The 100 Best Photo Manipulations of January 2011

Another month of thrilling photoshop contests has ended! We’ve collected the 100 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photoshop contests that were active during the month January 2011… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries.
The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the mixed manipulations 9, skin replacement 2, broken eggs, ant closeup and splash fun contest. Congratulations to the following people:

wazowski, RickLaMesa, CorneliaMladenova, solkee, artgirl1935, RichieMB, petersheep, Chalty669, dekwid, derdevil, mqtrf, ponti55, Poss, gotmeamuse, Glockman, langstrum, Siddhartha, pingenvy, erathion, DanielaOwergoor, Akassa, Se7eN0f9, MoNophian, jaskier, jadedink, nanaris, lahiripartha, CMYK46, arca, Drivenslush, Nickk, marina08, pixelkid, ShiZa, gibbo192, Geexman, migue1ito, layerstack, greymval, spaceranger, filantrop, sanjugs, igogolf, darkshellie23, Mario, Stowsk, GarethWaring, sarita, dreamboy, junkieball, Floortje1973, chaplain, robvdn, cterraza, jawshoewhah, TwilightMuse, Neese, jcfreak6363, vimal and Toothpick134… Keep up the good work and good luck in next month’s photoshop contests!

100. A Forgotten Time…

Contest goal:
old clock photoshop contest

A Forgotten Time... photoshop picture)
Author: layerstack, created for: old clock photoshop contest

99. Enter If You Wish…

Contest goal:
yellow door photoshop contest

Enter If You Wish... photoshop picture)
Author: Toothpick134, created for: yellow door photoshop contest

98. I’ve Got BIG Balls

Contest goal:
white eggs photoshop contest

Ive Got BIG Balls photoshop picture)
Author: Drivenslush, created for: white eggs photoshop contest

97. Khan’s Tribute

Contest goal:
Do you idolize a certain celebrity, sports athlete or even the neighbor next door? Show us a shrine that you created in photoshop with lots of photos, candles, jewelery, locks etc. Make it as realistic as possible. For the purpose of this contest, celebrity photos will be allowed. Have fun and GL!


Khans Tribute photoshop picture)
Author: Akassa, created for: idol tribute photoshop contest

96. Jelly Cab of the Stars

Contest goal:
sea star photoshop contest

Jelly Cab of the Stars photoshop picture)
Author: Floortje1973, created for: sea star photoshop contest

95. Confusion

Contest goal:
stone path photoshop contest

Confusion photoshop picture)
Author: vimal, created for: stone path photoshop contest

94. My Senior Pic

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is very simple: take any gray-scale photo and give it more colors! If you don’t have a gray-scale photo, take a color photo and turn it into gray-scale first… then give it completely different colors. You can also use an old black and white photo that was made before color photography was invented, and then colorize it as realistic as possible. ( Example tutorial: Colorize a vintage photo ) Realism is not necessary however, you can also give unusual colors and color combinations to your photo… Combinations that do not exist in real life. Don’t forget to post the originals in your source list, or in your SBS guide. Drawings are not allowed. Your photo must be fully colorized, no gray-scales can be visible in your work. Remember, that only one single photo can be used! No chops are allowed in this one.


My Senior Pic photoshop picture)
Author: jcfreak6363, created for: colorization 2 photoshop contest

93. clockwork orange

Contest goal:
old clock photoshop contest

clockwork orange photoshop picture)
Author: Neese, created for: old clock photoshop contest

92. On The Ocean Floor

Contest goal:
sea star photoshop contest

On The Ocean Floor photoshop picture)
Author: TwilightMuse, created for: sea star photoshop contest

91. Dancing on Lavender

Contest goal:
little fireman photoshop contest

Dancing on Lavender  photoshop picture)
Author: Drivenslush, created for: little fireman photoshop contest

90. Nightmares

Contest goal:
blue eye photoshop contest

Nightmares photoshop picture)
Author: jawshoewhah, created for: blue eye photoshop contest


Contest goal:
The possibilities in this contest are endless. Your only limitation is that your picture has to contain some sort of splashing effect. It can be any liquid you want and at least one drop must splashing around. Other objects and scenes can be present in your picture as well. An example of a splash effect can be found here.


PINEAPPLE SPLASH photoshop picture)
Author: cterraza, created for: splash fun photoshop contest

88. Underwater Predator

Contest goal:
broken eggs photoshop contest

Underwater Predator photoshop picture)
Author: GarethWaring, created for: broken eggs photoshop contest

87. Smiling doesn’t hurt mr.Frie

Contest goal:
mill photoshop contest

Smiling doesnt hurt mr.Frie photoshop picture)
Author: robvdn, created for: mill photoshop contest

86. Lovely

Contest goal:
fire hydrant photoshop contest

Lovely photoshop picture)
Author: lahiripartha, created for: fire hydrant photoshop contest

85. iStone

Contest goal:
Show us that mobile phone design that just never quite took off. Add features to a phone that are completely useless or just show a device that is just practically not usable. The more extreme, the better!


iStone photoshop picture)
Author: chaplain, created for: failed cellphones photoshop contest

84. Steppin on Delft

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is to create a fake miniature effect on a photo of your choice. This effect can be quite easily achieved, but your goal is to use a complex photo to apply the effect on. Check out this tilt shift video tutorial to learn how to.


Steppin on Delft photoshop picture)
Author: Floortje1973, created for: tilt shift photoshop contest

83. Hearts Desire

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is very simple: take any gray-scale photo and give it more colors! If you don’t have a gray-scale photo, take a color photo and turn it into gray-scale first… then give it completely different colors. You can also use an old black and white photo that was made before color photography was invented, and then colorize it as realistic as possible. ( Example tutorial: Colorize a vintage photo ) Realism is not necessary however, you can also give unusual colors and color combinations to your photo… Combinations that do not exist in real life. Don’t forget to post the originals in your source list, or in your SBS guide. Drawings are not allowed. Your photo must be fully colorized, no gray-scales can be visible in your work. Remember, that only one single photo can be used! No chops are allowed in this one.


Hearts Desire photoshop picture)
Author: junkieball, created for: colorization 2 photoshop contest

82. Up in the air

Contest goal:
vintage car photoshop contest

Up in the air photoshop picture)
Author: dreamboy, created for: vintage car photoshop contest

81. behind blue eyes

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is very simple: take any gray-scale photo and give it more colors! If you don’t have a gray-scale photo, take a color photo and turn it into gray-scale first… then give it completely different colors. You can also use an old black and white photo that was made before color photography was invented, and then colorize it as realistic as possible. ( Example tutorial: Colorize a vintage photo ) Realism is not necessary however, you can also give unusual colors and color combinations to your photo… Combinations that do not exist in real life. Don’t forget to post the originals in your source list, or in your SBS guide. Drawings are not allowed. Your photo must be fully colorized, no gray-scales can be visible in your work. Remember, that only one single photo can be used! No chops are allowed in this one.


behind blue eyes photoshop picture)
Author: sarita, created for: colorization 2 photoshop contest

80. Finding my Color

Contest goal:
mill photoshop contest

Finding my Color photoshop picture)
Author: ponti55, created for: mill photoshop contest

79. A time to rest

Contest goal:
old clock photoshop contest

A time to rest photoshop picture)
Author: GarethWaring, created for: old clock photoshop contest

78. Stained Glass Flower Redux

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


Stained Glass Flower Redux photoshop picture)
Author: Stowsk, created for: mixed manipulations 9 photoshop contest

77. Clock

Contest goal:
old clock photoshop contest

Clock photoshop picture)
Author: Mario, created for: old clock photoshop contest

76. Star Sector 5

Contest goal:
sea star photoshop contest

Star Sector 5 photoshop picture)
Author: layerstack, created for: sea star photoshop contest

75. Pee Fountain

Contest goal:
orange cabins photoshop contest

Pee Fountain photoshop picture)
Author: ShiZa, created for: orange cabins photoshop contest

74. A Bench of Busy Bishops

Contest goal:
“One of the many oddities of the English language is the multitude of different names given to collections or groups of beasts, birds, people or things. Many of these collective nouns are beautiful and evocative, even poetic.” Samples can be found here. Create an image that shows a “collective noun” visually. You can make up your own as long as it makes sense. An example of an invented one could be something like “a hug of grandmothers” or “a pouring of teapots”. Make sure to depict the EXPRESSION of the collective noun rather than just the group. EXAMPLE: “A Murder of Crows” for this you would NOT show just a group of crows but an image that evokes the feeling of both Murder and Crows … keep the blood and gore to a minimum. Samples: – Sample 1Sample 2


A Bench of Busy Bishops  photoshop picture)
Author: artgirl1935, created for: collective nouns photoshop contest

73. Gnome Haven

Contest goal:
rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

Gnome Haven photoshop picture)
Author: migue1ito, created for: rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

72. Lady Esther Ralston

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is very simple: take any gray-scale photo and give it more colors! If you don’t have a gray-scale photo, take a color photo and turn it into gray-scale first… then give it completely different colors. You can also use an old black and white photo that was made before color photography was invented, and then colorize it as realistic as possible. ( Example tutorial: Colorize a vintage photo ) Realism is not necessary however, you can also give unusual colors and color combinations to your photo… Combinations that do not exist in real life. Don’t forget to post the originals in your source list, or in your SBS guide. Drawings are not allowed. Your photo must be fully colorized, no gray-scales can be visible in your work. Remember, that only one single photo can be used! No chops are allowed in this one.


Lady Esther Ralston photoshop picture)
Author: langstrum, created for: colorization 2 photoshop contest

71. Nature vs Tech

Contest goal:
ant closeup photoshop contest

Nature vs Tech photoshop picture)
Author: layerstack, created for: ant closeup photoshop contest

70. Home Is Where The Shoe Is

Contest goal:
chimney photoshop contest

Home Is Where The Shoe Is photoshop picture)
Author: erathion, created for: chimney photoshop contest

69. Fallen Replacement

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: Take any animal or person and give them skin from another animal or person.


Fallen Replacement  photoshop picture)
Author: darkshellie23, created for: skin replacement 2 photoshop contest

68. stepping stones

Contest goal:
stone path photoshop contest

stepping stones photoshop picture)
Author: igogolf, created for: stone path photoshop contest

67. Foggy Morning

Contest goal:
yellow door photoshop contest

Foggy Morning photoshop picture)
Author: Chalty669, created for: yellow door photoshop contest

66. the pond

Contest goal:
spring landscape photoshop contest

the pond photoshop picture)
Author: dekwid, created for: spring landscape photoshop contest

65. Little mermaid

Contest goal:
spring landscape photoshop contest

Little mermaid photoshop picture)
Author: marina08, created for: spring landscape photoshop contest

64. beauty

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is very simple: take any gray-scale photo and give it more colors! If you don’t have a gray-scale photo, take a color photo and turn it into gray-scale first… then give it completely different colors. You can also use an old black and white photo that was made before color photography was invented, and then colorize it as realistic as possible. ( Example tutorial: Colorize a vintage photo ) Realism is not necessary however, you can also give unusual colors and color combinations to your photo… Combinations that do not exist in real life. Don’t forget to post the originals in your source list, or in your SBS guide. Drawings are not allowed. Your photo must be fully colorized, no gray-scales can be visible in your work. Remember, that only one single photo can be used! No chops are allowed in this one.


beauty photoshop picture)
Author: sanjugs, created for: colorization 2 photoshop contest

63. Patience

Contest goal:
earth surface photoshop contest

Patience photoshop picture)
Author: ponti55, created for: earth surface photoshop contest

62. Paranoia

Contest goal:
The possibilities in this contest are endless. Your only limitation is that your picture has to contain some sort of splashing effect. It can be any liquid you want and at least one drop must splashing around. Other objects and scenes can be present in your picture as well. An example of a splash effect can be found here.


Paranoia photoshop picture)
Author: filantrop, created for: splash fun photoshop contest

61. The Sky is Crying

Contest goal:
Apocalyptic fiction is a sub-genre of science fiction that is concerned with the end of civilization either through nuclear war, plague, or some other general disaster. Post-apocalyptic fiction is set in a world or civilization after such a disaster. The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten. Here is your chance to show us what you think the world would look like after some major disaster. There are lots of examples on the internet, just type in the title of this contest if you need some ideas. Good luck.


The Sky is Crying photoshop picture)
Author: spaceranger, created for: post apocalyptic photoshop contest

60. Stingerlisks’ Colony

Contest goal:
ant closeup photoshop contest

Stingerlisks Colony  photoshop picture)
Author: greymval, created for: ant closeup photoshop contest

59. Duality

Contest goal:
blue eye photoshop contest

Duality photoshop picture)
Author: ponti55, created for: blue eye photoshop contest

58. Eye Wash

Contest goal:
The possibilities in this contest are endless. Your only limitation is that your picture has to contain some sort of splashing effect. It can be any liquid you want and at least one drop must splashing around. Other objects and scenes can be present in your picture as well. An example of a splash effect can be found here.


Eye Wash photoshop picture)
Author: layerstack, created for: splash fun photoshop contest

57. little man

Contest goal:
Remember that movie “Honey I Shrunk The Kids”? Well here is your chance to show us what you would look like in that shrunken stage, and where you would be. This contest is not anonymous, but you don’t have to use yourself, you can use a friend of family member. Be creative, remember you’re tiny, you can fit just about anywhere. Have fun and good luck.


little man photoshop picture)
Author: migue1ito, created for: shrunk photoshop contest

56. Oh my!

Contest goal:
Compose an image of Bigfoot, also known as “Sasquatch”, as if it were a real photograph of a creature spotted sneaking around or just wandering through the woods. Or just anywhere you can imagine one would be going about on his/her day.


Oh my! photoshop picture)
Author: Geexman, created for: big foot photoshop contest

55. Chuggy,Chuggy, Bang, Bang

Contest goal:
vintage car photoshop contest

Chuggy,Chuggy, Bang, Bang photoshop picture)
Author: artgirl1935, created for: vintage car photoshop contest

54. If Only

Contest goal:
Apocalyptic fiction is a sub-genre of science fiction that is concerned with the end of civilization either through nuclear war, plague, or some other general disaster. Post-apocalyptic fiction is set in a world or civilization after such a disaster. The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten. Here is your chance to show us what you think the world would look like after some major disaster. There are lots of examples on the internet, just type in the title of this contest if you need some ideas. Good luck.


If Only photoshop picture)
Author: gibbo192, created for: post apocalyptic photoshop contest

53. Looks like a tough guy

Contest goal:
Remember that movie “Honey I Shrunk The Kids”? Well here is your chance to show us what you would look like in that shrunken stage, and where you would be. This contest is not anonymous, but you don’t have to use yourself, you can use a friend of family member. Be creative, remember you’re tiny, you can fit just about anywhere. Have fun and good luck.


Looks like a tough guy photoshop picture)
Author: mqtrf, created for: shrunk photoshop contest

52. Evolution

Contest goal:
We often see photos showing the evolution of apes transforming into human beings step by step. That’s what you’ll have to do in this contest; but its not limited to human and apes. You can actually choose any 2 animals from the large variety of species we have on Earth and show the different processes by which one of the animals changes to become the other animal. For example, if you choose an elephant and a bird, you should show the different steps by which the elephant will first decrease in size, get wings, get a beak, till its completely a bird. And don’t forget that the first animal and the last animal in the process must be totally different from each other; that means that you can’t combine them to create another species. So you would show the elephant source image then a minimum of three steps of change and the final bird source image. This can be done side by side or in a portrait format stacking one image over the other. A high res image posting is advisable. GL !


Evolution photoshop picture)
Author: erathion, created for: animorph photoshop contest

51. The Living Mill

Contest goal:
mill photoshop contest

The Living Mill photoshop picture)
Author: ShiZa, created for: mill photoshop contest

50. The Training

Contest goal:
old coins photoshop contest

The Training photoshop picture)
Author: Akassa, created for: old coins photoshop contest

49. Outstanding Embarrassment

Contest goal:
little fireman photoshop contest

Outstanding Embarrassment photoshop picture)
Author: pixelkid, created for: little fireman photoshop contest

48. Prairie dog

Contest goal:
Have you seen a hairless cat? Creepy things, aren’t they? What else could be hairless? That’s your goal. Photoshop an animal that usually wouldn’t be hairless, to hairless. Have fun and good luck!


Prairie dog photoshop picture)
Author: derdevil, created for: hairless photoshop contest

47. Glasshopper

Contest goal:
bug closeuo photoshop contest

Glasshopper photoshop picture)
Author: derdevil, created for: bug closeuo photoshop contest

46. The love letter

Contest goal:
rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

The love letter photoshop picture)
Author: marina08, created for: rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

45. Parro(ca)t

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: Take any animal or person and give them skin from another animal or person.


Parro(ca)t  photoshop picture)
Author: Nickk, created for: skin replacement 2 photoshop contest

44. Human Clone

Contest goal:
containers photoshop contest

Human Clone  photoshop picture)
Author: MoNophian, created for: containers photoshop contest

43. Sticky Mutuality

Contest goal:
broken eggs photoshop contest

Sticky Mutuality photoshop picture)
Author: Drivenslush, created for: broken eggs photoshop contest

42. Eternity

Contest goal:
sea star photoshop contest

Eternity photoshop picture)
Author: CorneliaMladenova, created for: sea star photoshop contest

41. An Aurora of Polar Bears

Contest goal:
“One of the many oddities of the English language is the multitude of different names given to collections or groups of beasts, birds, people or things. Many of these collective nouns are beautiful and evocative, even poetic.” Samples can be found here. Create an image that shows a “collective noun” visually. You can make up your own as long as it makes sense. An example of an invented one could be something like “a hug of grandmothers” or “a pouring of teapots”. Make sure to depict the EXPRESSION of the collective noun rather than just the group. EXAMPLE: “A Murder of Crows” for this you would NOT show just a group of crows but an image that evokes the feeling of both Murder and Crows … keep the blood and gore to a minimum. Samples: – Sample 1Sample 2


An Aurora of Polar Bears photoshop picture)
Author: arca, created for: collective nouns photoshop contest

40. home

Contest goal:
rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

home photoshop picture)
Author: dekwid, created for: rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

39. the promised land

Contest goal:
orange sign photoshop contest

the promised land photoshop picture)
Author: dekwid, created for: orange sign photoshop contest

38. Window to Spring

Contest goal:
spring landscape photoshop contest

Window to Spring photoshop picture)
Author: artgirl1935, created for: spring landscape photoshop contest

37. Homage to Maria

Contest goal:
white eggs photoshop contest

Homage to Maria photoshop picture)
Author: CMYK46, created for: white eggs photoshop contest

36. Blue Bird

Contest goal:
blue eye photoshop contest

Blue Bird photoshop picture)
Author: lahiripartha, created for: blue eye photoshop contest

35. where is my sky

Contest goal:
containers photoshop contest

where is my sky photoshop picture)
Author: nanaris, created for: containers photoshop contest

34. Monochromatic Dreams

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


Monochromatic Dreams photoshop picture)
Author: jadedink, created for: mixed manipulations 8 photoshop contest

33. Sakura

Contest goal:
spring landscape photoshop contest

Sakura photoshop picture)
Author: jaskier, created for: spring landscape photoshop contest


Contest goal:
broken eggs photoshop contest

SUPER CHICK photoshop picture)
Author: MoNophian, created for: broken eggs photoshop contest

31. flower paint

Contest goal:
The possibilities in this contest are endless. Your only limitation is that your picture has to contain some sort of splashing effect. It can be any liquid you want and at least one drop must splashing around. Other objects and scenes can be present in your picture as well. An example of a splash effect can be found here.


flower paint photoshop picture)
Author: Se7eN0f9, created for: splash fun photoshop contest

30. Lost in Time

Contest goal:
old clock photoshop contest

Lost in Time photoshop picture)
Author: Akassa, created for: old clock photoshop contest

29. Cursed

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


Cursed photoshop picture)
Author: DanielaOwergoor, created for: mixed manipulations 9 photoshop contest

28. Mysterious Island

Contest goal:
chimney photoshop contest

Mysterious Island photoshop picture)
Author: Chalty669, created for: chimney photoshop contest

27. Hairless Monkey

Contest goal:
Have you seen a hairless cat? Creepy things, aren’t they? What else could be hairless? That’s your goal. Photoshop an animal that usually wouldn’t be hairless, to hairless. Have fun and good luck!


Hairless Monkey photoshop picture)
Author: RickLaMesa, created for: hairless photoshop contest

26. End Of Days

Contest goal:
Apocalyptic fiction is a sub-genre of science fiction that is concerned with the end of civilization either through nuclear war, plague, or some other general disaster. Post-apocalyptic fiction is set in a world or civilization after such a disaster. The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten. Here is your chance to show us what you think the world would look like after some major disaster. There are lots of examples on the internet, just type in the title of this contest if you need some ideas. Good luck.


End Of Days photoshop picture)
Author: erathion, created for: post apocalyptic photoshop contest

25. Snow Day

Contest goal:
rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

Snow Day photoshop picture)
Author: pingenvy, created for: rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

24. god’s hands

Contest goal:
Apocalyptic fiction is a sub-genre of science fiction that is concerned with the end of civilization either through nuclear war, plague, or some other general disaster. Post-apocalyptic fiction is set in a world or civilization after such a disaster. The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten. Here is your chance to show us what you think the world would look like after some major disaster. There are lots of examples on the internet, just type in the title of this contest if you need some ideas. Good luck.


gods hands photoshop picture)
Author: dekwid, created for: post apocalyptic photoshop contest

23. The Ultimate Executioner

Contest goal:
fire hydrant photoshop contest

The Ultimate Executioner photoshop picture)
Author: Siddhartha, created for: fire hydrant photoshop contest

22. Explosive Kiss

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


Explosive Kiss photoshop picture)
Author: solkee, created for: mixed manipulations 8 photoshop contest

21. Chasing

Contest goal:
rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

Chasing photoshop picture)
Author: langstrum, created for: rusty mailboxes photoshop contest

20. OOPS !!

Contest goal:
broken eggs photoshop contest

OOPS !! photoshop picture)
Author: Glockman, created for: broken eggs photoshop contest

19. Jaws

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


Jaws photoshop picture)
Author: gotmeamuse, created for: mixed manipulations 8 photoshop contest

18. The Mission

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


The Mission photoshop picture)
Author: Poss, created for: mixed manipulations 9 photoshop contest

17. The End

Contest goal:
stone path photoshop contest

The End photoshop picture)
Author: ponti55, created for: stone path photoshop contest

16. The Passage of Time

Contest goal:
old clock photoshop contest

The Passage of Time photoshop picture)
Author: ponti55, created for: old clock photoshop contest

15. Ocean

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


Ocean photoshop picture)
Author: CorneliaMladenova, created for: mixed manipulations 9 photoshop contest

14. Ambushed

Contest goal:
Compose an image of Bigfoot, also known as “Sasquatch”, as if it were a real photograph of a creature spotted sneaking around or just wandering through the woods. Or just anywhere you can imagine one would be going about on his/her day.


 Ambushed photoshop picture)
Author: RickLaMesa, created for: big foot photoshop contest

13. Close before using

Contest goal:
Show us that mobile phone design that just never quite took off. Add features to a phone that are completely useless or just show a device that is just practically not usable. The more extreme, the better!


Close before using photoshop picture)
Author: mqtrf, created for: failed cellphones photoshop contest

12. A little Hugh Hefner

Contest goal:
Remember that movie “Honey I Shrunk The Kids”? Well here is your chance to show us what you would look like in that shrunken stage, and where you would be. This contest is not anonymous, but you don’t have to use yourself, you can use a friend of family member. Be creative, remember you’re tiny, you can fit just about anywhere. Have fun and good luck.


A little Hugh Hefner photoshop picture)
Author: mqtrf, created for: shrunk photoshop contest

11. Nudist

Contest goal:
Have you seen a hairless cat? Creepy things, aren’t they? What else could be hairless? That’s your goal. Photoshop an animal that usually wouldn’t be hairless, to hairless. Have fun and good luck!


Nudist photoshop picture)
Author: derdevil, created for: hairless photoshop contest

10. Blessing

Contest goal:
crosses photoshop contest

Blessing photoshop picture)
Author: dekwid, created for: crosses photoshop contest

9. God’s Country from on High

Contest goal:
containers photoshop contest

 Gods Country from on High photoshop picture)
Author: artgirl1935, created for: containers photoshop contest

8. Punisher

Contest goal:
fire hydrant photoshop contest

Punisher photoshop picture)
Author: Chalty669, created for: fire hydrant photoshop contest

7. The Resurrection

Contest goal:
crosses photoshop contest

The Resurrection photoshop picture)
Author: petersheep, created for: crosses photoshop contest

6. Rinsed

Contest goal:
The possibilities in this contest are endless. Your only limitation is that your picture has to contain some sort of splashing effect. It can be any liquid you want and at least one drop must splashing around. Other objects and scenes can be present in your picture as well. An example of a splash effect can be found here.


Rinsed photoshop picture)
Author: RichieMB, created for: splash fun photoshop contest

5. Still Life with Eggs

Contest goal:
broken eggs photoshop contest

Still Life with Eggs photoshop picture)
Author: artgirl1935, created for: broken eggs photoshop contest

4. ducANTi

Contest goal:
ant closeup photoshop contest

ducANTi photoshop picture)
Author: solkee, created for: ant closeup photoshop contest

3. Ace of Cups

Contest goal:
broken eggs photoshop contest

Ace of Cups photoshop picture)
Author: CorneliaMladenova, created for: broken eggs photoshop contest

2. Lioness

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: Take any animal or person and give them skin from another animal or person.


Lioness photoshop picture)
Author: RickLaMesa, created for: skin replacement 2 photoshop contest

1. Sandy Clowes is coming to town

Contest goal:
In this special contest, you can upload any image manipulation that you created or want to create and that doesn’t fit in any of the other active Photoshop contest. Obviously, this contest won’t be 100% anonymous, just don’t mention your name, or add any special signs on your image that reveal your name. It can be anything you like, as long as it respects the Pxleyes rules & guidelines and you haven’t submitted it before on pxleyes. A SBS is optional, but all sources must be mentioned to prove the authenticity of your work. Maximum 2 entries. Suggested by erikuri.


Sandy Clowes is coming to town photoshop picture)
Author: wazowski, created for: mixed manipulations 9 photoshop contest


Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


2 Responses:

  1. Floortje1973 says:

    So glad I can find myself in this list, but scrolling down I am kind off bummed 🙁 (64,1%)

    ( 2 years and 4411 days ago )
  2. lahiripartha says:

    I am happy to see my two entries in the list amongst the artwork made by Masterpieces. Great collection again. Thanks to all.

    ( 2 years and 4409 days ago )