The Cutest Digital Illustrations by Anne Patzke – with Exclusive Interview

The following showcase presents a darling collection of cute illustrations, mostly targeted to children, but everyone can for sure enjoy them. A world of colors and imagination, joy and dreams, that is what the young and talented Anne creates. In the exclusive interview she kindly accepted to take for us, she explains some interesting things about herself, about this job as an illustrator and shares precious advice, that nobody interested in this field should miss!
Q: Hello Anne! Welcome to community. Please tell us a few wordfs about yourself.
A: Hello! I’m a 28-years-old illustrator living and working in Berlin. My job is a bit complicated to explain since I’m one of those girls screaming “hurray” whenever something interesting pops up. Which normally means I end up doing socks, board games, comics, children’s books, things for Android, cd covers and god knows what else. I’ve originally studied graphic-design but slipped into illustration 2 weeks after graduating which was possibly the best decision ever.
Waiting For Friends “Waiting For Friends”

Q: Your illustrations are absolutely amazing and very cute looking. What made you specialize on this theme?
A: Actually at the moment I’m working on spaceships and planets and those are not really cute. Next to those oddities of job offers I concentrate on my chubby animals because I like creating happy places. It’s one of the rare things where I’m able to push people back into childhood and dig into all the memories where live was still nice and full of options. I like happy endings, the thought of people walking over a rainbow bridge and Santa being real. I admit I’m one of those girls hoping every movie has a happy end and everybody might be nice to somebody else. But life’s not always nice. So if I’m able to make people smile and they say “it made my day, I’m cheered up” …. that’s why I like doing the cute stuff. Somebody has to make the happy endings and rainbow bridges for the little child in us.
Chubby Baby Rose Fairy “Chubby Baby Rose Fairy”

Q: What kind of software do you use?
A: Mostly Photoshop. Otherwise simply paper, a light table and a pencil. It’s pretty much a traditional set up. sketching, scanning, painting, being proud.
You Want That? “You Want That?”

Q: Is there something/someone that inspires you with the creation of the cute illustrations?
A: My cats and all the things I experienced in childhood. I was one of the “climb trees, fall down, adopt animals, make parents crazy with frogs in the tub”-kids.
Sir Bogard “Sir Bogard”

Q: Do you have any ongoing projects?
A: At the moment I work on a design relaunch of a board game for schmidtspiele. That’s the spaceship-nerd-part. Most people might think “omg, the ship’s gonna have bunny ears” but though I’d like the idea it’s totally different from usual business which is good. Next to that I try to finish a bunch of comic pages for the chubbanimals, work on the fourth book of my children’s book series “Kulla” and try to finish all requests I should have already finished.
Shikishi 2010 “Shikishi 2010”

Q: Please give a little piece of advice for the newbies just starting out in this field of art.
A: I think you should always be brave and never be scared of new options and possibilities. When I got my job offer for doing spaceships and technical interfaces I was freaking out for 10 seconds and said yes. And it’s always good to be honest and stay grounded- if you feel like loosing a grip go out, talk to friends, ask your mum and take a long bath with a good book. There’s no recipe for a wonderful career and honestly: If you don’t know the bad days, you won’t be able to appreciate the good ones. So whenever something odd, bad and stupid happens learn your lesson and move on.

Before Midnight

Before Midnight

My Conker Hat

My Conker Hat

Lost Delivery :Pong:

Lost Delivery :Pong:



The Jade Rabbit

The Jade Rabbit





I Won a War

I Won a War

Bao Bao

Bao Bao



My Lucky Star

My Lucky Star

Christmas Teddy

Christmas Teddy

Kitteh Pumpkin

Kitteh Pumpkin

Lil Polarfox

Lil Polarfox

Mah Hallaween Gang

Mah Hallaween Gang



Panda Cub Cup

Panda Cub Cup

Mortal Wombat

Mortal Wombat

Ish Me Alike a Bit

Ish Me Alike a Bit

Hakula :Halloween Night

Hakula :Halloween Night



Speed Racer

Speed Racer

Cloudy With Occasional Present

Cloudy With Occasional Present

Tumble Mug

Tumble Mug

Kulla Promocard

Kulla Promocard





Stupid Bath

Stupid Bath

Pong Mug

Pong Mug




Howdie stranger!
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3 Responses:

  1. Ann says:

    Beautifully illustrated..Amazing collection.I want all of them.

    ( 2 years and 4335 days ago )
  2. erikuri says:

    Really really beautiful and cute, all illustrations are very delicate with oriental style.

    ( 2 years and 4329 days ago )
  3. jenni says:

    awe some

    ( 2 years and 3762 days ago )