The 100 Best Photos From the Pxleyes Photography Contests of March 2011

Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 100 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month March 2011… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries.
The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the one filter, shadows 2, bw chairs, colorless cars 2 and skies contest. Keep up the good work and good luck in next month’s photography contests!

100. Joyce

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Joyce photoshop picture)
Author: rbrum, created for: dogs photography contest

99. Safety pin

Contest goal:
Enter your macros of zips, velcro, buttons, hooks, toggles, press studs, laces, drawstrings, safety pins, etc. Anything that’s used to fasten clothing together…Good Luck!


Safety pin photoshop picture)
Author: jerostone, created for: fastener macros photography contest

98. Baby sitter

Contest goal:
Show us your best teddy bears in a themed way. Make them look alive and like they are doing something. Having a tea party, watching tv, making a pyramid or whatever, as long as it’s not just the teddy bear just sitting there on a shelf or on a bed (unless it’s posed as if to be sleeping). Good luck.


Baby sitter photoshop picture)
Author: Remsphoto, created for: teddy bears photography contest

97. Lagoon

Contest goal:
A “pattern” is something that forms a consistent or repetitive arrangement. We are surrounded by patterns in everyday life, but in this contest your entry must be a pattern that occurs without the hand of man involved. Find interesting patterns in nature and share your best with the rest of us…The repeating pattern must not necessarily be exactly the same size each time. (see thumbnail in the contest description) The pattern should fill the entire frame. No other elements should be visible.


Lagoon photoshop picture)
Author: smokebigbird, created for: natural patterns photography contest

96. Explorer

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Explorer photoshop picture)
Author: Animark, created for: dogs photography contest

95. Mooo

Contest goal:
Take your best photo of barn yard animals. Can be one or many animals but no people are to be in shot. This would include: horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, etc. FYI dogs and cats are NOT barn yard animals.


Mooo photoshop picture)
Author: Animark, created for: barnyard photography contest

94. Bandurria

Contest goal:
The goal for this contest is to show us your most amazing shots of musical instruments. It can be guitar, flute, oboe, piano, drums, or any musical instrument you like. No people allowed in shot, just the instrument.


Bandurria photoshop picture)
Author: Karol, created for: instruments photography contest

93. dry

Contest goal:
We use them every day, many times a day. There are so many different types, fancy, simple, old, indoor and outdoor, bathroom, kitchen, etc. Take your best shot of a faucet. Water fountains will be considered off topic. The surroundings may be included in the shot but the faucet must be the focus. No people or animals allowed.


dry photoshop picture)
Author: Karol, created for: faucets photography contest

92. sea monster

Contest goal:
It’s time to take some stock photos for others to use. It’s not as easy as you might think to take a good stock photo. There is a reason why some pictures get picked over and over again to be used in art work. Remember to take in to account the light, the background, the focus and subject for your photo. You should also vote for pictures you would really want to use. As a reward the first place winner of this contest will be featured as the next week photo to use in the photoshop contest. Have fun and good luck!


sea monster photoshop picture)
Author: agthakurtas, created for: best stock photography contest

91. 3 O’Clock GMT

Contest goal:
One of the fantastic things about this site is that we have people from all over the world. Right now, some are entering spring, while others are entering fall… and still others live in places where the weather doesn’t seem to change much! But one thing we all have in common are the days of the week and the clock. For this contest, take a photo showing someplace in your town on Saturday afternoon at 3:00pm. You’re on your honor, but it will be kind of obviously off-theme if entries show up before Saturday at 3:01 (your local time), or if it’s a night shot etc.


3 OClock GMT photoshop picture)
Author: jeaniblog, created for: saturday photography contest

90. Dusty Ride

Contest goal:
We see them used everywhere. From the handicapped using them to just getting out of the hospital. Take your most artistic shot of a wheelchair. Try not to offend anyone sitting in it and keep your focus on the wheel chair.


Dusty Ride photoshop picture)
Author: vlewis25, created for: wheel chairs photography contest

89. swan

Contest goal:
A “pattern” is something that forms a consistent or repetitive arrangement. We are surrounded by patterns in everyday life, but in this contest your entry must be a pattern that occurs without the hand of man involved. Find interesting patterns in nature and share your best with the rest of us…The repeating pattern must not necessarily be exactly the same size each time. (see thumbnail in the contest description) The pattern should fill the entire frame. No other elements should be visible.


swan photoshop picture)
Author: kathyw, created for: natural patterns photography contest

88. Georgia lotus

Contest goal:
It’s time to take some stock photos for others to use. It’s not as easy as you might think to take a good stock photo. There is a reason why some pictures get picked over and over again to be used in art work. Remember to take in to account the light, the background, the focus and subject for your photo. You should also vote for pictures you would really want to use. As a reward the first place winner of this contest will be featured as the next week photo to use in the photoshop contest. Have fun and good luck!


Georgia lotus photoshop picture)
Author: emilymnewell, created for: best stock photography contest

87. Dust

Contest goal:
Take your best photo of barn yard animals. Can be one or many animals but no people are to be in shot. This would include: horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, etc. FYI dogs and cats are NOT barn yard animals.


Dust photoshop picture)
Author: wind, created for: barnyard photography contest

86. Mosaic

Contest goal:
Portray a photo that has a checkered pattern as the main focus. For example, a checker board, a tiled floor, a flag or even farmer’s fields. Here’s a pretty good example Good Luck!


Mosaic photoshop picture)
Author: patty, created for: checkered photography contest

85. Husky

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Husky photoshop picture)
Author: Animark, created for: dogs photography contest

84. nameless

Contest goal:
Enter a photo that meets the definition of Record. This word has more than one definition. As long as it fits any definition of record, it’s on theme.


nameless photoshop picture)
Author: ygor, created for: record photography contest

83. paint it black

Contest goal:
We had a white contest, now it’s time for black. So take a shot where the focus is on the color black. It might be anything, as long as the color black is the main color in your shot. Good luck.


paint it black photoshop picture)
Author: Momof4boyoboys, created for: black photography contest

82. Mug-360!

Contest goal:
In this contest, like the panorama 360 contest, your goal is to take a full 360 degrees of shots, but this time, it is going around an object, to capture it’s full surface. It’s kind of like making a globe into a flat map, but with panorama photography. As long as you show the full surface 360 of any subject, it’s on theme. Have fun and good luck!


Mug-360! photoshop picture)
Author: itsmymoment, created for: surface panoramas photography contest

81. cufflinks?

Contest goal:
Enter your macros of zips, velcro, buttons, hooks, toggles, press studs, laces, drawstrings, safety pins, etc. Anything that’s used to fasten clothing together…Good Luck!


cufflinks? photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: fastener macros photography contest

80. Fly

Contest goal:
Enter your macros of zips, velcro, buttons, hooks, toggles, press studs, laces, drawstrings, safety pins, etc. Anything that’s used to fasten clothing together…Good Luck!


Fly photoshop picture)
Author: xogx2002, created for: fastener macros photography contest


Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is to reenact a scene from your favorite movie(s) and post it here for everyone to see. You can use costumes, sets, or even pantomime it…just so long as it doesn’t violate copyright. The more creative you get in your solution to this problem the better. So bust out those acting chops and get to shootin’!


GODZILLA! photoshop picture)
Author: kyricom, created for: movie scenes photography contest

78. reflection

Contest goal:
Use one or more objects and photograph them in a way that makes at least 1 object (the main object in your photo) seem to be something else then it really is. You need to show, in the SBS, what objects you’ve used in a recognizable manner. Example.


reflection photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: something else photography contest

77. Rollin’ Wired

Contest goal:
Find the coolest most twisted photo of wires that you can. You can show the mess of wires on your computer, tv, hifi installation, … The more wires, the better! Show us how messy (or creative) you are with you cables!


Rollin Wired photoshop picture)
Author: rbsgrl, created for: wires photography contest

76. Chain reaction

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to make a shadow interesting. Take a special object, cast a spectacular shadow and photograph it in an artistic way. Both the shadow and the object casting the shadow must be in your shot.


Chain reaction photoshop picture)
Author: karaflazz, created for: shadows 2 photography contest

75. Donkugly

Contest goal:
Everyone loves taking photos of beautiful things in nature… But that’s exactly what we won’t do for this contest. Your goal is to find and photograph some of natures really ugly things. No man made objects can be the subject of the photo. ‘Ugly’ can be interpreted as unusual, odd, disgusting, gross, slimey, smelly, …


Donkugly photoshop picture)
Author: Artifakts, created for: ugly nature 2 photography contest

74. flow control

Contest goal:
We use them every day, many times a day. There are so many different types, fancy, simple, old, indoor and outdoor, bathroom, kitchen, etc. Take your best shot of a faucet. Water fountains will be considered off topic. The surroundings may be included in the shot but the faucet must be the focus. No people or animals allowed.


flow control photoshop picture)
Author: Remsphoto, created for: faucets photography contest

73. One rose

Contest goal:
We had a flower close up contest, but now let’s see not only your photography skills but your ability to set up your shot. This time you have to take a picture of flowers in a vase. You can also have other decoration in your set up, but flower(s) and vase are mandatory. Get creative and get shooting, good luck.


One rose photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: vases photography contest

72. Blee

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Blee  photoshop picture)
Author: trialboj, created for: dogs photography contest

71. Cassette

Contest goal:
Enter macro images of a machine. A machine is defined as: any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks. The catch: Computers, Televisions, phones and cameras are excluded and will be considered off topic… Others will need to guess what machine you took a macro of.


Cassette photoshop picture)
Author: rbrum, created for: machine macros photography contest

70. Spring

Contest goal:
Capture a flower image demonstrating depth of field (DOF) behind your subject. If you don’t know what DOF means, have a look at these 100 examples. The challenge in DOF photography is managing to let the sharpness gradually decrease on each side of the main subject.


Spring photoshop picture)
Author: WYSIWYG, created for: flower dof photography contest

69. Brass dragon

Contest goal:
It’s time to take some stock photos for others to use. It’s not as easy as you might think to take a good stock photo. There is a reason why some pictures get picked over and over again to be used in art work. Remember to take in to account the light, the background, the focus and subject for your photo. You should also vote for pictures you would really want to use. As a reward the first place winner of this contest will be featured as the next week photo to use in the photoshop contest. Have fun and good luck!


Brass dragon photoshop picture)
Author: ibmaxed, created for: best stock photography contest

68. Eddy

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Eddy photoshop picture)
Author: niiicoleyy, created for: dogs photography contest

67. My daughter’s violin

Contest goal:
The goal for this contest is to show us your most amazing shots of musical instruments. It can be guitar, flute, oboe, piano, drums, or any musical instrument you like. No people allowed in shot, just the instrument.


My daughters violin photoshop picture)
Author: ea8322, created for: instruments photography contest

66. My favourite painting

Contest goal:
Use one or more objects and photograph them in a way that makes at least 1 object (the main object in your photo) seem to be something else then it really is. You need to show, in the SBS, what objects you’ve used in a recognizable manner. Example.


My favourite painting photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: something else photography contest

65. Make a Wish

Contest goal:
We’ve all used this feature and since it’s also a feature that’s allowed to be used, I thought it would be fun who could curve the best photo. Take one of your own photos and curve the colors in a way that can be totally psychedelic or just enhances the image altogether. Anything can be in the shot but it must have been curved and no black and white images. A good tutorial about curving can be found here.


Make a Wish photoshop picture)
Author: EmiK, created for: curving photography contest

64. Front Porch

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is simple: Take a black and white photograph of one or more chairs. No people or animals allowed.


Front Porch photoshop picture)
Author: rbsgrl, created for: bw chairs photography contest

63. old glass

Contest goal:
It is said that approximately 75% of adults wear some form of vision correction (mainly glasses). Sounds like a great opportunity for a contest! Take a creative shot of glasses of any kind. Sunglasses, prescription, bifocals…its all good. Contact lenses will be considered off topic. People ARE allowed to be in the shot, but remember what the focus of this contest is. Best of luck!


old glass photoshop picture)
Author: carnivalofmemories, created for: glasses photography contest

62. Some kinda landing war plane

Contest goal:
How about a 45 minute drive to the airport? I’m fascinated with airplanes, especially low ones flying in the sky or ones that are about to land. Enter amazing photos of low flying and landing airplanes only!


Some kinda landing war plane photoshop picture)
Author: MnMCarta, created for: airplanes photography contest

61. from my heart

Contest goal:
You heard it! A contest all for yummy sweets like cakes, cookies, candy and ice cream! No humans or liquid sweets like soda or milkshakes. Close-ups are okay, but not required. Have fun!


from my heart photoshop picture)
Author: Alexandra, created for: yummy treats photography contest

60. Renovation

Contest goal:
Submit artistic images of corridors, MUST be indoors. Definition of a corridor: A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.


Renovation photoshop picture)
Author: jeaniblog, created for: corridors photography contest

59. –

Contest goal:
Capture a flower image demonstrating depth of field (DOF) behind your subject. If you don’t know what DOF means, have a look at these 100 examples. The challenge in DOF photography is managing to let the sharpness gradually decrease on each side of the main subject.


- photoshop picture)
Author: Rad-Vila, created for: flower dof photography contest

58. Viewpoint

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is simple: Take a black and white photograph of one or more chairs. No people or animals allowed.


Viewpoint photoshop picture)
Author: patty, created for: bw chairs photography contest

57. Serious run

Contest goal:
Take a picture of people running for whatever reason, i.e. while jogging, trying to catch the bus, or… fleeing some IRS agents chasing after them. Sky is the limit, as long as we can see people running. They may be more than one, also bystanders are allowed.


Serious run photoshop picture)
Author: Remsphoto, created for: running people photography contest

56. Codename : 007_B/W_DBS

Contest goal:
For this contest, your goal is to take a picture of a car, and ONLY one car. No other cars can be visible in your photo and the photo has to be black and white only. The lightning and shadows, as well as the environment, can make it look old or fancy, a real piece of art. No people or animals. Good luck!


Codename : 007_B/W_DBS  photoshop picture)
Author: Artifakts, created for: colorless cars 2 photography contest

55. Escape?

Contest goal:
Take a picture of people running for whatever reason, i.e. while jogging, trying to catch the bus, or… fleeing some IRS agents chasing after them. Sky is the limit, as long as we can see people running. They may be more than one, also bystanders are allowed.


Escape? photoshop picture)
Author: kyricom, created for: running people photography contest

54. In Stitches

Contest goal:
Enter macro images of a machine. A machine is defined as: any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks. The catch: Computers, Televisions, phones and cameras are excluded and will be considered off topic… Others will need to guess what machine you took a macro of.


In Stitches photoshop picture)
Author: rbsgrl, created for: machine macros photography contest

53. Ugly me!

Contest goal:
Everyone loves taking photos of beautiful things in nature… But that’s exactly what we won’t do for this contest. Your goal is to find and photograph some of natures really ugly things. No man made objects can be the subject of the photo. ‘Ugly’ can be interpreted as unusual, odd, disgusting, gross, slimey, smelly, …


Ugly me! photoshop picture)
Author: wind, created for: ugly nature 2 photography contest

52. For Kyricom

Contest goal:
Portray a photo that has a checkered pattern as the main focus. For example, a checker board, a tiled floor, a flag or even farmer’s fields. Here’s a pretty good example Good Luck!


For Kyricom photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: checkered photography contest

51. Basket of Fun

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Basket of Fun photoshop picture)
Author: FallingHorse, created for: dogs photography contest

50. Jimmy

Contest goal:
Ever pass a building with an outstanding mural or graffiti painted on the side of a building? And perhaps thought to yourself, “this amazing!?” Well here is your chance to capture an amazing piece of artwork on the side of a building. It may be graffiti, or a mural of children, as long as it looks professional… The more professional it looks, the better. Have fun and find something colorful and creative!


Jimmy photoshop picture)
Author: Artifakts, created for: graffiti pros photography contest

49. Dog-gone Cute

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Dog-gone Cute photoshop picture)
Author: itsmymoment, created for: dogs photography contest

48. Shaggy

Contest goal:
Take your best photo of barn yard animals. Can be one or many animals but no people are to be in shot. This would include: horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, etc. FYI dogs and cats are NOT barn yard animals.


Shaggy photoshop picture)
Author: Animark, created for: barnyard photography contest

47. Picture at an Exhibition

Contest goal:
Submit artistic images of corridors, MUST be indoors. Definition of a corridor: A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.


Picture at an Exhibition photoshop picture)
Author: wind, created for: corridors photography contest

46. Babe

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Babe photoshop picture)
Author: jbillitteri, created for: dogs photography contest

45. Shadow or Chair

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is simple: Take a black and white photograph of one or more chairs. No people or animals allowed.


Shadow or Chair photoshop picture)
Author: frelbow, created for: bw chairs photography contest

44. Ocean

Contest goal:
Enter your best photo of skies. ONLY the sky. No land or object protruding from land can be in your shot. Flying object (planes, birds, UFOs, etc.) are ok, but the sky must be the main focus. Good luck!


Ocean photoshop picture)
Author: wind, created for: skies photography contest

43. dog

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


dog  photoshop picture)
Author: mth2nd, created for: dogs photography contest

42. Young horse

Contest goal:
Take your best photo of barn yard animals. Can be one or many animals but no people are to be in shot. This would include: horses, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, chickens, etc. FYI dogs and cats are NOT barn yard animals.


Young horse photoshop picture)
Author: Artifakts, created for: barnyard photography contest

41. Spiral

Contest goal:
Find the coolest most twisted photo of wires that you can. You can show the mess of wires on your computer, tv, hifi installation, … The more wires, the better! Show us how messy (or creative) you are with you cables!


Spiral photoshop picture)
Author: wind, created for: wires photography contest

40. butterfly

Contest goal:
For this contest, enter one of the most valuable/memorable items in your home. It HAS to be older than 8 years old. In the description please tell us why it is so valuable in your heart and why you held onto it for so long. No humans or animals. Have fun!


butterfly photoshop picture)
Author: Alexandra, created for: memorabilia photography contest

39. grandpa’s eyes

Contest goal:
It is said that approximately 75% of adults wear some form of vision correction (mainly glasses). Sounds like a great opportunity for a contest! Take a creative shot of glasses of any kind. Sunglasses, prescription, bifocals…its all good. Contact lenses will be considered off topic. People ARE allowed to be in the shot, but remember what the focus of this contest is. Best of luck!


grandpas eyes photoshop picture)
Author: Karol, created for: glasses photography contest

38. Lilliput Lane

Contest goal:
In this contest, like the panorama 360 contest, your goal is to take a full 360 degrees of shots, but this time, it is going around an object, to capture it’s full surface. It’s kind of like making a globe into a flat map, but with panorama photography. As long as you show the full surface 360 of any subject, it’s on theme. Have fun and good luck!


Lilliput Lane photoshop picture)
Author: jeaniblog, created for: surface panoramas photography contest

37. Manually mechanical

Contest goal:
Enter macro images of a machine. A machine is defined as: any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks. The catch: Computers, Televisions, phones and cameras are excluded and will be considered off topic… Others will need to guess what machine you took a macro of.


Manually mechanical photoshop picture)
Author: maclu2iaf, created for: machine macros photography contest


Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


WOW WOW photoshop picture)
Author: toztone, created for: dogs photography contest

35. Tyler

Contest goal:
We’ve all used this feature and since it’s also a feature that’s allowed to be used, I thought it would be fun who could curve the best photo. Take one of your own photos and curve the colors in a way that can be totally psychedelic or just enhances the image altogether. Anything can be in the shot but it must have been curved and no black and white images. A good tutorial about curving can be found here.


Tyler photoshop picture)
Author: h4yley, created for: curving photography contest

34. Quick, She’s Coming!!!

Contest goal:
Take a picture of people running for whatever reason, i.e. while jogging, trying to catch the bus, or… fleeing some IRS agents chasing after them. Sky is the limit, as long as we can see people running. They may be more than one, also bystanders are allowed.


Quick, Shes Coming!!! photoshop picture)
Author: smokebigbird, created for: running people photography contest

33. [un]formed

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is simple: Take a black and white photograph of one or more chairs. No people or animals allowed.


[un]formed photoshop picture)
Author: submarines, created for: bw chairs photography contest

32. Coming Undone

Contest goal:
Enter your macros of zips, velcro, buttons, hooks, toggles, press studs, laces, drawstrings, safety pins, etc. Anything that’s used to fasten clothing together…Good Luck!


Coming Undone photoshop picture)
Author: locksmagic, created for: fastener macros photography contest

31. Approaching

Contest goal:
Submit artistic images of corridors, MUST be indoors. Definition of a corridor: A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.


Approaching photoshop picture)
Author: tsheltz, created for: corridors photography contest

30. Garden

Contest goal:
Enter artistic images that are framed by foliage, trees, fencing, bridge arches, window & door frames, etc. Framing must be around at least 3 sides of the image. Good Luck!


Garden photoshop picture)
Author: ibmaxed, created for: framed photography contest

29. Shell

Contest goal:
A “pattern” is something that forms a consistent or repetitive arrangement. We are surrounded by patterns in everyday life, but in this contest your entry must be a pattern that occurs without the hand of man involved. Find interesting patterns in nature and share your best with the rest of us…The repeating pattern must not necessarily be exactly the same size each time. (see thumbnail in the contest description) The pattern should fill the entire frame. No other elements should be visible.


Shell photoshop picture)
Author: annarib, created for: natural patterns photography contest

28. A little camera shy

Contest goal:
We had a white contest, now it’s time for black. So take a shot where the focus is on the color black. It might be anything, as long as the color black is the main color in your shot. Good luck.


A little camera shy photoshop picture)
Author: MnMCarta, created for: black photography contest

27. A face you can love

Contest goal:
Everyone loves taking photos of beautiful things in nature… But that’s exactly what we won’t do for this contest. Your goal is to find and photograph some of natures really ugly things. No man made objects can be the subject of the photo. ‘Ugly’ can be interpreted as unusual, odd, disgusting, gross, slimey, smelly, …


A face you can love photoshop picture)
Author: Remsphoto, created for: ugly nature 2 photography contest

26. Green

Contest goal:
A “pattern” is something that forms a consistent or repetitive arrangement. We are surrounded by patterns in everyday life, but in this contest your entry must be a pattern that occurs without the hand of man involved. Find interesting patterns in nature and share your best with the rest of us…The repeating pattern must not necessarily be exactly the same size each time. (see thumbnail in the contest description) The pattern should fill the entire frame. No other elements should be visible.


Green photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: natural patterns photography contest

25. Friendly rodent

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is to take a shot of any type of rodent… mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters,… it’s their chance to shine, with your help of course.


Friendly rodent photoshop picture)
Author: Remsphoto, created for: rodents photography contest

24. … what u did last summer

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is to reenact a scene from your favorite movie(s) and post it here for everyone to see. You can use costumes, sets, or even pantomime it…just so long as it doesn’t violate copyright. The more creative you get in your solution to this problem the better. So bust out those acting chops and get to shootin’!


... what u did last summer photoshop picture)
Author: Alexandra, created for: movie scenes photography contest

23. A Time To cry

Contest goal:
How about a 45 minute drive to the airport? I’m fascinated with airplanes, especially low ones flying in the sky or ones that are about to land. Enter amazing photos of low flying and landing airplanes only!


A Time To cry photoshop picture)
Author: MnMCarta, created for: airplanes photography contest

22. Deep purple

Contest goal:
We had a flower close up contest, but now let’s see not only your photography skills but your ability to set up your shot. This time you have to take a picture of flowers in a vase. You can also have other decoration in your set up, but flower(s) and vase are mandatory. Get creative and get shooting, good luck.


Deep purple photoshop picture)
Author: karaflazz, created for: vases photography contest

21. Grumpy

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


Grumpy photoshop picture)
Author: sushi23, created for: dogs photography contest

20. Future best friend

Contest goal:
It’s Spring time in the northern hemisphere and the animals are spoutin off their young ! Post your best pictures of a baby animal being the FOCUS of the picture. No eggs will be allowed unless they are cracked open with the baby in it showing.


Future best friend photoshop picture)
Author: MaiconLima, created for: baby animals photography contest

19. Patterns of Nature

Contest goal:
A “pattern” is something that forms a consistent or repetitive arrangement. We are surrounded by patterns in everyday life, but in this contest your entry must be a pattern that occurs without the hand of man involved. Find interesting patterns in nature and share your best with the rest of us…The repeating pattern must not necessarily be exactly the same size each time. (see thumbnail in the contest description) The pattern should fill the entire frame. No other elements should be visible.


Patterns of Nature photoshop picture)
Author: FallingHorse, created for: natural patterns photography contest

18. magenta against green

Contest goal:
We had a flower close up contest, but now let’s see not only your photography skills but your ability to set up your shot. This time you have to take a picture of flowers in a vase. You can also have other decoration in your set up, but flower(s) and vase are mandatory. Get creative and get shooting, good luck.


magenta against green photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: vases photography contest

17. Stone Man

Contest goal:
It’s time to take some stock photos for others to use. It’s not as easy as you might think to take a good stock photo. There is a reason why some pictures get picked over and over again to be used in art work. Remember to take in to account the light, the background, the focus and subject for your photo. You should also vote for pictures you would really want to use. As a reward the first place winner of this contest will be featured as the next week photo to use in the photoshop contest. Have fun and good luck!


Stone Man photoshop picture)
Author: EmiK, created for: best stock photography contest

16. dried

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to make a shadow interesting. Take a special object, cast a spectacular shadow and photograph it in an artistic way. Both the shadow and the object casting the shadow must be in your shot.


dried photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: shadows 2 photography contest

15. C Cups

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to make a shadow interesting. Take a special object, cast a spectacular shadow and photograph it in an artistic way. Both the shadow and the object casting the shadow must be in your shot.


C Cups photoshop picture)
Author: solkee, created for: shadows 2 photography contest

14. the black sheep

Contest goal:
We had a white contest, now it’s time for black. So take a shot where the focus is on the color black. It might be anything, as long as the color black is the main color in your shot. Good luck.


the black sheep photoshop picture)
Author: Karol, created for: black photography contest

13. Goblet of fire

Contest goal:
We’ve all used this feature and since it’s also a feature that’s allowed to be used, I thought it would be fun who could curve the best photo. Take one of your own photos and curve the colors in a way that can be totally psychedelic or just enhances the image altogether. Anything can be in the shot but it must have been curved and no black and white images. A good tutorial about curving can be found here.


Goblet of fire photoshop picture)
Author: ibmaxed, created for: curving photography contest

12. Will i or wont i ??

Contest goal:
The aim of this contest is to photograph someone doing something they shouldn’t be. Please do not set this scene up! It has to be a genuine moment, we all see them from time to time. So take your best shot. Sneakiness is the key here.


Will i or wont i ?? photoshop picture)
Author: Animark, created for: caught photography contest

11. Mercedes

Contest goal:
For this contest, your goal is to take a picture of a car, and ONLY one car. No other cars can be visible in your photo and the photo has to be black and white only. The lightning and shadows, as well as the environment, can make it look old or fancy, a real piece of art. No people or animals. Good luck!


Mercedes photoshop picture)
Author: wind, created for: colorless cars 2 photography contest

10. Duo Bath

Contest goal:
We have all been in a spot where we have said to ourselves “that does not belong there”. Take your best shot of something that is out of place.


Duo Bath photoshop picture)
Author: WYSIWYG, created for: not belong photography contest

9. St James Cathedral Pipe Organ

Contest goal:
The goal for this contest is to show us your most amazing shots of musical instruments. It can be guitar, flute, oboe, piano, drums, or any musical instrument you like. No people allowed in shot, just the instrument.


St James Cathedral Pipe Organ photoshop picture)
Author: bf2015, created for: instruments photography contest

8. Still got the blues

Contest goal:
The goal for this contest is to show us your most amazing shots of musical instruments. It can be guitar, flute, oboe, piano, drums, or any musical instrument you like. No people allowed in shot, just the instrument.


Still got the blues photoshop picture)
Author: karaflazz, created for: instruments photography contest

7. High Contrast

Contest goal:
We’ve had the contest for the feline fanciers, now it’s the canine’s turn. Show us your best shots of man’s best friend; the ever faithful dog! There can be one or more dogs in the shot, but they should be the only subjects – no people or other animals.


High Contrast photoshop picture)
Author: SohCahToa, created for: dogs photography contest

6. Sunset

Contest goal:
Enter your best photo of skies. ONLY the sky. No land or object protruding from land can be in your shot. Flying object (planes, birds, UFOs, etc.) are ok, but the sky must be the main focus. Good luck!


Sunset photoshop picture)
Author: wind, created for: skies photography contest

5. when the wine it s over….

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is simple: Take a black and white photograph of one or more chairs. No people or animals allowed.


when the wine it s over.... photoshop picture)
Author: Perathor, created for: bw chairs photography contest

4. old

Contest goal:
For this contest, your goal is to take a picture of a car, and ONLY one car. No other cars can be visible in your photo and the photo has to be black and white only. The lightning and shadows, as well as the environment, can make it look old or fancy, a real piece of art. No people or animals. Good luck!


old photoshop picture)
Author: SekiHara, created for: colorless cars 2 photography contest

3. Broken memories.

Contest goal:
In this contest, your goal is simple: Take a black and white photograph of one or more chairs. No people or animals allowed.


Broken memories. photoshop picture)
Author: karaflazz, created for: bw chairs photography contest

2. Shadow Biker

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to make a shadow interesting. Take a special object, cast a spectacular shadow and photograph it in an artistic way. Both the shadow and the object casting the shadow must be in your shot.


Shadow Biker photoshop picture)
Author: tothzoli001, created for: shadows 2 photography contest

1. Ghost.

Contest goal:
Here is a list of free photoshop plugins. Take any photo you have and apply only one filter. Do not make any other adjustments to the photo except for the one single filter you added in PS or other program. You’re not restricted to the plugins listed on that page… you can use any filter you like best, but only use external filters. ( so no filters that are in PS by default) You must show the original in an SBS and a screen shot of the process while doing it. For example, if you use photoshop, open your filter effects and get the filter to your specified settings and then take a screen shot with it open. Post this picture in the SBS also and state what filter was used. You can take a screen shot by pressing the PrtSc button on your keyboard and then paste it into your program such as Photoshop or even Windows Paint.


Ghost. photoshop picture)
Author: Ory, created for: one filter photography contest


Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


One Response:

  1. Musa says:

    Wonderful… i really love the pictures infact i love the most is BABY SITTER… Thank you very much for such sharing.

    ( 2 years and 4281 days ago )