Top 100 Photography on Pxleyes in December 2011

Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 100 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month December 2011… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries.
The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the water droplets 2, anything goes 4, snow 2, traces 2 and stick figures contest.

… Keep up the good work and good luck in next month’s photography contests!

100. Paradise!

Contest goal:
This contest is just what the name suggests – take a photo from beside a swimming pool. The entry has to have the pool in the shot, but otherwise the scene is up to you. People, animals, random objects… it’s all welcome. Good luck!


99. honey

Contest goal:
Take a shot of this natural substance known for its slow movement and beautiful transparency. Maybe poured from its container or still stored in a bee hive (careful). People and animals are permitted. Have fun with this!


honey photoshop picture)
Author: mircea, created for: honey photography contest

98. Umbrella

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


97. Beautiful Winter

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


96. what are you reading?

Contest goal:
Enter a picture of a person, or people trying to make a living doing shows on the street. They could be dancing, playing an instrument, having their animal talk or do tricks, throwing flames…any performance, as long as it’s on the street.


95. For High Flyers

Contest goal:
This contest is just what the name suggests – take a photo from beside a swimming pool. The entry has to have the pool in the shot, but otherwise the scene is up to you. People, animals, random objects… it’s all welcome. Good luck!


94. Winter Silence…

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your favorite landscape in black and white. No humans and animals allowed… Your landscape must comply with the following Wiki definition: Landscape: a section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single view point Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms, water bodies such as rivers, lakes and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including land uses, buildings and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.


93. Eat the Rich!

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to capture any scene you can come up with, where the main focus are stick figures. For the purposes of this contest, figures have to be made out of real objects,. Photos of drawings are not allowed. Be as creative as possible.


92. Under the Sun

Contest goal:
Pretty self-explanatory, the title sets your goal in this contest: post a shot of sunlight reflecting on water – the more dramatic the better. There are no limitations as sunsets only, for example, but the main focus has to be the reflected light on water.


91. Butterlfy

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


90. Rough day by the sea

Contest goal:
Pretty self-explanatory, the title sets your goal in this contest: post a shot of sunlight reflecting on water – the more dramatic the better. There are no limitations as sunsets only, for example, but the main focus has to be the reflected light on water.


89. Bucks

Contest goal:
Animals fight, most people can accept that. The sheer ferocity and violent energy, though distressing to some, do offer exciting (photographically speaking) photo opportunities. Show us your best shot of animals fighting. It can be playful fighting, but also wild animals fighting in nature. No animal cruelty, no blood,no gore, no serious injuries, no arranged fights.


88. Coastal bliss

Contest goal:
Pretty self-explanatory, the title sets your goal in this contest: post a shot of sunlight reflecting on water – the more dramatic the better. There are no limitations as sunsets only, for example, but the main focus has to be the reflected light on water.


87. Droplet

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


86. Winter Wonderland

Contest goal:
In many parts of the world the ground is covered with snow this time of year, so we might as well shoot it. Enter your most artistic picture of snow. Anything goes as long as natural snow is the focal point of the photo. Good luck!


85. Garden Flowers

Contest goal:
In my corner of the world it’s winter right now and everything is gray, I need a little color back in my life. So if you’re up for the challenge, take a picture of something that is very colorful. Or you can put things together that make for a colorful picture. There should be at least 3 different colors, but the more the better… Enter your most colorful photo you’ve ever taken! Will you be my hero and bring back a little color to my world? Good luck, have fun, and be creative. Please note that for this contest BLACK and WHITE are not considered colors. We are looking for multiple colors not including black and white.


84. Dornbirn City

Contest goal:
Take a shot of lights in the dark. The lights might come from cars, buildings flooded with light, street lightning, and so on. This contest is about showing your best shot that complies with the above. There are three catches: 1) the use of a flash is not allowed, 2) shots of the moon, stars and so on are not allowed, and 3) people are not allowed. Good luck!


83. Slow n Fast

Contest goal:
Take a picture showing complete opposites. For example you may have one black cat and one white cat, or show someone walking in a door while someone else is walking out a door. Or even someone on the top of the photo and someone at the bottom. Whatever you choose, it must be clear what your opposites are. If it might be hard to figure out then put it in the description or title.


82. After the coffee

Contest goal:
Show us your best photo from your Christmas dinner. The whole table or just the ham. Some part of your Christmas dinner that will make the viewer wish they had been invited. People are optional. Photos must be taken 24 – 25 -26 December 2011.


81. Boing !

Contest goal:
The title says it all: take a shot of one or more fish. Your shot doesn’t have to portray the exact literal meaning of the word, you can also capture a candy shaped as a fish or a fish sandwich, but remember to stay on topic and focus on this one word. If your interpretation of “Fish” is not obvious, don’t forget to mention it in your description. Good luck!


80. Blue Spruce

Contest goal:
In many parts of the world the ground is covered with snow this time of year, so we might as well shoot it. Enter your most artistic picture of snow. Anything goes as long as natural snow is the focal point of the photo. Good luck!


79. Doesn’t always have to Match

Contest goal:
In my corner of the world it’s winter right now and everything is gray, I need a little color back in my life. So if you’re up for the challenge, take a picture of something that is very colorful. Or you can put things together that make for a colorful picture. There should be at least 3 different colors, but the more the better… Enter your most colorful photo you’ve ever taken! Will you be my hero and bring back a little color to my world? Good luck, have fun, and be creative. Please note that for this contest BLACK and WHITE are not considered colors. We are looking for multiple colors not including black and white.


78. Pencils in droplets

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


77. Running Waves

Contest goal:
Many digital cameras now offer a “burst” effect, where several photos are taken quickly in sequence. This is used most often for sports, but any type of movement can be captured. Your goal is to take an action sequence burst of 5 frames, and combine them into a single photo. You can also create a “burst” effect by pushing your camera shutter button repeatedly, if your shutter speed and lag time are quick enough. Stack your images on top of each other.

One way of how to stack photos using Photoshop: – open all 5 photos in Photoshop – choose your 1st image as a base to drag and drop all the other photos on as a layer (in order in which you made them). Select the move tool for this and 1 by 1 open your other photos and drag and drop them on the first photo, make sure they align. – Once you have all 5 photos as different layers you can set the top 4 layers to an opacity on 50% (the % is up to you). – You might want to crop the image so not overlapping areas are gone. Save your image and you are done.


76. Eye see You

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


75. The hammer and the anvil

Contest goal:
Photograph things that belong together, like icecream and summer, hammer and nails… The world is full of things that just seem to be a “couple” and go well together. Creatively compose and then photograph two things that “go together”.


74. Smokey

Contest goal:
Good black and white photography is able to present form and depth through different values. Your goal here is to present a black and white photograph that shows a range of values from light to dark, so that we can see depth and form in sharp focus. Excessive blur using depth of field will be considered off theme. Good contrasts is the “focus” here.


73. I thee smell

Contest goal:
I want to see any photo with the saturation turned down to -70%. It takes the colors to a pale looking shade and almost old-timey looking shot. See if you can come up with the most creative shot that is most appealing and not just any photo that is good. Sometimes it takes that extra creativeness to snag the viewer’s eye. Should have been -70% The saturation effect should be done to the entire photo and not just selected channels.


72. Demise

Contest goal:
No matter what city you are in, you can find at least one area that seems to have been forgotten. We often avoid these areas of burned buildings and boarded up houses because we think they are ugly… but let’s take a different look at it…. Take a picture that clearly shows the decay of an urban area but try and do it in an artistic and beautiful way.


Demise photoshop picture)
Author: ray, created for: urban decay photography contest

71. snowy fance

Contest goal:
In many parts of the world the ground is covered with snow this time of year, so we might as well shoot it. Enter your most artistic picture of snow. Anything goes as long as natural snow is the focal point of the photo. Good luck!


70. colours

Contest goal:
Take a shot of lights in the dark. The lights might come from cars, buildings flooded with light, street lightning, and so on. This contest is about showing your best shot that complies with the above. There are three catches: 1) the use of a flash is not allowed, 2) shots of the moon, stars and so on are not allowed, and 3) people are not allowed. Good luck!


69. Tea Time

Contest goal:
Photograph something plunging into water. This is a high speed photo contest, and MUST be photographed showing BOTH above and below the water’s surface – You can use a fish tank, a glass bowl, a drinking glass, or other container, but photos of people diving into water, or throwing things into ponds, the ocean, etc. will be Off Topic. The object dropped into the water must be solid. Paint, ink, food coloring, etc. will also be Off Topic. Despite the contest thumbnail, the object photographed must be visible shown both above and below the water.


68. Solitary

Contest goal:
In many parts of the world the ground is covered with snow this time of year, so we might as well shoot it. Enter your most artistic picture of snow. Anything goes as long as natural snow is the focal point of the photo. Good luck!


Solitary photoshop picture)
Author: kyricom, created for: snow 2 photography contest

67. In its grip

Contest goal:
Enter your best shots of anything to do with sand. Sand sculptures, being buried in sand, macros of the grains, as long as the shots are of sand in its natural habitat. This means, no studio shots. Good luck!


In its grip photoshop picture)
Author: Maltem, created for: sand 2 photography contest

66. Mystery Alley Girls

Contest goal:
Enter images of alleyways from around the world. Use the light to your advantage to create the most interesting shot.


65. Cloudy City

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!



Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


63. Monument Valley 2011

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your favorite landscape in black and white. No humans and animals allowed… Your landscape must comply with the following Wiki definition: Landscape: a section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single view point Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms, water bodies such as rivers, lakes and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including land uses, buildings and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.


62. An evening in Paris

Contest goal:
Your task for this contest is to capture an object (or objects) that has the primary light source behind it. Any subject may be used, and natural or artificial lighting is allowed. The only thing on the hit list for this contest: no plants or flowers are allowed. Good Luck!


61. CAUGHT!!!

Contest goal:
The rules are simple: Put the self-timer on 2 seconds, push the button and try to get as far from the camera as you can and take a picture of yourself. Here is an article about this silly and fun phenomenon. You can make a photo of your front or backside. Good luck!


60. The wonder

Contest goal:
No matter what city you are in, you can find at least one area that seems to have been forgotten. We often avoid these areas of burned buildings and boarded up houses because we think they are ugly… but let’s take a different look at it…. Take a picture that clearly shows the decay of an urban area but try and do it in an artistic and beautiful way.


59. Office Romance?

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


58. Long Walk off a Short Pier

Contest goal:
Good black and white photography is able to present form and depth through different values. Your goal here is to present a black and white photograph that shows a range of values from light to dark, so that we can see depth and form in sharp focus. Excessive blur using depth of field will be considered off theme. Good contrasts is the “focus” here.


57. When night falls

Contest goal:
Take a shot of lights in the dark. The lights might come from cars, buildings flooded with light, street lightning, and so on. This contest is about showing your best shot that complies with the above. There are three catches: 1) the use of a flash is not allowed, 2) shots of the moon, stars and so on are not allowed, and 3) people are not allowed. Good luck!


56. one man and his dog

Contest goal:
Enter images of alleyways from around the world. Use the light to your advantage to create the most interesting shot.


55. English Pub

Contest goal:
Take a photo of a street corner. Houses, people and roads can also be present in your picture, but the main focus must be on the corner.


54. Between the pillars

Contest goal:
Good black and white photography is able to present form and depth through different values. Your goal here is to present a black and white photograph that shows a range of values from light to dark, so that we can see depth and form in sharp focus. Excessive blur using depth of field will be considered off theme. Good contrasts is the “focus” here.


53. Iced Lime Water

Contest goal:
Photograph something plunging into water. This is a high speed photo contest, and MUST be photographed showing BOTH above and below the water’s surface – You can use a fish tank, a glass bowl, a drinking glass, or other container, but photos of people diving into water, or throwing things into ponds, the ocean, etc. will be Off Topic. The object dropped into the water must be solid. Paint, ink, food coloring, etc. will also be Off Topic. Despite the contest thumbnail, the object photographed must be visible shown both above and below the water.


52. Snoop

Contest goal:
Good black and white photography is able to present form and depth through different values. Your goal here is to present a black and white photograph that shows a range of values from light to dark, so that we can see depth and form in sharp focus. Excessive blur using depth of field will be considered off theme. Good contrasts is the “focus” here.


51. Tender moments.

Contest goal:
Your task for this contest is to capture an object (or objects) that has the primary light source behind it. Any subject may be used, and natural or artificial lighting is allowed. The only thing on the hit list for this contest: no plants or flowers are allowed. Good Luck!


50. Playing with fisherman

Contest goal:
The title says it all: take a shot of one or more fish. Your shot doesn’t have to portray the exact literal meaning of the word, you can also capture a candy shaped as a fish or a fish sandwich, but remember to stay on topic and focus on this one word. If your interpretation of “Fish” is not obvious, don’t forget to mention it in your description. Good luck!


49. Daisy refraction

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


48. Cold

Contest goal:
In many parts of the world the ground is covered with snow this time of year, so we might as well shoot it. Enter your most artistic picture of snow. Anything goes as long as natural snow is the focal point of the photo. Good luck!


Cold photoshop picture)
Author: Yank, created for: snow 2 photography contest

47. lady

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


46. Blooming landscapes

Contest goal:
No matter what city you are in, you can find at least one area that seems to have been forgotten. We often avoid these areas of burned buildings and boarded up houses because we think they are ugly… but let’s take a different look at it…. Take a picture that clearly shows the decay of an urban area but try and do it in an artistic and beautiful way.


45. Kraken!

Contest goal:
Photograph something plunging into water. This is a high speed photo contest, and MUST be photographed showing BOTH above and below the water’s surface – You can use a fish tank, a glass bowl, a drinking glass, or other container, but photos of people diving into water, or throwing things into ponds, the ocean, etc. will be Off Topic. The object dropped into the water must be solid. Paint, ink, food coloring, etc. will also be Off Topic. Despite the contest thumbnail, the object photographed must be visible shown both above and below the water.


Kraken! photoshop picture)
Author: kyricom, created for: plunge photography contest

44. My guitar

Contest goal:
Good black and white photography is able to present form and depth through different values. Your goal here is to present a black and white photograph that shows a range of values from light to dark, so that we can see depth and form in sharp focus. Excessive blur using depth of field will be considered off theme. Good contrasts is the “focus” here.


43. Rawr…

Contest goal:
The title says it all: take a shot of one or more fish. Your shot doesn’t have to portray the exact literal meaning of the word, you can also capture a candy shaped as a fish or a fish sandwich, but remember to stay on topic and focus on this one word. If your interpretation of “Fish” is not obvious, don’t forget to mention it in your description. Good luck!


42. Vertice

Contest goal:
Take a photo of a street corner. Houses, people and roads can also be present in your picture, but the main focus must be on the corner.


41. Nobody

Contest goal:
This contest is just what the name suggests – take a photo from beside a swimming pool. The entry has to have the pool in the shot, but otherwise the scene is up to you. People, animals, random objects… it’s all welcome. Good luck!


40. Step by Step

Contest goal:
Take 3 portrait shots of the same person showing either a different emotion or under a different angle or in different situation. All shots must have been made at the same shoot or occasion. They have to be 3 loose shots pasted next to each other either horizontally or vertically. As an exception: a small plain colored border is allowed between the photos. Self portraits are not allowed.


39. Ticket to ride…

Contest goal:
Depict a well known song title by The Beatles using your photography skills. The title of the song MUST be placed as the title of the picture or even in the description.


38. autumn gazebo

Contest goal:
Show us a very pretty shot of a Gazebo. If you are unsure what one is then please read the below definition provided by Wiki: A gazebo is a pavilion structure, sometimes octagonal, that may be built, in parks, gardens, and spacious public areas. Gazebos are freestanding or attached to a garden wall, roofed, and open on all sides; they provide shade, shelter, ornamental features in a landscape, and a place to rest. Some gazebos in public parks are large enough to serve as bandstands or rain shelters.


37. Splash

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


36. Love/Hate

Contest goal:
Take a picture showing complete opposites. For example you may have one black cat and one white cat, or show someone walking in a door while someone else is walking out a door. Or even someone on the top of the photo and someone at the bottom. Whatever you choose, it must be clear what your opposites are. If it might be hard to figure out then put it in the description or title.


35. That’s Cold

Contest goal:
Take a picture of people or animals having fun in the water. It can be in swimming pools, the ocean, rivers, or even a puddle or around sprinklers – as long as water is the source of the fun. Both people and animals are allowed.


34. Leaving by the Canal

Contest goal:
In many parts of the world the ground is covered with snow this time of year, so we might as well shoot it. Enter your most artistic picture of snow. Anything goes as long as natural snow is the focal point of the photo. Good luck!


Leaving by the Canal photoshop picture)
Author: qlmos7, created for: snow 2 photography contest

33. The Garden

Contest goal:
In my corner of the world it’s winter right now and everything is gray, I need a little color back in my life. So if you’re up for the challenge, take a picture of something that is very colorful. Or you can put things together that make for a colorful picture. There should be at least 3 different colors, but the more the better… Enter your most colorful photo you’ve ever taken! Will you be my hero and bring back a little color to my world? Good luck, have fun, and be creative. Please note that for this contest BLACK and WHITE are not considered colors. We are looking for multiple colors not including black and white.


32. Fire Starter…

Contest goal:
Maybe it’s time for some photojournalism. Your task in this contest is to take pictures of either man-caused or natural calamities, e.g. buildings, structures, or vehicles on fire or burned to the ground, ruined by earthquake, explosion or demolition, trees and/or vegetation uprooted and flattened out in the wake of severe storms or hurricanes, waterlogged boats or residences, in short anything that would look hit by some sort of disaster. Ruins of very old or ancient buildings such as chateaus, castles e.t.c. would be considered off topic.


31. Flippin’ Interesting

Contest goal:
Many digital cameras now offer a “burst” effect, where several photos are taken quickly in sequence. This is used most often for sports, but any type of movement can be captured. Your goal is to take an action sequence burst of 5 frames, and combine them into a single photo. You can also create a “burst” effect by pushing your camera shutter button repeatedly, if your shutter speed and lag time are quick enough. Stack your images on top of each other.

One way of how to stack photos using Photoshop: – open all 5 photos in Photoshop – choose your 1st image as a base to drag and drop all the other photos on as a layer (in order in which you made them). Select the move tool for this and 1 by 1 open your other photos and drag and drop them on the first photo, make sure they align. – Once you have all 5 photos as different layers you can set the top 4 layers to an opacity on 50% (the % is up to you). – You might want to crop the image so not overlapping areas are gone. Save your image and you are done.


30. Now he’s mad!

Contest goal:
Good black and white photography is able to present form and depth through different values. Your goal here is to present a black and white photograph that shows a range of values from light to dark, so that we can see depth and form in sharp focus. Excessive blur using depth of field will be considered off theme. Good contrasts is the “focus” here.


29. Not for swimming

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your favorite landscape in black and white. No humans and animals allowed… Your landscape must comply with the following Wiki definition: Landscape: a section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single view point Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms, water bodies such as rivers, lakes and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including land uses, buildings and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.


28. Sneaking…

Contest goal:
It’s that time of year (at least here it is) where people are baking all the time. Office parties, family gatherings, etc… I want to see a shot of a person/people baking something. So that would mean an oven could be in the shot or some kind of appliance used for baking as well as a persons and something you bake or ingredient used for baking. If all three are not present in the shot then it’s off-theme. Photo much contain: 1. Person 2. baking or ingredient 3. oven, mixing bowl or other things used in baking.


27. Eye on the web

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


26. Ruin at Muckle Greens

Contest goal:
Take a shot of your favorite landscape in black and white. No humans and animals allowed… Your landscape must comply with the following Wiki definition: Landscape: a section or expanse of rural scenery, usually extensive, that can be seen from a single view point Landscape comprises the visible features of an area of land, including the physical elements of landforms, water bodies such as rivers, lakes and the sea, living elements of land cover including indigenous vegetation, human elements including land uses, buildings and structures, and transitory elements such as lighting and weather conditions.


25. Christmas atmosphere

Contest goal:
It’s that time of year, again. Whether you celebrate the holidays or just hate them and can’t wait for their end, you still have to admire the decoration that goes up around town. Enter your most artistic take on all the Christmas decoration in your area. As long as Christmas is the main focus, it’s on theme. Indoor shots are not allowed, it has to be something outdoors in your area.


24. Half Blown

Contest goal:
I want to see any photo with the saturation turned down to -70%. It takes the colors to a pale looking shade and almost old-timey looking shot. See if you can come up with the most creative shot that is most appealing and not just any photo that is good. Sometimes it takes that extra creativeness to snag the viewer’s eye. Should have been -70% The saturation effect should be done to the entire photo and not just selected channels.


23. Green Monster

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


22. Preparation…

Contest goal:
Your task for this contest is to capture an object (or objects) that has the primary light source behind it. Any subject may be used, and natural or artificial lighting is allowed. The only thing on the hit list for this contest: no plants or flowers are allowed. Good Luck!


21. Troubles of a Traveler

Contest goal:
I want to see any photo with the saturation turned down to -70%. It takes the colors to a pale looking shade and almost old-timey looking shot. See if you can come up with the most creative shot that is most appealing and not just any photo that is good. Sometimes it takes that extra creativeness to snag the viewer’s eye. Should have been -70% The saturation effect should be done to the entire photo and not just selected channels.


20. Toes In The Sand

Contest goal:
Enter your best shots of anything to do with sand. Sand sculptures, being buried in sand, macros of the grains, as long as the shots are of sand in its natural habitat. This means, no studio shots. Good luck!


19. Bandstand

Contest goal:
Show us a very pretty shot of a Gazebo. If you are unsure what one is then please read the below definition provided by Wiki: A gazebo is a pavilion structure, sometimes octagonal, that may be built, in parks, gardens, and spacious public areas. Gazebos are freestanding or attached to a garden wall, roofed, and open on all sides; they provide shade, shelter, ornamental features in a landscape, and a place to rest. Some gazebos in public parks are large enough to serve as bandstands or rain shelters.


18. Finding Fairies

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


17. sunrise

Contest goal:
In my corner of the world it’s winter right now and everything is gray, I need a little color back in my life. So if you’re up for the challenge, take a picture of something that is very colorful. Or you can put things together that make for a colorful picture. There should be at least 3 different colors, but the more the better… Enter your most colorful photo you’ve ever taken! Will you be my hero and bring back a little color to my world? Good luck, have fun, and be creative. Please note that for this contest BLACK and WHITE are not considered colors. We are looking for multiple colors not including black and white.


16. Tools of the Trade

Contest goal:
Take 3 portrait shots of the same person showing either a different emotion or under a different angle or in different situation. All shots must have been made at the same shoot or occasion. They have to be 3 loose shots pasted next to each other either horizontally or vertically. As an exception: a small plain colored border is allowed between the photos. Self portraits are not allowed.


15. Take 23

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


14. A Boat

Contest goal:
Your task for this contest is to capture an object (or objects) that has the primary light source behind it. Any subject may be used, and natural or artificial lighting is allowed. The only thing on the hit list for this contest: no plants or flowers are allowed. Good Luck!


13. Stars and fire

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


12. Droplet on Flower

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


11. Needle and thread

Contest goal:
Photograph things that belong together, like icecream and summer, hammer and nails… The world is full of things that just seem to be a “couple” and go well together. Creatively compose and then photograph two things that “go together”.


10. Fresh Frozen

Contest goal:
The goal is to take the most attractive photo you can of some fresh fruits or vegetables still on the vine and growing. Not displayed at the local Farmer’s Market, or grocer’s display, not on your kitchen table or in your salad bowl. Unpicked, and still nestled in among the leaves, whole and intact.


9. Black vs White/Water vs Fire

Contest goal:
Take a picture showing complete opposites. For example you may have one black cat and one white cat, or show someone walking in a door while someone else is walking out a door. Or even someone on the top of the photo and someone at the bottom. Whatever you choose, it must be clear what your opposites are. If it might be hard to figure out then put it in the description or title.


8. Helllllllp!!!!!

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to capture any scene you can come up with, where the main focus are stick figures. For the purposes of this contest, figures have to be made out of real objects,. Photos of drawings are not allowed. Be as creative as possible.


7. Broken Beauty

Contest goal:
No matter what city you are in, you can find at least one area that seems to have been forgotten. We often avoid these areas of burned buildings and boarded up houses because we think they are ugly… but let’s take a different look at it…. Take a picture that clearly shows the decay of an urban area but try and do it in an artistic and beautiful way.



Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to capture any scene you can come up with, where the main focus are stick figures. For the purposes of this contest, figures have to be made out of real objects,. Photos of drawings are not allowed. Be as creative as possible.


5. Painting with light?

Contest goal:
In many cases with photography traces are captured by accident. A moving car could leave light traces, for example. It does not have to be just light traces. A photo can exhibit many kinds of traces or streaking patterns and just seem to make the photo subject more interesting. In this photography contest, enter the most creative traces that you can capture. It might be by accident, or a staged shoot, but show us just how artistic traces can be (no photoshop). Also, the photo can be any subject you choose. If it has traces, it is on theme. Be creative and use your imagination. This contest is about traces of light and moving objects which leave traces on the photo due to a longer shutter speed. Good Luck!


4. Time to go home

Contest goal:
In many parts of the world the ground is covered with snow this time of year, so we might as well shoot it. Enter your most artistic picture of snow. Anything goes as long as natural snow is the focal point of the photo. Good luck!


Time to go home photoshop picture)
Author: Yank, created for: snow 2 photography contest

3. Freeze

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.


2. eclipse

Contest goal:
In this contest, you can enter ANY photo you like. Your photo does not have to fit any theme. Get your best recent shots and compete with other people’s top photos. Good luck!


1. Water droplet on Rose Thorns..

Contest goal:
This is for my good friend kyricom, and his hatred of water droplets! In this contest, show us droplets of water. You can have the drop reflecting something, dropping into something or just plain sitting on something. No people or animals are allowed in the shot – strictly nature.



Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


4 Responses:

  1. Neelkant Sharma says:

    Top class collection.

    ( 2 years and 3994 days ago )
  2. thoppp says:

    Mind blowing!!!! Really Superb…..great blog post

    ( 2 years and 3994 days ago )
  3. kerala hotels says:

    Awesome Pictures.. I loved it

    ( 2 years and 3994 days ago )
  4. satish says:

    awesome pictures

    ( 2 years and 3989 days ago )