and 4395 days ago )
  28. Veronica says:

    The rocket ship one was obviously edited in some way, look at the outline of the orangey part of the rocket! that is not natural

    ( 2 years and 4395 days ago )
  29. Christine says:

    The only thing I’m in disbelief of is the number of people who, instead of maybe accepting that their photography skills aren’t quite as good as the people who took these photos, assert that many of these are “clearly edited.” Just because you don’t know how to reproduce it yourself doesn’t make it fake, no matter how much “evidence” you pull out of your ass.

    ( 2 years and 4395 days ago )
  30. Tazzy says:


    ( 2 years and 4395 days ago )
  31. Anonymous says:

    don’t cross the seams!

    ( 2 years and 4395 days ago )
  32. Norfindel says:

    The first picture could be done with perspective, but the “small” girl has no shadow.

    ( 2 years and 4395 days ago )
  33. PinkBunny says:

    There is such thing as continuous frame, you know…

    ( 2 years and 4394 days ago )
  34. Stuart says:

    For the spoon one, you could just print a fork shadow out on paper and then put the spoon on top of it, while making sure the spoon casts little or no shadow (proper light source choice). Also since there are no other objects or shadows in the shot, there is no shadow casting and light source position conflict in your brain.
    The “spray can clouds” has no reason to be photoshopped. It could easily be done with perspective. Perhaps there was a similar worth1000 photo, but memory easily betrays and without a source no one is going to take your internet word for it.
    The space shuttle tank has no tell-tale photoshop outline. This picture is just exactly the same thing as what everyone does at the tower of piza (search for “holding up piza” on google images). There is nothing requiring photoshop in this type of photo.
    The “small” girl in the balancing trick one could easily have a shadow that’s hard to spot due to distance and angle.

    ( 2 years and 4394 days ago )
  35. Chiska says:

    For all those idiots saying their photoshopped their not all you do is place one person in front and another further back and do a weird pose- ITS NOT HARD! But looks amazing and for the others read comments from other people explaining how they are made and the one with the spray can and cloud- you just put the spray can near the camera and move it till it looks like the clouds coming out of it! SIMPLE ;D But these are really really good :L

    ( 2 years and 4393 days ago )
  36. Brandi says:

    The great majority of these don’t look like they’re photoshopped at all . . . .

    ( 2 years and 4393 days ago )
  37. xincontriadulti says:

    The great majority! I loved trying to figure out how they did it. Lots of playing around with depth.

    ( 2 years and 4392 days ago )
  38. Some Guy says:


    The whole picture is shopped

    ( 2 years and 4392 days ago )
  39. hikaru00 says:

    Holy crap! these things can’t be true! but in fairness, nice pics! ^-^

    ( 2 years and 4392 days ago )
  40. Anonymous says:

    the first one is definitely photoshopped. the smaller girl has no shadow..

    ( 2 years and 4392 days ago )
  41. Anonymous says:

    I don’t believe for a second that none of these are photoshopped.

    ( 2 years and 4392 days ago )
  42. photographer says:

    I am a professional retouching artist and I am 100% I can point out photoshop in several of these.

    ( 2 years and 4384 days ago )
  43. trololol says:

    Do any of you know the definition of perspective and depth? The images where the people are either very large, interacting with structures that, in real life, would be larger than us or in some way holding or interacting with even smaller people are not shopped. In fact, there used to be demos and explanations on how to do this on CHILDREN’S TV CHANNELS. If you can’t figure out how that works, then you might as well hand in your critic cards now.

    Only a few of these look shopped, but just barely. It would have been nice if you had included an explanation as to HOW and WHY they were not edited.

    ( 2 years and 4384 days ago )
  44. Floy says:

    Ok, as a photographer for some time.. Some of these are not photo-shopped in fact some are using the technique ghosting or light tracing (which are great ones) But the ones that are a head scratcher for me is “water fairy” and the one with the multilayer girl image split..
    I’ve done my own water fairy before, but that was by tossing hundreds of rocks into a river and speeding up my lens until i finally got a very small hand full that look like dancers made out of water. But.. yeah im totally set aside on those and really want to find out more about that one!!!

    ( 2 years and 4384 days ago )
  45. MrMustacho says:

    i’m sure at least some of these are manipullated in some way and more importantly the “false perspective” ones would be better off left out so the actually impressife ones get their deserved respect (water fairy)

    ( 2 years and 4383 days ago )
  46. Graphic Designer says:

    I work with images all day. A very large portion of these have been edited.

    ( 2 years and 4380 days ago )
  47. Jack says:

    The rocket one doesnt look like a hot dog to me….. looks like he’s smoking pole.

    ( 2 years and 4380 days ago )
  48. LaLa says:

    The first 20 or so, definitely can believe to be not photoshoped, but the last 5 and seventh from the last? have got to be photoshop!

    ( 2 years and 4379 days ago )
  49. tony get the yayo says:

    first one IS photoshopped , not in composition as it’s a perspective trick but they removed the woman’s shadow.

    ( 2 years and 4379 days ago )
  50. shapewear says:

    So thats how he did the spork, thanks for the info, I was really confused on how he made such possible.

    ( 2 years and 4378 days ago )
  51. photographer says:

    most of these don’t LOOK like they’ve been photoshopped. The only one that would have taken a lot of work to get right was the water fairy but that just takes practice with the direction and amount of force needed with the water. Otherwise I’m not sure why you would think most of these were done with photoshop. the majority are simple perspective or angle

    ( 2 years and 4377 days ago )
  52. Anonymous says:

    Can you guys stop saying “rocket” and call it the Space Shuttle?
    And the “orangey part” is the external fuel tank.

    ( 2 years and 4377 days ago )
  53. Anon says:

    Can you guys stop saying “rocket” and call it the Space Shuttle? Also, the “orangey part” is the external fuel tank.
    And unless he’s a NASA employee, that one is ‘shopped, because you wouldn’t be able to get that close to the Shuttle.

    ( 2 years and 4377 days ago )
  54. Javik says:

    Is it only that they aren’t digitally manipulated, or that they weren’t manually edited either? I mean, Photoshop is amazing, but there was a time when people manipulated their photos by hand.

    ( 2 years and 4375 days ago )
  55. you guys are retarded says:

    In Almost all of them he uses a long shutter speed, plays with angles, and uses a super long lenses. He’s a pro, the spoon is the one that also has me confused on how he did though, but all the others i could do under the same circumstances

    ( 2 years and 4375 days ago )
  56. Italian Stallion says:

    This is the problem with viewers of photography today. The use of PhotoShop and other editing software has blurred the line between reality and fantasy so much that everyone makes the assumption an image is manipulated. Many of these images are depth of field photographs using perspective tricks. Some are timing, with only one of many tries making the final grade. One just has to use the imagination to stage these shots. Have we lost our creativity that we have to resort to taking images and blending them together to create an image for a viewer? Get a Brownie camera, go out and get back to creative basics!

    ( 2 years and 4373 days ago )
  57. Colonel.Castle says:

    I’m curious why everyone has trouble with the spoon and fork picture, when the only one I’m really having problems with is the car. I’m not understanding how that could be done, especially with the amount of…I guess I’d call it fraying. Yeah, you could take the article title to mean, literally, no use of the program Photoshop, and there’s other things you could utilize to get that image, but I’m believing these can all be done without use of any altering applications. Just simple perspective and natural tricks. Still, yeah. Great photographs anyway.

    ( 2 years and 4372 days ago )
  58. ! says:

    I know one of the girls in the last one! They’re sisters, but the dark haired one I went to highschool with! Just sayin 🙂 took painting with her.

    ( 2 years and 4372 days ago )
  59. film major says:

    im a film major and would love to know how these pics were set up.

    ( 2 years and 4368 days ago )
  60. Anonymous says:

    Everyone’s a critic…. Nice pics. 🙂

    ( 2 years and 4367 days ago )
  61. turdoise says:

    Der Mann im Spiegel 2 has no shadow.

    ( 2 years and 4367 days ago )
  62. Alex says:


    ( 2 years and 4367 days ago )
  63. Creators of this are dumbasses says:

    Half of these are, and half of these aren’t. half of these arent even impressive (the cloud ones namely.) Waste of 10 minutes.

    ( 2 years and 4364 days ago )
  64. Daniel White says:

    As the one above me stated, some of them are shopped and others aren’t. And to be honest, I’d have to agree…some of them aren’t impressive at all. :/

    ( 2 years and 4363 days ago )
  65. Courtney says:

    Some may not be impressive, but they are still fun pictures. I am not even a professional at photography or photoshop, but almost all of these could be done easily without photoshop, even though its possible it was used in some of them. The only one I don’t know about i der man im speigel 2, but i don’t know anything about film editing. And for Mr mustacho, maybe you should learn how to spell and people might take you seriously, this even has a spell check. For the image of the car, the fraying on the lines was probably from sparklers, which make this effect in long exposure shots.

    ( 2 years and 4356 days ago )
  66. Anonymous says:

    yeah some of these arnt… but some are definitely are!!!!

    ( 2 years and 4355 days ago )
  67. Roger says:

    The spoon fork one is too simple and only requires a light table with fork underneath a piece of opal glass. Nice soft shadow will be formed. Put spoon on top then illuminate with soft light from above.

    ( 2 years and 4354 days ago )
  68. Alejandra says:

    I know for sure Guatemalan sinkhole wasn’t photoshopped. I saw it live. I’m from Guatemala LOL!

    ( 2 years and 4354 days ago )
  69. Chloe says:

    I think that the one with the 2 girls and one in the mirror is photoshopped because you can see a little bit of her, almost like a ghost, if you look real close 😛 Otherwise they just put plastic wrap around it

    ( 2 years and 4346 days ago )
  70. Eleda says:

    I think they should explain why some of this photos are unbelievable that it they are not photoshopped especially the water fairy.

    ( 2 years and 4345 days ago )
  71. Cuprik says:

    “The spoon photograph is not a photoshop trick. It is a light trick.
    When he did is placing a spoon on a very thin piece of paper. Then he put a fork underneath the paper, ……”

    Jeeze. Would have been faster to just Photoshop it.

    ( 2 years and 4344 days ago )
  72. Amanda says:

    I love how ignorant people are who commented on these photos! They are all very simple photos to take without photoshop. It’s called hard work, practice, determination, and KNOWING PHOTOGRAPHY!

    ( 2 years and 4344 days ago )
  73. Kitten says:

    People are stupid to think they are photoshopped, LIGHT TRICKS and settings on a camera, perspective and angles. -_____- GO LEARN SOMETHING

    ( 2 years and 4343 days ago )
  74. buy and sell says:

    I like Playing with Perspective and downloaded.

    ( 2 years and 4342 days ago )
  75. din says:

    via Stumbleupon

    I believe they’re not Photoshopped – a lot of them are just forced perspective. Anyhow, some of them have been edited quite a bit – colors have definitely been changed, etc. So you know. It comes down to what is considered “Photoshopping”.

    But anyway, these are all really cool. Makes me want to pick up a camera and go out.

    ( 2 years and 4339 days ago )
  76. Anonymous says:

    No Uelsmann?

    ( 2 years and 4334 days ago )
  77. Stefan says:

    Very clever! Great collection, thanks for sharing.

    ( 2 years and 4333 days ago )
  78. pfft says:

    as a professional retoucher, I can say that at least 1/4 of those pics have been photoshopped in some way!

    ( 2 years and 4333 days ago )
  79. AF says:

    absolutely agree with pfft i am a professional retoucher as well, and its impossible that 1/3 f these pictures arent retouched starting with the water fairy

    ( 2 years and 4332 days ago )
  80. simplesoul says:

    simply amazing

    ( 2 years and 4332 days ago )
  81. Anonymous says:


    ( 2 years and 4331 days ago )
  82. Mary says:

    The lightning car and man that is colored are MOST DEFINITELY photo shopped.

    ( 2 years and 4330 days ago )
  83. gingermo says:

    except for how the very first one IS photoshopped, no doubt about it. they played with perspective like many of the others, but they moved the woman’s shadow to where it would be if the situation was really how it looked. fact.

    ( 2 years and 4330 days ago )
  84. Zzyzix says:

    Every single one of these can be done without photoshop (with exception of car, because i’m not sure about that one). Perspective, Color Depth, Man in mirror, all those are easy photography tricks. If you bothered to google a little bit about photography tricks you would have learned…

    P.S. @Cuprik the point is you don’t need photoshop to be able to do it… Spoon with fork shadow is simple lightning trick. Take a piece of paper, put spoon on top of it, below it put fork, add some light from below the fork and just make sure that it’s shadow matches the outlay of the spoon…

    ( 2 years and 4329 days ago )
  85. Rishap says:

    Fantastic collection and add to that un-edited. Nice work \m/

    ( 2 years and 4329 days ago )
  86. carlos MOrenog says:

    excelentes foto me gusta mucho su concepto tienen cosas muy interesantes y desde otro punto de vista.

    ( 2 years and 4327 days ago )

    its very creative and very smart enough to open the human imagination .

    ( 2 years and 4317 days ago )
  88. Jalal Hameed Bhatti says:

    Amazing – but some are impossible

    ( 2 years and 4316 days ago )
  89. Anonymous says:

    There’s no way the car cannot be photoshoped..

    ( 2 years and 4316 days ago )
  90. Maddy says:

    and the car one is just a light drawing trick. It’s similar to the one with the person drawn in light.

    ( 2 years and 4316 days ago )
  91. Not convinced!!! says:

    The simple fact that in the VERY FIRST “unedited photograph” by Salar de Uyuni where it portrays a Woman (with no shadow) standing on the sole of a man’s shoe on the beach (the man blatantly casting a shadow) makes me totally unconvinced. May not have been photoshop, but it was something else. : )

    ( 2 years and 4316 days ago )
  92. Appreciative says:

    Ok so I get how you can make the ones like the man sitting on that building by just playing with perspective but things like the water fairy were deffinetly edited unless you can show us how you did them

    ( 2 years and 4313 days ago )
  93. Peter says:

    There was a time before computers when man and woman had to use their brains a create wonderful images such as these.
    Most of these photo’s are so easy to do, BUT you have to know your photography theory
    and use this thing called a brain.
    It is all too easy to use photoshop – or whatever to do something that can be done with skill and knowledge.

    I am not saying Photoshop is no good. Goodness know there is some absolute fantastic stuff out there, I am saying you can do a lot without it and it is so sad that everyone thinks they have to Photoshop.
    Learn the art of photography and spend less time behind a computer program.

    ( 2 years and 4290 days ago )
  94. ThisIsFake says:

    I know for a fact that at least some of these are fake. I recognize the brushes- because I have them.

    ( 2 years and 4284 days ago )
  95. omg. says:

    maybe people should read other people’s comments before commenting.
    i just read alllllll of these and everyone says the same things and asks questions about what has already been solved.

    i personally don’t think that they are shopped/edited/manipulated.

    and just because you are a “professional editor” or photographer, doesn’t mean that these things can’t be done. it’s a matter of time, hard work, dedication, and creativity.
    so, stop being retards, and go away.

    ( 2 years and 4276 days ago )
  96. Cave Johnson says:

    Of course it’s not Photoshopped, there is other photo editing software out there.

    ( 2 years and 4236 days ago )
  97. Noname says:

    They may not be photo shopped, but definitely some sort of photo software was used. It is misleading to make people believe they are real photos, and that some are just coincidence how they turned out, i.e., the cloud looking like an ice cream on top of a cone. Trickery…it’s all trickery. Still clever though, but it’s not really a truthful statement to say not photo shopped. SOMETHING was used to create these shots!

    ( 2 years and 4171 days ago )
  98. BBakeca Roma says:

    Photo shopped, or not, they look really amazing!

    ( 2 years and 4155 days ago )
  99. Mark Mandel says:

    To you doubters: Read LOL’s post (search this page for “LOL says:”).

    It’s unfortunate, though, that pxleyes used the word “photoshopped” literally. Many people use it to refer to any photo manipulation software,* or even any photo manipulation (forgetting that there used to be, and still is, non-digital photography, with long exposures and negatives and such).

    Specifically of the Water Fairy pic: see Dali Atomicus and its history, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Salvador_Dali_A_%28Dali_Atomicus%29_09633u.jpg :

    In 1941, American photographer Philippe Halsman met the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí in New York City and they began to collaborate in the late 1940s. The 1948 work Dali Atomicus explores the idea of suspension, depicting three cats flying, water thrown from a bucket, an easel, a footstool and Salvador Dalí all seemingly suspended in mid-air. The title of the photograph is a reference to Dalí’s work Leda Atomica (at that which can be seen in the right of the photograph behind the two cats.) Halsman reported that it took 28 attempts to be satisfied with the result. This is the unretouched version of the photograph that was published in LIFE magazine. In this version the wires suspending the easel and the painting, the hand of the assistant holding the chair and the prop holding up the footstool can still be seen. The frame on the easel is still empty. The copyright for this photo was registered with the U.S. Copyright Office but according to the U.S. Library of Congress was not renewed, putting it in the public domain in the United States and countries which adopted the rule of the shorter term.

    * As in:
    “Ah-choo! Gimme a kleenex, please.”
    “I’m sorry, I don’t have any.”
    “Then what’s that?”
    “Oh, these are drugstore house brand tissues. Do you want one?”

    ( 2 years and 3977 days ago )
  100. Lex says:

    They r all real most of them r done with tricks of lighting pr spacing. As for the others just because they didnt use photoshop or any other type of editing doesnt mean they cant use the old fashion way with wires and painting people to match backrounds. I have read and looked up sevral explanations on most if these and the one with the split girls is a trick of mirors if u look closly u can see the other half of the girl. Also a few of them r just random pics of actual big things for ex someone just wanted to make a huge rubber duck and put it out on the water also u cant forget anything that isnt human (like the glass bottel for instance) can be made into a bigger object just so they can say it is real. In order to understand y the hell anyone would do this or how they did it take a step back from “photoshop” and motern things and think creatively.

    ( 2 years and 3872 days ago )
  101. Lex says:

    Oh and btw the car is just a black car at night with rope lights on it and the back round

    ( 2 years and 3872 days ago )

    this pictures are really funny, entertaining that some one can get some certain things there like editing

    ( 2 years and 3811 days ago )
  103. Jess says:

    Umm yeah ok I was going along & believing until I saw the one titled “not photoshopped”
    Come on you can see her hand fading on the left side
    You might have had me if you didn’t post that one
    Shame bc some of then probably aren’t photoshopped but now the artists won’t be recognized bc the author of this post lies

    ( 2 years and 3768 days ago )
  104. Alphonso says:

    Very nice collection, shows you what can be accomplish with a little imagination and know-how.

    ( 2 years and 3678 days ago )
  105. shannon says:

    Most of them are easy to do without photoshop. It’s all about how you aim the camera and it’s perspective, distance etc. There are 5 pics that I definitely think are photoshopped. For ex, the paradox one where the girl is “floating”. How is that not photoshopped unless it’s a lighting trick or something. I guess I’ll never know.

    ( 2 years and 3606 days ago )