Super Creative Art with Ripped Books – by Brian Dettmer (+ Interview)

Let’s give a warm welcome to our guest, Brian Dettmer, who is a fabulous and creative artist. We are pleased to have him here for a little chat, an exclusive interview about Brian the artist and Brian the man. Enjoy his eccentric artwork and and jaw-dropping details!
The New Modern Medical Counselor (Detail) “The New Modern Medical Counselor (Detail)”
Q: Hello Brian! PxlEyes welcomes you to our community. Please tell us a few words about the artist behind the name.
A: My name is Brian Dettmer. I am an artist and my primary medium is books. I consider myself a sculptor or text and language artist if I need to categorize myself. I have been able to focus on my art full time for the past 5-6 years now. I am originally from Chicago but am currently located in Atlanta with my wife and 2-1/2 year old daughter. I will turn 37 this Christmas.
American People 1 “American People 1”

Q: Your creations are like something we have never seen before. Simply amazing by detail and concept. How did you develop this passion?
A: When I was in school I was focusing primarily on painting. I was working at a sign shop at the time and was interested in the dichotomy between language and the information it contained. Most of my work dealt with codes and other language systems, obscuring and revealing ideas in text through different systems. I began to rip up newspapers and then eventually books to apply the text to the surface of the canvas. I felt guilty about ripping up books but was intrigued by the texture and history of the material at the same time. This made me think about the position books are in and question their future. This is when I began exploring the book itself as my primary material and subject.
American People 2 “American People 2”

Q: What kind of tools do you use in order to create such artworks? Does it take long to complete something like this?
A: Most of my work is time intensive but its not about the actual labor as much as it is about process. It’s like reading, scanning or hunting for ideas, the way we do with digital information. I use varnish to seal the exterior of the books and then I carve into the surface. The process is completely subtractive. I don’t know what will emerge while I’m carving (beyond the general subject of the book), and nothing is moved or added within the final piece.
American People 3 “American People 3”

Q: Do you have any future projects planned?
A: Right now I am setting up a large, totemic piece that will stand on the floor and be about 8’ tall. It will be a full set of encyclopedias carved 360 degrees around. I am also working on a text based piece, looking up the word “Chaos” in a thesaurus then taking those synonyms and looking each of them up and so on for several phases. The result will be a large, radial chart tracking the evolving and distorting paths of meaning.
American People 4 “American People 4”

Q: What other hobbies do you have besides this?
A: I love to read, watch good movies (mainly documentaries), hiking…We have a 2 year old and my career has been busier than ever so hobby time is minimal. I’m always working but its what I love so I can’t complain.
American People 5 “American People 5”

Q: What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow your footsteps into this type of art?
A: Don’t copy what I do. Just kidding… no I’m serious. I encourage other artists to explore a meaningful material that has a strong relevance to today’s world and for me it is books and their evolving position in the information environment. If someone does want to focus on the books as material I encourage them to find an original and unique path. I think the potential is limitless.

Goya (Detail)

Goya (Detail)

Vertical Knowledge

Vertical Knowledge

Organized Knowledge in Story and Picture

Organized Knowledge in Story and Picture

Prose and Poetry for Enjoyment

Prose and Poetry for Enjoyment

Saturation Will Result (Detail)1

Saturation Will Result (Detail)1

Saturation Will Result (Detail)2

Saturation Will Result (Detail)2

Saturation Will Result (Detail)3

Saturation Will Result (Detail)3

The March of Democracy (Detail)

The March of Democracy (Detail)

A Loose Leaf and Self Revising Reference Work

A Loose Leaf and Self Revising Reference Work

Solo Booth at Pulse Fair

Solo Booth at Pulse Fair

Brian Dettmer, Altered Books1

Brian Dettmer, Altered Books1

Brian Dettmer, Altered Books2

Brian Dettmer, Altered Books2

Brian Dettmer, Altered Books3

Brian Dettmer, Altered Books3

Ex Libris1

Ex Libris1

Ex Libris2

Ex Libris2

Aching Days of England

Aching Days of England

Lands and People

Lands and People

Prose and Poetry for Appreciation

Prose and Poetry for Appreciation

Western Civilization 4

Western Civilization 4

The War On All Fronts

The War On All Fronts

The National Register (Detail)

The National Register (Detail)

An Incomplete Education (Detail)

An Incomplete Education (Detail)

Do It, Complete Yourself Man (Detail)

Do It, Complete Yourself Man (Detail)

Compiled Upon A New Plan

Compiled Upon A New Plan

Webster Withdrawn

Webster Withdrawn

House of Tongues

House of Tongues

House of Tongues (DETAIL)

House of Tongues (DETAIL)

Webster Withdrawn

Webster Withdrawn

Studio (Random Detail)

Studio (Random Detail)


Howdie stranger!
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4 Responses:

  1. Halsten smith says:

    Its very Creative and Fabulous Artist.

    ( 2 years and 4078 days ago )
  2. kamran says:

    Its really very creative… amazing work.

    ( 2 years and 4075 days ago )
  3. Julesnoise says:

    Really cool. Very original art. Excellent post Giulia.

    ( 2 years and 4075 days ago )
  4. THEMAN says:

    Very inspirational art keep it up man, this art inspired me to create some art of my own at any lover of creative art should check it out. let me kow what you think thanks!

    ( 2 years and 4050 days ago )