The Mindblowing Photo Manipulations of Kiyo Murakami – with Exclusive Interview

Asia is a fascinating continent to all the other parts of the world, by culture, traditions and customs. All these special features are reflected in art also, which has a unique and graceful feel. Today’s showcase proves it, by introducing a very talented artist from Japan. Kiyo Murakami combines photography and photo-manipulation into amazing pieces of art – she manages to create fantasy worlds that you can’t even dream of. We interviewed her and very kindly she agreed to share some thoughts with us. Here goes:
Q: Hello Kiyo and welcome to community. Please introduce yourself.
A: Hello and thank you for inviting me. My name is Kiyo Murakami, and I am a freelance photographer and designer living in Tokyo. After I graduated from art school I continued experimenting with various art forms: illustration, design, music, etc., and discovered that I was able to best express my myself through the world of photography.

Goddess of Origami “Goddess of ‘Origami'”

Q: Your art is simply amazing. Please tell us what kind of software do you use for manipulations and what kind of gear for photography?
A: Thank you very much. I shoot exclusively in RAW format and do all of my editing and manipulations in Photoshop CS5. At the moment, my primary camera gear consists of a Canon EOS 5D MkII body with lenses that include a 28-135mm zoom, a 50mm f1.4 prime lens and a 20mm f2.8 prime lens.

Try Your Fortune “Try Your Fortune”

Q: Is there something or someone who inspires you in the creation process?
A: To be honest, I’m not that familiar with famous photographers, though I have found inspiration in paintings, music, and movies – old paintings and classic films in particular, but my most creative ideas come from my childhood memories and dreams.

Night Scented Girl 3 “Night Scented Girl 3”

Q: How long does it take, approximately, for completing the creation of such a beautiful image?
A: If I am working alone (and depending upon the image) it can take up to 4 hours or longer for the shoot, with an additional 4 to 8 hours spent in post-processing. When I collaborate with someone else it usually takes considerably longer as we exchange ideas and work through drawings and rough sketches.

Girl of the Flower Garden 3 “Girl of the Flower Garden 3”

Q: Is there any theme in art that draws more your attention?
A: When I was little, I really loved surreal art because it can transport us to other worlds. Now, we can easily create that kind of art on the computer and while I still find it fun, I have come to place where I tend to be more thoughtful in my approach to my creation, and the concepts it leads me to.

Girl of the Flower Garden 2 “Girl of the Flower Garden 2”

Q: Do you collaborate with other people?
A: Yes, I chose to surround myself with creative and talented friends whom I often collaborate with. As an example, I recently collaborated with Japan’s exclusive women’s corset brand: abilletage (, which led to a very exciting photo exhibition in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district.

Night Scented Girl 2 “Night Scented Girl 2”

Q: Please give a little piece of advice for the artists just starting out in this field.
A: My best advice is have fun with your imagination – try to be creative without thinking too much about what photography is. I also believe that it’s very important to surround yourself with creative people and friends with whom you can share ideas and find mutual inspiration and support.

Girl of the Flower Garden 1

Girl of the Flower Garden 1

Fire Abide with Me

Fire Abide with Me

Image for “Abilletage” II

Image for "Abilletage" II

Night Dolls

Night Dolls

Night Smoke

Night Smoke

Little Bird

Little Bird

Symphony for the Corset

Symphony for the Corset

Dancing Slowly

Dancing Slowly

Coming of Winter

Coming of Winter



I Dreamt of the Birds Flying

I Dreamt of the Birds Flying

A Puff of Wind

A Puff of Wind



Afternoon Clouds

Afternoon Clouds

A Little Night Music

A Little Night Music



Love is in the Air

Love is in the Air

The World Swings Round

The World Swings Round



Night Forest

Night Forest

Voice of the Wind

Voice of the Wind



Under Water

Under Water

Spring Garden

Spring Garden

Coming of Spring

Coming of Spring

Guidepost of the Sky

Guidepost of the Sky

Melt in the Moment

Melt in the Moment

Dress up for my Night

Dress up for my Night

Good Morning to this Sad and Beautiful World

Good Morning to this Sad and Beautiful World

Her Innocence Hurts Herself

Her Innocence Hurts Herself

Above the Sleeping Town

Above the Sleeping Town

The World is Hiding a Voice in the Throat

The World is Hiding a Voice in the Throat

Girl Traveling Without Baggage

Girl Traveling Without Baggage

Sky Smoking

Sky Smoking

Old Memories Faade into the Rain

Old Memories Faade into the Rain

The Silence Drives Me Insane

The Silence Drives Me Insane



A Little Red Heart from Miles Away

A Little Red Heart from Miles Away

The End of a Perfect Day

The End of a Perfect Day

Rainy Days, I Caught Your Tears

Rainy Days, I Caught Your Tears

You Lead Me to the Light

You Lead Me to the Light

The Show is Over

The Show is Over



So Golden

So Golden


Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


10 Responses:

  1. closedeyes says:

    hi, a lots of thanks for presenting a nice collection giulia….:)
    and very inspiring work from Kiyo Murakami…
    really appreciate it…:)

    ( 2 years and 4422 days ago )
  2. Giulia says:

    Thanks a lot, glad you like it 🙂

    ( 2 years and 4422 days ago )

    hey girl, i am adding these great pics to my blog on tumblr. thanks….u rock….

    ( 2 years and 4422 days ago )
  4. Sukh Riar says:

    wonderful work and Its gave me some nice idea. Thanks:-)

    ( 2 years and 4421 days ago )
  5. Mario says:

    Yes Giulia like you told me I like this alot 🙂 5*

    ( 2 years and 4421 days ago )
  6. Niharika says:

    wow……..Its extremely beautiful

    ( 2 years and 4420 days ago )
  7. Giulia says:

    @ Mario: I knew it!!!!! 😀 Also congrats for the 2nd place in the contest!!!!!

    ( 2 years and 4418 days ago )
  8. Clint says:

    hey! your art looks like feelings you’ve felt before. Great Work keep it up

    ( 2 years and 4418 days ago )
  9. abdulsalam abuelez says:

    Very good beautiful photo and this nice site
    I want to post this article on my web site with write this site source if you no have any problem


    ( 2 years and 4411 days ago )
  10. ava says:

    wow Giulia these pics are great…. . thanks for sharing… .

    ( 2 years and 4087 days ago )