The Top 100 Shots From Our Photography Contests in August 2011

Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 100 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month August 2011… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries.
The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the all wet, self portraits 3, photo duplicates, stairs 2 and tele photos contest.

… Keep up the good work and good luck in next month’s photography contests!

100. Bless The Rains

Contest goal:
Time for another song lyrics contest! Take a photograph that best depicts one or more lines from the song “Africa” by Toto. You are required to post the line of text you are depicting in the description, but not necessarily the entire song. Good luck! Lyrics can be found here. I hear the drums echoing tonight But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation She’s coming in 12:30 flight The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation I stopped an old man along the way, Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies He turned to me as if to say, Hurry boy, it’s waiting there for you CHORUS: It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had The wild dogs cry out in the night As they grow restless longing for some solitary company I know that I must do what’s right As sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serangetti I seek to cure what’s deep inside, frightened of this thing that I’ve become CHORUS (Instrumental break) Hurry boy, she’s waiting there for you It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do I bless the rains down in Africa, I passed some rains down in Africa I bless the rains down in Africa, I passed some rains down in Africa I bless the rains down in Africa Gonna take some time to do the things we never had


99. Waiting for the sun

Contest goal:
We’ve long been drawn to reptiles, whether it’s their cold, calculating reptilian behavior, or their lounging in the heat without a care. We’re repulsed by them while being fascinated by them. Take a photo of your favorite reptile. It can be in the wild or captivity, and can include people as long as the reptile is the main subject.


98. Sadly broken

Contest goal:
Our minds are used to seeing things a certain way. It’s the abnormal that often catches our attention. Have you ever driven by an auto accident to find that you just can’t look away? The things we don’t expect are the things our eyes are drawn to. For this theme, your goal is to take a shot of something which is broken; a broken bulb, a broken vase, broken glass, etc. The subject of your photo should be only a single broken object. Good luck!


97. Dry weeds

Contest goal:
Even weeds many a time give amazing eye catching shots as they compete with desired plants even for pollination hence they try to be more attractive than their competitor cultivated plants. This goal of this contest is to take a photograph of a weed/weeds. The definition of a weed for the purpose of this contest is as follows (from “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants” It is not necessary to show the weed with other plants; however, you must clearly show that your subject is a weed and not just a regular plant. It is not necessary to name the weed, but such attention to detail is highly encouraged. Finally, although they can sometimes fit our definition of “weed”, vines will be considered off theme due to our having a vines contest rather recently.


Dry weeds photoshop picture)
Author: friiskiwi, created for: weeds photography contest

96. Spring Showers

Contest goal:
This contest is for something wet… i.e. a layer of water making the subject “Wet”. It can be anything like wet surface, wet cloths, wet flowers, wet hair or a wet pet… but please, don’t add any water pool or stagnant water in the photographs. Showing stagnant water or any water pool/pond/river/sea will be off-theme. Though you can take a shot of a wet part near such areas or even make yourself something wet to get a good shot without catching any part the water reservoir. It’s a rainy season in most of the countries so you can easily get brilliant photographs of wet items.


Spring Showers photoshop picture)
Author: tsheltz, created for: all wet photography contest

95. 3d

Contest goal:
When we’re inside, most of us don’t bother to look up. But if we did, we might see some amazing things covering our heads. There might be a glass ceiling, a boat’s ceiling or other unexpected forms. Your job in this contest is simple. Find an unusual ceiling and take a shot of it. You can shoot any ceiling other than brick. Good luck! For reference, this might help clarify the guidelines here: A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that bounds (“ceils”) the upper limit of a room. It is generally not a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.


94. Don’t sneeze!!!!

Contest goal:
For this contest, you must enter shots of piles of the same objects or substance. This can be sugar, salt, balls, candies, books and so on. The pile must be man made and specially for this shot. Nothing must hold this pile, so no packaging.


93. Wine bar

Contest goal:
Enter your best shots of locally owned restaurants and mom and pop shops in your corner of the world. Try to avoid commercial photography and take a creative approach on the theme. All well known chains (McDonalds, Walmart, etc.) will be off theme. Your store cannot be part of any chain. Any type of store is allowed. Good luck!


92. Rope tow shack

Contest goal:
This is any building that is not intended for humans to “live” in. Barns, garden sheds, garages, out houses, workshops and the like. They have to have walls though so no gazebos, porches or palapas.


91. Chamber of Deputies

Contest goal:
When we’re inside, most of us don’t bother to look up. But if we did, we might see some amazing things covering our heads. There might be a glass ceiling, a boat’s ceiling or other unexpected forms. Your job in this contest is simple. Find an unusual ceiling and take a shot of it. You can shoot any ceiling other than brick. Good luck! For reference, this might help clarify the guidelines here: A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that bounds (“ceils”) the upper limit of a room. It is generally not a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.


90. Sugar

Contest goal:
For this contest, you must enter shots of piles of the same objects or substance. This can be sugar, salt, balls, candies, books and so on. The pile must be man made and specially for this shot. Nothing must hold this pile, so no packaging.


89. Tunnels

Contest goal:
Everyone has photos that when they look back at them you think “I should have done it differently”. Well, here’s your chance to change your “mistakes”. Take a photo of yours and redo it, put it side by side with the old one and let us see the results! For this contest you may use one of your old entries, since this contest is about improvement. All of us have improved since the time we first joined and this is a perfect opportunity to show off our improvements. However you don’t HAVE to use one of your old entries, it can be a shot never before seen on Pxleyes.


88. Peer pressure!!!!!

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


87. Wooden Horse

Contest goal:
Let’s show the choppers that some things don’t need Photoshop and can be set-up and done ‘in camera’ with the right amount of preparation and dedication… Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is this: find any entry by your favorite PxlEyes “Chopper” and duplicate it as closely as possible with a photograph! The only photoshopping allowed to the entry is according to standard photography guidelines, with the exception of creating the diptych…


86. Stairs to Where?

Contest goal:
Stairs to the cellar, or Stairway to Heaven – we use stairs to go up or down from one place to another. Some are carved into mountains and some are beautiful parts of architecture, but they all serve essentially the same purpose. Your task is to take an artistic shot of any type of stair. Good luck ! No humans and animals allowed.


85. morningdew

Contest goal:
This contest is for something wet… i.e. a layer of water making the subject “Wet”. It can be anything like wet surface, wet cloths, wet flowers, wet hair or a wet pet… but please, don’t add any water pool or stagnant water in the photographs. Showing stagnant water or any water pool/pond/river/sea will be off-theme. Though you can take a shot of a wet part near such areas or even make yourself something wet to get a good shot without catching any part the water reservoir. It’s a rainy season in most of the countries so you can easily get brilliant photographs of wet items.


84. Roma

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your beloved city in black and white mode. It can be a road, a park or a bunch of houses or anything else which represents your city. But it should be in gray-scale. No color photograph, otherwise it will be off-theme. The description must tell what it is about the picture that represents your hometown. Hometown can be where you live now or are from previously. “Hometown” is not a hotel room where you spent a vacation.


Roma photoshop picture)
Author: patty, created for: city bw photography contest

83. sunset

Contest goal:
Even weeds many a time give amazing eye catching shots as they compete with desired plants even for pollination hence they try to be more attractive than their competitor cultivated plants. This goal of this contest is to take a photograph of a weed/weeds. The definition of a weed for the purpose of this contest is as follows (from “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants” It is not necessary to show the weed with other plants; however, you must clearly show that your subject is a weed and not just a regular plant. It is not necessary to name the weed, but such attention to detail is highly encouraged. Finally, although they can sometimes fit our definition of “weed”, vines will be considered off theme due to our having a vines contest rather recently.


sunset photoshop picture)
Author: shay, created for: weeds photography contest

82. flowers

Contest goal:
Seen from an elevated bridge-like platform at the Waterloo Museum (Brussels, Belgium,) on the far wall is a huge painting (or mural?) depicting the famous battle. To the full extent of the painting and for some 30 or more yards immediately in front of it, (foreground,) are deployed and arranged props and effigies (burned carriages, destroyed canons, also the mock-ups of wounded and dead or dying soldiers and horses,) though in such a realistic way, that the visitor gets the impression of a hologram-like depiction of the battle, as both the painting and the setting in front of it merge and magnificently blend together. The task of the contest is to arrange in front of a painting of your choosing knickknacks, statuettes, small scale objects e.t.c.- in such a way that would blend in with the painting- i.e., in case of a seascape, you can place in front of the painting a small boat, or ship-, giving the impression of a 3D depiction. Good luck!


81. Caiman Crocodile

Contest goal:
We’ve long been drawn to reptiles, whether it’s their cold, calculating reptilian behavior, or their lounging in the heat without a care. We’re repulsed by them while being fascinated by them. Take a photo of your favorite reptile. It can be in the wild or captivity, and can include people as long as the reptile is the main subject.


80. Haunted…

Contest goal:
Enter images of creepy houses that might be inhabited by ghosts, vampires & other creatures of the night. Not just ruins, the building should have a roof to qualify.


79. Fragile balance.

Contest goal:
For this contest, you must enter shots of piles of the same objects or substance. This can be sugar, salt, balls, candies, books and so on. The pile must be man made and specially for this shot. Nothing must hold this pile, so no packaging.


78. Cathedral

Contest goal:
Enter artistic images of archways. These are found in churches, under bridges, villas, ruins, gardens, monuments, etc. Any type of arch will do!


77. Who’s next???

Contest goal:
Take a photo of any type of gun, either in use or another creative way.


Whos next??? photoshop picture)
Author: captgeo, created for: guns photography contest

76. Early tee time

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


75. Full

Contest goal:
Break out those cameras and head off to the boonies. Take pictures of the moon or stars but there’s a catch (there’s always a catch). It has to be HDR! Three shots minimum and they have to be included in an sbs. Here’s a good tutorial for those who may be confused. Other objects are allowed in the shot but the main focus MUST be the stars or moon.


74. Bahia

Contest goal:
Your goal is simple: Take macros of seeds. Any seed will do.


73. Madness Within

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


72. Camden Yards

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your beloved city in black and white mode. It can be a road, a park or a bunch of houses or anything else which represents your city. But it should be in gray-scale. No color photograph, otherwise it will be off-theme. The description must tell what it is about the picture that represents your hometown. Hometown can be where you live now or are from previously. “Hometown” is not a hotel room where you spent a vacation.


Camden Yards photoshop picture)
Author: tsheltz, created for: city bw photography contest

71. Daddy’s girl

Contest goal:
Take a picture of any parent(s) and child together. It can be any species, but it has to be clear that there is a parent child relationship. Maximum 1 child in the photo.


70. wild oats

Contest goal:
Even weeds many a time give amazing eye catching shots as they compete with desired plants even for pollination hence they try to be more attractive than their competitor cultivated plants. This goal of this contest is to take a photograph of a weed/weeds. The definition of a weed for the purpose of this contest is as follows (from “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants” It is not necessary to show the weed with other plants; however, you must clearly show that your subject is a weed and not just a regular plant. It is not necessary to name the weed, but such attention to detail is highly encouraged. Finally, although they can sometimes fit our definition of “weed”, vines will be considered off theme due to our having a vines contest rather recently.


wild oats photoshop picture)
Author: roon, created for: weeds photography contest

69. Moon Shot

Contest goal:
Break out those cameras and head off to the boonies. Take pictures of the moon or stars but there’s a catch (there’s always a catch). It has to be HDR! Three shots minimum and they have to be included in an sbs. Here’s a good tutorial for those who may be confused. Other objects are allowed in the shot but the main focus MUST be the stars or moon.


68. Bush attracting wasps

Contest goal:
Take a photo that involves risk of some sort… potentially harmful to the camera or to the photographer. Show us your bravest shots. You can either show a photo taken in a risky position, or take a photo of a photographer in a risky position. Please state the “risk” in the description.


67. Tajumulco

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


66. circle ceiling light

Contest goal:
When we’re inside, most of us don’t bother to look up. But if we did, we might see some amazing things covering our heads. There might be a glass ceiling, a boat’s ceiling or other unexpected forms. Your job in this contest is simple. Find an unusual ceiling and take a shot of it. You can shoot any ceiling other than brick. Good luck! For reference, this might help clarify the guidelines here: A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that bounds (“ceils”) the upper limit of a room. It is generally not a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.


65. London Cab Motion

Contest goal:
The objective is to get either the object blurry from motion, and everything but the main subject blurred from motion. You have to have something in focus, like a runner in focus, but everything else blurry from motion… or the other way around: the runner blurry from motion, but the background clear.


64. Ruby Drops

Contest goal:
This contest is for something wet… i.e. a layer of water making the subject “Wet”. It can be anything like wet surface, wet cloths, wet flowers, wet hair or a wet pet… but please, don’t add any water pool or stagnant water in the photographs. Showing stagnant water or any water pool/pond/river/sea will be off-theme. Though you can take a shot of a wet part near such areas or even make yourself something wet to get a good shot without catching any part the water reservoir. It’s a rainy season in most of the countries so you can easily get brilliant photographs of wet items.


Ruby Drops photoshop picture)
Author: dem90, created for: all wet photography contest

63. I can see you

Contest goal:
Telephoto lenses, being classified as anything above the normal 50mm range on a 35mm format, have many applications, as are their focal length ranges. If you have such a lens, show us your best shots taken with it. To give you a better idea of what telephotos are, here is an analysis of 20 tele photos.


62. Natural Port

Contest goal:
Stairs to the cellar, or Stairway to Heaven – we use stairs to go up or down from one place to another. Some are carved into mountains and some are beautiful parts of architecture, but they all serve essentially the same purpose. Your task is to take an artistic shot of any type of stair. Good luck ! No humans and animals allowed.


61. Himself

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


60. The Hunter

Contest goal:
No…not portraits of the environment. Environmental portraits are portraits taken outside of the studio, in an environment that says something about or relates to your subject. By “on location” or “environmental” portraits I mean portraits taken of people in a situation that they live in (work, rest or play) and/or a place that says something about who they are. As portraits, they have the same ‘quality’ as studio shots..they contain good lighting, a posed subject and are a portrait by definition. Different is the fact that they are not done in a studio, they are not snapshots, and they are not candid or “Street Photography” A great explanation and guide to Location or Environmental portraits can be found here. Please follow these “Don’ts” for the purpose of this contest: No wedding photography, no candids/street photography, no studio shots, no animal shots and lastly…no shots of photographers shooting “on location” The idea is to do a formal portrait of your subject in a location that relates something about the person you are shooting…


59. stars and sun

Contest goal:
Take a photograph in the day time and then take another photo at night, at the same location. Then stitch the 2 images together to form a complete image, half night, half day. If it’s not clear what is meant here, check out the thumbnail of the contest.


58. Watkins Glen Harbor

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your beloved city in black and white mode. It can be a road, a park or a bunch of houses or anything else which represents your city. But it should be in gray-scale. No color photograph, otherwise it will be off-theme. The description must tell what it is about the picture that represents your hometown. Hometown can be where you live now or are from previously. “Hometown” is not a hotel room where you spent a vacation.


57. Fun Of The Fairground

Contest goal:
The sights, sounds, smells and of course the rides. We all love to go to amusement parks. Whether it’s a small traveling carnival, or a major tourist attraction, we all love to go and forget our daily life once in a while. Zipping down a roller coaster, or throwing balls at a stack of bottles can bring a grin to folks of all ages. For this contest, show us your best photos from theme parks, amusement parks, (Disneyland, 6 flags, local theme park, etc.), or carnivals. It should be obvious that the photo was taken in any one of these. e.g. People on rides, people playing games for giant stuffed animals, or other photographic opportunities. People in the shot are optional, but it must be obvious it’s in an amusement park. Good luck!


56. In a Country Churchyard

Contest goal:
For some photographers, graveyards are an obsession. Enter your most creative take on a graveyard. Present a large portion of the graveyard for this contest. No shots of a single graves or headstones. Have fun and good luck!


55. From the Beach

Contest goal:
Stairs to the cellar, or Stairway to Heaven – we use stairs to go up or down from one place to another. Some are carved into mountains and some are beautiful parts of architecture, but they all serve essentially the same purpose. Your task is to take an artistic shot of any type of stair. Good luck ! No humans and animals allowed.


54. Bolt

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is straightforward: Take a picture of an object that is being hit or was hit by lightning.


53. Red Bellied Woodpecker

Contest goal:
Telephoto lenses, being classified as anything above the normal 50mm range on a 35mm format, have many applications, as are their focal length ranges. If you have such a lens, show us your best shots taken with it. To give you a better idea of what telephotos are, here is an analysis of 20 tele photos.


52. dandelion close up

Contest goal:
Even weeds many a time give amazing eye catching shots as they compete with desired plants even for pollination hence they try to be more attractive than their competitor cultivated plants. This goal of this contest is to take a photograph of a weed/weeds. The definition of a weed for the purpose of this contest is as follows (from “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants” It is not necessary to show the weed with other plants; however, you must clearly show that your subject is a weed and not just a regular plant. It is not necessary to name the weed, but such attention to detail is highly encouraged. Finally, although they can sometimes fit our definition of “weed”, vines will be considered off theme due to our having a vines contest rather recently.


dandelion close up photoshop picture)
Author: lbadge320, created for: weeds photography contest

51. Grass

Contest goal:
Your goal is simple: Take macros of seeds. Any seed will do.


50. Just Lion Around

Contest goal:
Telephoto lenses, being classified as anything above the normal 50mm range on a 35mm format, have many applications, as are their focal length ranges. If you have such a lens, show us your best shots taken with it. To give you a better idea of what telephotos are, here is an analysis of 20 tele photos.


49. Green Forest

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


48. The Standing Leaf

Contest goal:
Take a shot of a single leaf. It can be natural or set up, but there can only be one leaf in the shot. Other items can be in the shot, but the leaf needs to be the main focus.


47. Wagon Wheel

Contest goal:
Circles are everywhere, top of a coffee cup, a wheel, DVDs, ashtrays and so on. The goal of the contest is to show us perfect circles and they must be the main focus of the shot. The circle itself can be shot from any angle, so we do not need a top view. An ellipse is considered off-theme. A perfect sphere is on-theme. The term ‘perfect circle’ means it has to be a smooth circle, objects made out of multiple parts (like a soccerball or tennisball) and make a reasonable smooth circle that way are allowed. By doubt if the subject is a perfect circle mods can ask for a 2nd shot (in the SBS) of the same object which shows the subject is a perfect circle. When asked you must comply. This is up to the mod, members can not ask for this in the comments (use the red flags!) No people and animals allowed.


46. Scared ****less

Contest goal:
The objective is to get either the object blurry from motion, and everything but the main subject blurred from motion. You have to have something in focus, like a runner in focus, but everything else blurry from motion… or the other way around: the runner blurry from motion, but the background clear.


45. I see me….

Contest goal:
Shadows are interesting, BUT, this time your shadow as the photographer must appear in the photo. Show us your shadow at the moment you take a photo.


44. Bloc2

Contest goal:
When we’re inside, most of us don’t bother to look up. But if we did, we might see some amazing things covering our heads. There might be a glass ceiling, a boat’s ceiling or other unexpected forms. Your job in this contest is simple. Find an unusual ceiling and take a shot of it. You can shoot any ceiling other than brick. Good luck! For reference, this might help clarify the guidelines here: A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that bounds (“ceils”) the upper limit of a room. It is generally not a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.


43. Tending Bar

Contest goal:
No…not portraits of the environment. Environmental portraits are portraits taken outside of the studio, in an environment that says something about or relates to your subject. By “on location” or “environmental” portraits I mean portraits taken of people in a situation that they live in (work, rest or play) and/or a place that says something about who they are. As portraits, they have the same ‘quality’ as studio shots..they contain good lighting, a posed subject and are a portrait by definition. Different is the fact that they are not done in a studio, they are not snapshots, and they are not candid or “Street Photography” A great explanation and guide to Location or Environmental portraits can be found here. Please follow these “Don’ts” for the purpose of this contest: No wedding photography, no candids/street photography, no studio shots, no animal shots and lastly…no shots of photographers shooting “on location” The idea is to do a formal portrait of your subject in a location that relates something about the person you are shooting…


42. Speargrass Blues

Contest goal:
Even weeds many a time give amazing eye catching shots as they compete with desired plants even for pollination hence they try to be more attractive than their competitor cultivated plants. This goal of this contest is to take a photograph of a weed/weeds. The definition of a weed for the purpose of this contest is as follows (from “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants” It is not necessary to show the weed with other plants; however, you must clearly show that your subject is a weed and not just a regular plant. It is not necessary to name the weed, but such attention to detail is highly encouraged. Finally, although they can sometimes fit our definition of “weed”, vines will be considered off theme due to our having a vines contest rather recently.


41. The Spring House

Contest goal:
This is any building that is not intended for humans to “live” in. Barns, garden sheds, garages, out houses, workshops and the like. They have to have walls though so no gazebos, porches or palapas.


40. Echo of the Past

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your beloved city in black and white mode. It can be a road, a park or a bunch of houses or anything else which represents your city. But it should be in gray-scale. No color photograph, otherwise it will be off-theme. The description must tell what it is about the picture that represents your hometown. Hometown can be where you live now or are from previously. “Hometown” is not a hotel room where you spent a vacation.


39. Gone Fishing

Contest goal:
If we pay attention we’d notice that there are people in work uniforms all around us. They might be the uniforms of school children or flight attendants, but people at work often don’t wear their own clothes. Take a shot of adults or children wearing uniforms – so do not show an uniform on a hanger. Also, a regular business suit will not be considered a work uniform.


38. CN Tower

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your beloved city in black and white mode. It can be a road, a park or a bunch of houses or anything else which represents your city. But it should be in gray-scale. No color photograph, otherwise it will be off-theme. The description must tell what it is about the picture that represents your hometown. Hometown can be where you live now or are from previously. “Hometown” is not a hotel room where you spent a vacation.


CN Tower photoshop picture)
Author: TankRed, created for: city bw photography contest

37. Night light

Contest goal:
Stairs to the cellar, or Stairway to Heaven – we use stairs to go up or down from one place to another. Some are carved into mountains and some are beautiful parts of architecture, but they all serve essentially the same purpose. Your task is to take an artistic shot of any type of stair. Good luck ! No humans and animals allowed.


36. Summer thistle

Contest goal:
Even weeds many a time give amazing eye catching shots as they compete with desired plants even for pollination hence they try to be more attractive than their competitor cultivated plants. This goal of this contest is to take a photograph of a weed/weeds. The definition of a weed for the purpose of this contest is as follows (from “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth; especially : one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants” It is not necessary to show the weed with other plants; however, you must clearly show that your subject is a weed and not just a regular plant. It is not necessary to name the weed, but such attention to detail is highly encouraged. Finally, although they can sometimes fit our definition of “weed”, vines will be considered off theme due to our having a vines contest rather recently.


Summer thistle photoshop picture)
Author: Remsphoto, created for: weeds photography contest

35. What Lurks In The Shadows

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


34. B&W is not forgiving

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


33. Spoonbill

Contest goal:
Airplanes, birds, insects or anything else we dream about. Man is enthralled by the idea of flying. Take a picture of anything in “flight.” Other things can be in the shot, but the subject should be flying. Also, ‘flying’ is NOT ‘falling.’


32. Family Fun

Contest goal:
Shadows are interesting, BUT, this time your shadow as the photographer must appear in the photo. Show us your shadow at the moment you take a photo.


31. Early Morning Spider Web

Contest goal:
This contest is for something wet… i.e. a layer of water making the subject “Wet”. It can be anything like wet surface, wet cloths, wet flowers, wet hair or a wet pet… but please, don’t add any water pool or stagnant water in the photographs. Showing stagnant water or any water pool/pond/river/sea will be off-theme. Though you can take a shot of a wet part near such areas or even make yourself something wet to get a good shot without catching any part the water reservoir. It’s a rainy season in most of the countries so you can easily get brilliant photographs of wet items.


30. All alone…

Contest goal:
Take a shot of a single leaf. It can be natural or set up, but there can only be one leaf in the shot. Other items can be in the shot, but the leaf needs to be the main focus.


29. beach

Contest goal:
Seen from an elevated bridge-like platform at the Waterloo Museum (Brussels, Belgium,) on the far wall is a huge painting (or mural?) depicting the famous battle. To the full extent of the painting and for some 30 or more yards immediately in front of it, (foreground,) are deployed and arranged props and effigies (burned carriages, destroyed canons, also the mock-ups of wounded and dead or dying soldiers and horses,) though in such a realistic way, that the visitor gets the impression of a hologram-like depiction of the battle, as both the painting and the setting in front of it merge and magnificently blend together. The task of the contest is to arrange in front of a painting of your choosing knickknacks, statuettes, small scale objects e.t.c.- in such a way that would blend in with the painting- i.e., in case of a seascape, you can place in front of the painting a small boat, or ship-, giving the impression of a 3D depiction. Good luck!


28. Rubber Duckie, Yer the one!

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


27. photographing fairies

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


26. Milford Trek

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


25. All out of "Love"…….

Contest goal:
Take a photo of any type of gun, either in use or another creative way.


All out of "Love"....... photoshop picture)
Author: captgeo, created for: guns photography contest

24. Big Wheel at T in the park

Contest goal:
The sights, sounds, smells and of course the rides. We all love to go to amusement parks. Whether it’s a small traveling carnival, or a major tourist attraction, we all love to go and forget our daily life once in a while. Zipping down a roller coaster, or throwing balls at a stack of bottles can bring a grin to folks of all ages. For this contest, show us your best photos from theme parks, amusement parks, (Disneyland, 6 flags, local theme park, etc.), or carnivals. It should be obvious that the photo was taken in any one of these. e.g. People on rides, people playing games for giant stuffed animals, or other photographic opportunities. People in the shot are optional, but it must be obvious it’s in an amusement park. Good luck!


23. Iguana PR

Contest goal:
We’ve long been drawn to reptiles, whether it’s their cold, calculating reptilian behavior, or their lounging in the heat without a care. We’re repulsed by them while being fascinated by them. Take a photo of your favorite reptile. It can be in the wild or captivity, and can include people as long as the reptile is the main subject.


22. Typical European ceiling

Contest goal:
When we’re inside, most of us don’t bother to look up. But if we did, we might see some amazing things covering our heads. There might be a glass ceiling, a boat’s ceiling or other unexpected forms. Your job in this contest is simple. Find an unusual ceiling and take a shot of it. You can shoot any ceiling other than brick. Good luck! For reference, this might help clarify the guidelines here: A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that bounds (“ceils”) the upper limit of a room. It is generally not a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.


21. Coffee, Please

Contest goal:
Seen from an elevated bridge-like platform at the Waterloo Museum (Brussels, Belgium,) on the far wall is a huge painting (or mural?) depicting the famous battle. To the full extent of the painting and for some 30 or more yards immediately in front of it, (foreground,) are deployed and arranged props and effigies (burned carriages, destroyed canons, also the mock-ups of wounded and dead or dying soldiers and horses,) though in such a realistic way, that the visitor gets the impression of a hologram-like depiction of the battle, as both the painting and the setting in front of it merge and magnificently blend together. The task of the contest is to arrange in front of a painting of your choosing knickknacks, statuettes, small scale objects e.t.c.- in such a way that would blend in with the painting- i.e., in case of a seascape, you can place in front of the painting a small boat, or ship-, giving the impression of a 3D depiction. Good luck!


20. Cathedral

Contest goal:
When we’re inside, most of us don’t bother to look up. But if we did, we might see some amazing things covering our heads. There might be a glass ceiling, a boat’s ceiling or other unexpected forms. Your job in this contest is simple. Find an unusual ceiling and take a shot of it. You can shoot any ceiling other than brick. Good luck! For reference, this might help clarify the guidelines here: A ceiling is an overhead interior surface that bounds (“ceils”) the upper limit of a room. It is generally not a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the floor or roof structure above.


19. Then 2008 to Now 2011

Contest goal:
Everyone has photos that when they look back at them you think “I should have done it differently”. Well, here’s your chance to change your “mistakes”. Take a photo of yours and redo it, put it side by side with the old one and let us see the results! For this contest you may use one of your old entries, since this contest is about improvement. All of us have improved since the time we first joined and this is a perfect opportunity to show off our improvements. However you don’t HAVE to use one of your old entries, it can be a shot never before seen on Pxleyes.


18. Dark & Green

Contest goal:
Forests and woods can be beautiful places. A stroll through the dappled shade of a glen with your sweetheart can be extremely romantic. But not all woods are so inviting. Some are more dark and mysterious. What’s that lurking in the shadows? Show us some creepy shots of places in the woods where hobbits, elves, boggots, etc might live…


17. Skeleton Leaf

Contest goal:
Take a shot of a single leaf. It can be natural or set up, but there can only be one leaf in the shot. Other items can be in the shot, but the leaf needs to be the main focus.


16. Behind the Music

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


15. All in a days work!

Contest goal:
No…not portraits of the environment. Environmental portraits are portraits taken outside of the studio, in an environment that says something about or relates to your subject. By “on location” or “environmental” portraits I mean portraits taken of people in a situation that they live in (work, rest or play) and/or a place that says something about who they are. As portraits, they have the same ‘quality’ as studio shots..they contain good lighting, a posed subject and are a portrait by definition. Different is the fact that they are not done in a studio, they are not snapshots, and they are not candid or “Street Photography” A great explanation and guide to Location or Environmental portraits can be found here. Please follow these “Don’ts” for the purpose of this contest: No wedding photography, no candids/street photography, no studio shots, no animal shots and lastly…no shots of photographers shooting “on location” The idea is to do a formal portrait of your subject in a location that relates something about the person you are shooting…


14. Th Bookshop

Contest goal:
Enter your best shots of locally owned restaurants and mom and pop shops in your corner of the world. Try to avoid commercial photography and take a creative approach on the theme. All well known chains (McDonalds, Walmart, etc.) will be off theme. Your store cannot be part of any chain. Any type of store is allowed. Good luck!


13. milkweed

Contest goal:
Your goal is simple: Take macros of seeds. Any seed will do.


12. Cactus seed

Contest goal:
Your goal is simple: Take macros of seeds. Any seed will do.


11. Nose Nibble

Contest goal:
Take a picture of any parent(s) and child together. It can be any species, but it has to be clear that there is a parent child relationship. Maximum 1 child in the photo.


10. Dandelion seed

Contest goal:
Your goal is simple: Take macros of seeds. Any seed will do.


9. Silver Splash

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


8. Murder was the case…

Contest goal:
Take a photo of any type of gun, either in use or another creative way.


Murder was the case... photoshop picture)
Author: karaflazz, created for: guns photography contest

7. The deal.

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


6. Cheetah

Contest goal:
Telephoto lenses, being classified as anything above the normal 50mm range on a 35mm format, have many applications, as are their focal length ranges. If you have such a lens, show us your best shots taken with it. To give you a better idea of what telephotos are, here is an analysis of 20 tele photos.


5. From darkness to light

Contest goal:
Stairs to the cellar, or Stairway to Heaven – we use stairs to go up or down from one place to another. Some are carved into mountains and some are beautiful parts of architecture, but they all serve essentially the same purpose. Your task is to take an artistic shot of any type of stair. Good luck ! No humans and animals allowed.


From darkness to light photoshop picture)
Author: EmiK, created for: stairs 2 photography contest

4. The "Thinker"

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


3. for rent – created by dekwid.

Contest goal:
Let’s show the choppers that some things don’t need Photoshop and can be set-up and done ‘in camera’ with the right amount of preparation and dedication… Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is this: find any entry by your favorite PxlEyes “Chopper” and duplicate it as closely as possible with a photograph! The only photoshopping allowed to the entry is according to standard photography guidelines, with the exception of creating the diptych…


2. Just cause Adam said it…

Contest goal:
We have had a couple of very fun and successful self portrait contests in the past…since we have a ton of newer members, I think it’s about time to do it again folks…Yes…Self portraits 3! Get out your cameras, timers and/or remotes and introduce yourself to the rest of us in a glorious statement of YOU! Obviously, the rules of anonymity do not apply for this contest as it’s a self portrait. Links to the previous contest for those who were not here, or if you just want to check the past winners: – Self Portraits 1 contestSelf Portraits 2 Contest As with all photography contests though… remember, you are required to take the shot! No pictures from grade school, only a recent picture of yourself.


1. Wet Senses.

Contest goal:
This contest is for something wet… i.e. a layer of water making the subject “Wet”. It can be anything like wet surface, wet cloths, wet flowers, wet hair or a wet pet… but please, don’t add any water pool or stagnant water in the photographs. Showing stagnant water or any water pool/pond/river/sea will be off-theme. Though you can take a shot of a wet part near such areas or even make yourself something wet to get a good shot without catching any part the water reservoir. It’s a rainy season in most of the countries so you can easily get brilliant photographs of wet items.



Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


2 Responses:

  1. Nora Reed says:

    Wonderful Photography! very amazing 🙂

    ( 2 years and 4193 days ago )
  2. Huda says:

    When will their be another contest? can I join?

    ( 2 years and 3452 days ago )