Top 100 Photography on Pxleyes in November 2011

Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 100 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month November 2011… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries.
The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the full of beans, spiders 2, autumn 2, nail it and squash contest.

… Keep up the good work and good luck in next month’s photography contests!

100. Full House

Contest goal:
Many cities now have “Occupy” demonstrations happening. But there are other forms of occupation. A fish tank full of tropical fish, a lobster tank at the grocery store, a cat sleeping in your recliner when you want to sit down, the waiting room at the doctor’s office… The goal is to photograph something being occupied by people, animals or objects (one or more). Occupy protest photos will be considered off theme.


99. flower

Contest goal:
Autumn, or fall, is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter usually in March (Southern Hemisphere) or September (Northern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier. Your mission is to capture the beauty of autumn. Good luck and as always have fun.


flower photoshop picture)
Author: inanis, created for: autumn 2 photography contest

98. Washed Up Plastic

Contest goal:
“One man’s trash is another man’s art”. Make the unwanted and thrown away items we see in our daily lives in to an artful photograph … The main focus should be the “Item”. If the focus is not on the item it will be of theme.


97. black and white stripes

Contest goal:
Take a photo of something with stripes (plural) on it, or that looks like stripes. Striped clothes, rocks, barber shop poles, vertical fencing, window blinds, fork tines, the edge of a rake, rows of vegetation etc. The “stripes” MUST be visual lines or bands going in the same direction, with no interruption from another direction. Curves are allowed. A minimum of 3 stripes is required.


black and white stripes photoshop picture)
Author: kathyw, created for: stripes photography contest

96. The Ferrari World

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: take you best nightshot of an illuminated building. You can show one ore more buildings or a full city view, but at least 1 building must be illuminated. Main focus need to be on 1 or more buildings.


95. First Connections

Contest goal:
Our hands are used for so much. From mundane tasks like scratching our heads to fantastic endeavors like painting a great masterpiece. They can convey our emotions and help us to survive. Some may even say that our hands define who we are. In this contest, you need to take a photograph of hands, 1 or more. Other objects can be present, but the main focus should be on the hand(s). The hands can be doing something, showing emotion, helping, or giving a message of some kind. Your photo can include any props you may wish, but the only part of the body visible should be the hands. Be creative and let your hands speak through your photography. The first hands contest can be found here.


94. Squirrel!?

Contest goal:
It’s time for another pet photo contests, but this time there is a catch. It has to be a side profile, in other words, side view. You may include anything you want in the picture, but please make sure that your pet is the main focus and viewed from the side. Both portraits and full body shots are allowed. Since the term ‘pet’ can be explained in many ways we will allow most animals as pets. Animals such as gorilla, lions, tigers, bears and such will be off theme unless you can show proof that it is in fact a pet and not just at the zoo. Get creative and have fun!


93. Aaaand, We’re Surfing

Contest goal:
For this contest I want to see people surfing the waves! It can be by surfboard or bodyboard but there has to be a board involved. Body surfing will be considered off-theme…. Kite surfing will be considered on-theme.


92. resting spider

Contest goal:
Love them or hate them, spiders can be found almost anywhere. Your task is to show us your best spider photo. Lurking in its hole, sitting in its web, devouring its prey or scuttling along – it doesn’t matter as long as the spider is the main focus of your photo. Good Luck!


91. Stressed

Contest goal:
Our hands are used for so much. From mundane tasks like scratching our heads to fantastic endeavors like painting a great masterpiece. They can convey our emotions and help us to survive. Some may even say that our hands define who we are. In this contest, you need to take a photograph of hands, 1 or more. Other objects can be present, but the main focus should be on the hand(s). The hands can be doing something, showing emotion, helping, or giving a message of some kind. Your photo can include any props you may wish, but the only part of the body visible should be the hands. Be creative and let your hands speak through your photography. The first hands contest can be found here.


90. Woodland

Contest goal:
This is a photo contest with a twist! Because in this contest you are allowed to use Photoshop in a very limited way. Here’s the deal: Pretend I’m a CEO of a large company and I saw you portfolio here at pxleyes, of course: I’m impressed and I’m willing to give you a big break! I want you to make a tabloid size (landscape or portrait) ad for me. You must shoot one of our products close up and your photo must include the logo and, even though it is a close up, the product must be recognizable! So, if you decide to shoot a microwave it must be clear in the photo it is a microwave of our brand, including the brand name clearly visible. Now here’s the little catch: you’ll have to come up with a small and catchy tagline as well, which you have to include in your photo. To do so you are allowed to use Photoshop (but only for adding the tagline!) Keep the tagline short (3-5 words) so it will stick to customers minds. I do not care which kind of brand name and product you use, just make sure you give it a positive feeling and make people want to buy this product. Have fun in this challenge with a twist! You must post the original photo in the SBS. An example can be found here. To summarize: Take a product shot for an ad, the logo must be clearly visible and readable. As a twist, you will be allowed to use Photoshop to ad a Tagline, 3 – 5 words. Post the original photo without tagline in the SBS.


89. A uplifting book

Contest goal:
Capture yourself or your friends in the levitation pose. The shot must be made believable that the person is lifted up. Having a shadow on the ground might help to create realistic levitation image. No photoshopping is allowed in this contest.


88. Red chair

Contest goal:
Your task is to take an artistic shot of a chair, an armchair or a bench… As long as it is for the purpose of sitting. No animals or people allowed in your photo. Good luck!


87. The Making…

Contest goal:
In this photography contest your goal is to enter shots of a tool and the trade it is being used on. It must be on the job! For example, you could photograph a hammer in use by a carpenter, a mason’s trowel being used to spread mud on a wall by a brick layer, a mechanic using a wrench on an engine or even a technical support operator with his headset. A tool must be the focus and it has to be obvious that it’s being used on the job it was designed for, or it is off theme. Studio shots are not allowed. Have fun and good luck!


86. You first!

Contest goal:
Let’s see how you see other people doing the same thing as you! Your goal here is to show us your best pictures of other people taking a photo of something or someone. In your picture, we’ll have to see the photographer and his camera at the moment he is shooting something else. No auto-portraits will be allowed here, you must shoot someone else with a camera as he is shooting ! Try to be as creative as possible. Good luck!


85. The spirit of ecstasy

Contest goal:
In every country you can see cars. Every car has its own brand. Your goal here is to take a picture of a car brand. It can be either the logo and/or the name of it. It can also be both of them, but not the model name. Example: On a Toyota Corolla, you can suggest a picture of the logo, the name “Toyota”, but not “Corolla” ! There is a restriction : it has to be a close-up picture taken of the car itself. Brand names or logos shot from an advertising poster, a wall, a garage, etc… will be considered off theme.


84. great spot for a photo

Contest goal:
Take a photo where the subject (center of interest) in the photo takes a tiny portion in the photo compared to everything else. An example would be a wide angle shot of a cliff, with a small climber climbing up the cliff. The goal is to show how a tiny subject in a photo can put a huge impact in the composition.


83. Torch

Contest goal:
In many cases with photography traces are captured by accident. A moving car could leave light traces, for example. It does not have to be just light traces. A photo can exhibit many kinds of traces or streaking patterns and just seem to make the photo subject more interesting. In this photography contest, enter the most creative traces that you can capture. It might be by accident, or a staged shoot, but show us just how artistic traces can be (no photoshop). Also, the photo can be any subject you choose. If it has traces, it is on theme. Be creative and use your imagination. This contest is about traces of light and moving objects which leave traces on the photo due to a longer shutter speed. Good Luck!


Torch photoshop picture)
Author: patty, created for: traces 2 photography contest

82. Under the Sea

Contest goal:
Enter a photo of something that makes people just want to say “What the hell am I looking at?!” In other words, photograph a subject that confuses people as to what it is. This could be virtually anything, from an odd angle of a statue to a macro of trash in a dumpster. Please try and keep it as artistic and pleasing to the eye as possible, use the description field to explain what exactly is shown in your picture.


81. Curls

Contest goal:
Fads come and go, but crazy hairdo’s will always be around. Take a photo of someone with a crazy hairdo. No animals, just people hair.


80. pencil

Contest goal:
This is a photo contest with a twist! Because in this contest you are allowed to use Photoshop in a very limited way. Here’s the deal: Pretend I’m a CEO of a large company and I saw you portfolio here at pxleyes, of course: I’m impressed and I’m willing to give you a big break! I want you to make a tabloid size (landscape or portrait) ad for me. You must shoot one of our products close up and your photo must include the logo and, even though it is a close up, the product must be recognizable! So, if you decide to shoot a microwave it must be clear in the photo it is a microwave of our brand, including the brand name clearly visible. Now here’s the little catch: you’ll have to come up with a small and catchy tagline as well, which you have to include in your photo. To do so you are allowed to use Photoshop (but only for adding the tagline!) Keep the tagline short (3-5 words) so it will stick to customers minds. I do not care which kind of brand name and product you use, just make sure you give it a positive feeling and make people want to buy this product. Have fun in this challenge with a twist! You must post the original photo in the SBS. An example can be found here. To summarize: Take a product shot for an ad, the logo must be clearly visible and readable. As a twist, you will be allowed to use Photoshop to ad a Tagline, 3 – 5 words. Post the original photo without tagline in the SBS.


pencil photoshop picture)
Author: roon, created for: commercial photography contest

79. dog on it

Contest goal:
Many cities now have “Occupy” demonstrations happening. But there are other forms of occupation. A fish tank full of tropical fish, a lobster tank at the grocery store, a cat sleeping in your recliner when you want to sit down, the waiting room at the doctor’s office… The goal is to photograph something being occupied by people, animals or objects (one or more). Occupy protest photos will be considered off theme.


78. Ready to Carve

Contest goal:
“The job of a food photographer is to elicit the same mouth-watering reaction as the smell of freshly baked bread or the taste of a perfectly grilled steak. A great food photograph can convey feelings of warmth, awaken fond memories, conjure up fantasies, or just plain make you hungry. It can send crowds flocking to a new restaurant or boost the sales of a food magazine.” ~ Lou Manna Let’s make each other hungry. Take a picture of something yummy, whether you ate it or not! Your entry should showcase food or desserts only. No people are allowed in the shot. Here is a link to some food photography tips. It’s not as easy as it seems. For some more quick tips and tricks, check here.


77. Family Portrait

Contest goal:
In many cases with photography traces are captured by accident. A moving car could leave light traces, for example. It does not have to be just light traces. A photo can exhibit many kinds of traces or streaking patterns and just seem to make the photo subject more interesting. In this photography contest, enter the most creative traces that you can capture. It might be by accident, or a staged shoot, but show us just how artistic traces can be (no photoshop). Also, the photo can be any subject you choose. If it has traces, it is on theme. Be creative and use your imagination. This contest is about traces of light and moving objects which leave traces on the photo due to a longer shutter speed. Good Luck!


76. Smoking Kilzzz

Contest goal:
Photographing smoke takes a special, creative mind and skills. It’s a great way to hone your skills with the camera’s eye. Take an artistic shot of smoke. No people or animals should be in the shot, although whatever is causing the smoke can be if you choose to include it. The smoke should be the focus of the shot, however. The only editing should be cropping. Good luck!


75. Nobody’s sleeping

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: take you best nightshot of an illuminated building. You can show one ore more buildings or a full city view, but at least 1 building must be illuminated. Main focus need to be on 1 or more buildings.


74. In the mountains

Contest goal:
From little white picket to barb wire, wire mesh, split rail, or chain link. Wrought iron, wood, bamboo, aluminum or vinyl,… Fences are used to define area boundaries, keeping people or animals out or in, for privacy or protection. Post your photos of fences of all types. The fences must be man made. No tree lines and rock outcroppings allowed, and no stone or brick walls, although brick posts within a fence are allowed. EDIT: Pictures of gates will only be tolerated if the focus is on the fence attached to it. If the gate itself is the overwhelming focus of the photo it will be considered off topic. When in doubt, try not to include the gate at all!


73. Hang Glider

Contest goal:
Take a photo where the subject (center of interest) in the photo takes a tiny portion in the photo compared to everything else. An example would be a wide angle shot of a cliff, with a small climber climbing up the cliff. The goal is to show how a tiny subject in a photo can put a huge impact in the composition.


72. Peaceful view from here

Contest goal:
Your task is to take an artistic shot of a chair, an armchair or a bench… As long as it is for the purpose of sitting. No animals or people allowed in your photo. Good luck!


Peaceful view from here photoshop picture)
Author: MnMCarta, created for: chairs photography contest

71. light helix

Contest goal:
In many cases with photography traces are captured by accident. A moving car could leave light traces, for example. It does not have to be just light traces. A photo can exhibit many kinds of traces or streaking patterns and just seem to make the photo subject more interesting. In this photography contest, enter the most creative traces that you can capture. It might be by accident, or a staged shoot, but show us just how artistic traces can be (no photoshop). Also, the photo can be any subject you choose. If it has traces, it is on theme. Be creative and use your imagination. This contest is about traces of light and moving objects which leave traces on the photo due to a longer shutter speed. Good Luck!


70. Nikkor The name of Perfection

Contest goal:
This is a photo contest with a twist! Because in this contest you are allowed to use Photoshop in a very limited way. Here’s the deal: Pretend I’m a CEO of a large company and I saw you portfolio here at pxleyes, of course: I’m impressed and I’m willing to give you a big break! I want you to make a tabloid size (landscape or portrait) ad for me. You must shoot one of our products close up and your photo must include the logo and, even though it is a close up, the product must be recognizable! So, if you decide to shoot a microwave it must be clear in the photo it is a microwave of our brand, including the brand name clearly visible. Now here’s the little catch: you’ll have to come up with a small and catchy tagline as well, which you have to include in your photo. To do so you are allowed to use Photoshop (but only for adding the tagline!) Keep the tagline short (3-5 words) so it will stick to customers minds. I do not care which kind of brand name and product you use, just make sure you give it a positive feeling and make people want to buy this product. Have fun in this challenge with a twist! You must post the original photo in the SBS. An example can be found here. To summarize: Take a product shot for an ad, the logo must be clearly visible and readable. As a twist, you will be allowed to use Photoshop to ad a Tagline, 3 – 5 words. Post the original photo without tagline in the SBS.


69. Not in my garage

Contest goal:
In every country you can see cars. Every car has its own brand. Your goal here is to take a picture of a car brand. It can be either the logo and/or the name of it. It can also be both of them, but not the model name. Example: On a Toyota Corolla, you can suggest a picture of the logo, the name “Toyota”, but not “Corolla” ! There is a restriction : it has to be a close-up picture taken of the car itself. Brand names or logos shot from an advertising poster, a wall, a garage, etc… will be considered off theme.


68. First Day & Tears

Contest goal:
Upload your best shots of anything to do with school college uni. It can be uniform, students, revising BUT has to include a human model in some sort. Have fun and good luck!


67. 100s

Contest goal:
Many cities now have “Occupy” demonstrations happening. But there are other forms of occupation. A fish tank full of tropical fish, a lobster tank at the grocery store, a cat sleeping in your recliner when you want to sit down, the waiting room at the doctor’s office… The goal is to photograph something being occupied by people, animals or objects (one or more). Occupy protest photos will be considered off theme.


100s photoshop picture)
Author: toofan, created for: occupied photography contest

66. I’ll take that one

Contest goal:
Who does not like to eat chocolate? In this contest your task is to take a shot of anything which represents chocolate. It might be a chocolate bar, a chocolate fountain, cocoa, hot chocolate, etc… Be creative and good luck !


65. Mmm…

Contest goal:
“The job of a food photographer is to elicit the same mouth-watering reaction as the smell of freshly baked bread or the taste of a perfectly grilled steak. A great food photograph can convey feelings of warmth, awaken fond memories, conjure up fantasies, or just plain make you hungry. It can send crowds flocking to a new restaurant or boost the sales of a food magazine.” ~ Lou Manna Let’s make each other hungry. Take a picture of something yummy, whether you ate it or not! Your entry should showcase food or desserts only. No people are allowed in the shot. Here is a link to some food photography tips. It’s not as easy as it seems. For some more quick tips and tricks, check here.


64. Circus

Contest goal:
The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. It is the basis of the wheel which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern civilization possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry and calculus. Your goal in this contest is to creatively capture one or more circular shapes and/or circles. They are all around us, one example would be your camera lens. Please make sure that the circle is the major focal point of the picture, not one that we have to look for. Also make sure it’s a complete 360 degree circle. Good luck everyone!


63. London

Contest goal:
The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. It is the basis of the wheel which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern civilization possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry and calculus. Your goal in this contest is to creatively capture one or more circular shapes and/or circles. They are all around us, one example would be your camera lens. Please make sure that the circle is the major focal point of the picture, not one that we have to look for. Also make sure it’s a complete 360 degree circle. Good luck everyone!


62. Droplet

Contest goal:
The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. It is the basis of the wheel which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern civilization possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry and calculus. Your goal in this contest is to creatively capture one or more circular shapes and/or circles. They are all around us, one example would be your camera lens. Please make sure that the circle is the major focal point of the picture, not one that we have to look for. Also make sure it’s a complete 360 degree circle. Good luck everyone!


61. Love in Flowers

Contest goal:
Everybody knows these pictures of a collection of doors (example). Now make 25 pictures of an item of your own choice and combine it into one 5×5 image.


60. Franklin

Contest goal:
In every country you can see cars. Every car has its own brand. Your goal here is to take a picture of a car brand. It can be either the logo and/or the name of it. It can also be both of them, but not the model name. Example: On a Toyota Corolla, you can suggest a picture of the logo, the name “Toyota”, but not “Corolla” ! There is a restriction : it has to be a close-up picture taken of the car itself. Brand names or logos shot from an advertising poster, a wall, a garage, etc… will be considered off theme.


59. Le Mont Saint Michel

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: take you best nightshot of an illuminated building. You can show one ore more buildings or a full city view, but at least 1 building must be illuminated. Main focus need to be on 1 or more buildings.


58. Cooking Time

Contest goal:
Photographing smoke takes a special, creative mind and skills. It’s a great way to hone your skills with the camera’s eye. Take an artistic shot of smoke. No people or animals should be in the shot, although whatever is causing the smoke can be if you choose to include it. The smoke should be the focus of the shot, however. The only editing should be cropping. Good luck!


57. Waiting

Contest goal:
Take a photo where the subject (center of interest) in the photo takes a tiny portion in the photo compared to everything else. An example would be a wide angle shot of a cliff, with a small climber climbing up the cliff. The goal is to show how a tiny subject in a photo can put a huge impact in the composition.


56. Waiting for goldilocks

Contest goal:
Your task is to take an artistic shot of a chair, an armchair or a bench… As long as it is for the purpose of sitting. No animals or people allowed in your photo. Good luck!


55. Snow angel

Contest goal:
Your goal here is to take a high key picture. What is high key ? Take a look here. When you look at the levels of a high key photograph, as the dominant is white, the peak should be at the extreme right. Be careful : High key picture is not a burned picture!


54. A calm place

Contest goal:
Photographing smoke takes a special, creative mind and skills. It’s a great way to hone your skills with the camera’s eye. Take an artistic shot of smoke. No people or animals should be in the shot, although whatever is causing the smoke can be if you choose to include it. The smoke should be the focus of the shot, however. The only editing should be cropping. Good luck!


53. Not the size of the boat

Contest goal:
Love them or hate them, spiders can be found almost anywhere. Your task is to show us your best spider photo. Lurking in its hole, sitting in its web, devouring its prey or scuttling along – it doesn’t matter as long as the spider is the main focus of your photo. Good Luck!


52. Mountain Lake

Contest goal:
The panorama must be made from at least 3 pictures or more and each picture must be uploaded into a SBS guide. Other than that, there should be at least 1 real mountain in your panorama.


51. Fancy Smoke

Contest goal:
Photographing smoke takes a special, creative mind and skills. It’s a great way to hone your skills with the camera’s eye. Take an artistic shot of smoke. No people or animals should be in the shot, although whatever is causing the smoke can be if you choose to include it. The smoke should be the focus of the shot, however. The only editing should be cropping. Good luck!


50. plastic bubble

Contest goal:
The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. It is the basis of the wheel which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern civilization possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry and calculus. Your goal in this contest is to creatively capture one or more circular shapes and/or circles. They are all around us, one example would be your camera lens. Please make sure that the circle is the major focal point of the picture, not one that we have to look for. Also make sure it’s a complete 360 degree circle. Good luck everyone!


49. Unconventional wrapping

Contest goal:
Take your best photos of a cardboard box. Open, closed, new, abused, flattened, full or empty. Fully wrapped or covered boxes will be off theme.


48. I can make it!

Contest goal:
For this contest I want to see people surfing the waves! It can be by surfboard or bodyboard but there has to be a board involved. Body surfing will be considered off-theme…. Kite surfing will be considered on-theme.


47. Coffee Grind

Contest goal:
Take a photo of your favorite coffee cup or mug. From ceramic to take out paper or aluminum. Thermos bottles are off theme. Your cup or mug must show coffee/tea in it (can be anything from a single drop to a full cup)


46. Trapped in Drops!

Contest goal:
The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. It is the basis of the wheel which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern civilization possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry and calculus. Your goal in this contest is to creatively capture one or more circular shapes and/or circles. They are all around us, one example would be your camera lens. Please make sure that the circle is the major focal point of the picture, not one that we have to look for. Also make sure it’s a complete 360 degree circle. Good luck everyone!


45. Crab!

Contest goal:
Love them or hate them, spiders can be found almost anywhere. Your task is to show us your best spider photo. Lurking in its hole, sitting in its web, devouring its prey or scuttling along – it doesn’t matter as long as the spider is the main focus of your photo. Good Luck!


44. Like a lion

Contest goal:
It’s time for another pet photo contests, but this time there is a catch. It has to be a side profile, in other words, side view. You may include anything you want in the picture, but please make sure that your pet is the main focus and viewed from the side. Both portraits and full body shots are allowed. Since the term ‘pet’ can be explained in many ways we will allow most animals as pets. Animals such as gorilla, lions, tigers, bears and such will be off theme unless you can show proof that it is in fact a pet and not just at the zoo. Get creative and have fun!


43. Solitary Walker

Contest goal:
Take a photo where the subject (center of interest) in the photo takes a tiny portion in the photo compared to everything else. An example would be a wide angle shot of a cliff, with a small climber climbing up the cliff. The goal is to show how a tiny subject in a photo can put a huge impact in the composition.


42. About to devour You!

Contest goal:
Enter a photo of something that makes people just want to say “What the hell am I looking at?!” In other words, photograph a subject that confuses people as to what it is. This could be virtually anything, from an odd angle of a statue to a macro of trash in a dumpster. Please try and keep it as artistic and pleasing to the eye as possible, use the description field to explain what exactly is shown in your picture.


41. The carpender…

Contest goal:
Our hands are used for so much. From mundane tasks like scratching our heads to fantastic endeavors like painting a great masterpiece. They can convey our emotions and help us to survive. Some may even say that our hands define who we are. In this contest, you need to take a photograph of hands, 1 or more. Other objects can be present, but the main focus should be on the hand(s). The hands can be doing something, showing emotion, helping, or giving a message of some kind. Your photo can include any props you may wish, but the only part of the body visible should be the hands. Be creative and let your hands speak through your photography. The first hands contest can be found here.


40. Glow Man

Contest goal:
In many cases with photography traces are captured by accident. A moving car could leave light traces, for example. It does not have to be just light traces. A photo can exhibit many kinds of traces or streaking patterns and just seem to make the photo subject more interesting. In this photography contest, enter the most creative traces that you can capture. It might be by accident, or a staged shoot, but show us just how artistic traces can be (no photoshop). Also, the photo can be any subject you choose. If it has traces, it is on theme. Be creative and use your imagination. This contest is about traces of light and moving objects which leave traces on the photo due to a longer shutter speed. Good Luck!


39. Walking path

Contest goal:
Autumn, or fall, is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter usually in March (Southern Hemisphere) or September (Northern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier. Your mission is to capture the beauty of autumn. Good luck and as always have fun.


38. Tough box

Contest goal:
Take your best photos of a cardboard box. Open, closed, new, abused, flattened, full or empty. Fully wrapped or covered boxes will be off theme.


37. Bike Seats

Contest goal:
Everybody knows these pictures of a collection of doors (example). Now make 25 pictures of an item of your own choice and combine it into one 5×5 image.


36. In The Evening Sun

Contest goal:
It’s time for another pet photo contests, but this time there is a catch. It has to be a side profile, in other words, side view. You may include anything you want in the picture, but please make sure that your pet is the main focus and viewed from the side. Both portraits and full body shots are allowed. Since the term ‘pet’ can be explained in many ways we will allow most animals as pets. Animals such as gorilla, lions, tigers, bears and such will be off theme unless you can show proof that it is in fact a pet and not just at the zoo. Get creative and have fun!


35. Silver White Winters

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to take some lines from the song “A few of my favorite things” from the Sound of Music, and illustrate those lines in photography. “rain drops on roses” and “whiskers on kittens” sort of things, and make it as creative as possible. Also mention in your description which line(s) you are using. Need inspiration? Don’t know the song? Listen to it here.


34. I started with a full box

Contest goal:
Who does not like to eat chocolate? In this contest your task is to take a shot of anything which represents chocolate. It might be a chocolate bar, a chocolate fountain, cocoa, hot chocolate, etc… Be creative and good luck !


33. Horse Creek

Contest goal:
Autumn, or fall, is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter usually in March (Southern Hemisphere) or September (Northern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier. Your mission is to capture the beauty of autumn. Good luck and as always have fun.


32. Predator

Contest goal:
Love them or hate them, spiders can be found almost anywhere. Your task is to show us your best spider photo. Lurking in its hole, sitting in its web, devouring its prey or scuttling along – it doesn’t matter as long as the spider is the main focus of your photo. Good Luck!


31. Un-Bee-lievable

Contest goal:
Many cities now have “Occupy” demonstrations happening. But there are other forms of occupation. A fish tank full of tropical fish, a lobster tank at the grocery store, a cat sleeping in your recliner when you want to sit down, the waiting room at the doctor’s office… The goal is to photograph something being occupied by people, animals or objects (one or more). Occupy protest photos will be considered off theme.


30. Lake Tekapo

Contest goal:
The panorama must be made from at least 3 pictures or more and each picture must be uploaded into a SBS guide. Other than that, there should be at least 1 real mountain in your panorama.


29. The potion…

Contest goal:
It’s time to get a little creative. With this contest I would like you to place something (or more things) in a jar and take a shot of it. It can be multiple jars or just one. Have fun with it!


28. A PXL Member?

Contest goal:
Let’s see how you see other people doing the same thing as you! Your goal here is to show us your best pictures of other people taking a photo of something or someone. In your picture, we’ll have to see the photographer and his camera at the moment he is shooting something else. No auto-portraits will be allowed here, you must shoot someone else with a camera as he is shooting ! Try to be as creative as possible. Good luck!


27. The little patch.

Contest goal:
This contest is about the vegetable, not the game…Take a photo of any variety of squash, summer or winter. The squash must be intact – no puree, no squashed squash, no jack o’lanterns allowed.


The little patch. photoshop picture)
Author: captgeo, created for: squash photography contest

26. Embedded in the Frost

Contest goal:
Your goal here is to take a high key picture. What is high key ? Take a look here. When you look at the levels of a high key photograph, as the dominant is white, the peak should be at the extreme right. Be careful : High key picture is not a burned picture!


Embedded in the Frost photoshop picture)
Author: dem90, created for: high key photography contest

25. Eyes

Contest goal:
The circle has been known since before the beginning of recorded history. It is the basis of the wheel which, with related inventions such as gears, makes much of modern civilization possible. In mathematics, the study of the circle has helped inspire the development of geometry and calculus. Your goal in this contest is to creatively capture one or more circular shapes and/or circles. They are all around us, one example would be your camera lens. Please make sure that the circle is the major focal point of the picture, not one that we have to look for. Also make sure it’s a complete 360 degree circle. Good luck everyone!


24. Sometimes…

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to take some lines from the song “A few of my favorite things” from the Sound of Music, and illustrate those lines in photography. “rain drops on roses” and “whiskers on kittens” sort of things, and make it as creative as possible. Also mention in your description which line(s) you are using. Need inspiration? Don’t know the song? Listen to it here.


23. Droplets

Contest goal:
Everybody knows these pictures of a collection of doors (example). Now make 25 pictures of an item of your own choice and combine it into one 5×5 image.


22. Parliament Lights

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: take you best nightshot of an illuminated building. You can show one ore more buildings or a full city view, but at least 1 building must be illuminated. Main focus need to be on 1 or more buildings.


21. Weeeeeee

Contest goal:
For this contest I want to see people surfing the waves! It can be by surfboard or bodyboard but there has to be a board involved. Body surfing will be considered off-theme…. Kite surfing will be considered on-theme.


20. Hong Kong, City of Lights

Contest goal:
The goal of this contest is simple: take you best nightshot of an illuminated building. You can show one ore more buildings or a full city view, but at least 1 building must be illuminated. Main focus need to be on 1 or more buildings.


19. Coffee Oh Coffee

Contest goal:
Take a photo of your favorite coffee cup or mug. From ceramic to take out paper or aluminum. Thermos bottles are off theme. Your cup or mug must show coffee/tea in it (can be anything from a single drop to a full cup)


18. Better Signal

Contest goal:
Capture yourself or your friends in the levitation pose. The shot must be made believable that the person is lifted up. Having a shadow on the ground might help to create realistic levitation image. No photoshopping is allowed in this contest.


17. Girl

Contest goal:
Your goal here is to take a high key picture. What is high key ? Take a look here. When you look at the levels of a high key photograph, as the dominant is white, the peak should be at the extreme right. Be careful : High key picture is not a burned picture!


16. Autumn Reflections

Contest goal:
Autumn, or fall, is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter usually in March (Southern Hemisphere) or September (Northern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier. Your mission is to capture the beauty of autumn. Good luck and as always have fun.


15. Kleopatra…

Contest goal:
It’s time for another pet photo contests, but this time there is a catch. It has to be a side profile, in other words, side view. You may include anything you want in the picture, but please make sure that your pet is the main focus and viewed from the side. Both portraits and full body shots are allowed. Since the term ‘pet’ can be explained in many ways we will allow most animals as pets. Animals such as gorilla, lions, tigers, bears and such will be off theme unless you can show proof that it is in fact a pet and not just at the zoo. Get creative and have fun!


14. Wasp-like mimic Spider

Contest goal:
Love them or hate them, spiders can be found almost anywhere. Your task is to show us your best spider photo. Lurking in its hole, sitting in its web, devouring its prey or scuttling along – it doesn’t matter as long as the spider is the main focus of your photo. Good Luck!


13. Mr Smith

Contest goal:
In this photography contest your goal is to enter shots of a tool and the trade it is being used on. It must be on the job! For example, you could photograph a hammer in use by a carpenter, a mason’s trowel being used to spread mud on a wall by a brick layer, a mechanic using a wrench on an engine or even a technical support operator with his headset. A tool must be the focus and it has to be obvious that it’s being used on the job it was designed for, or it is off theme. Studio shots are not allowed. Have fun and good luck!


12. New Age

Contest goal:
Capture yourself or your friends in the levitation pose. The shot must be made believable that the person is lifted up. Having a shadow on the ground might help to create realistic levitation image. No photoshopping is allowed in this contest.


11. Anna Ruby Falls

Contest goal:
Autumn, or fall, is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter usually in March (Southern Hemisphere) or September (Northern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier. Your mission is to capture the beauty of autumn. Good luck and as always have fun.


10. Dreaming away

Contest goal:
It’s time for another pet photo contests, but this time there is a catch. It has to be a side profile, in other words, side view. You may include anything you want in the picture, but please make sure that your pet is the main focus and viewed from the side. Both portraits and full body shots are allowed. Since the term ‘pet’ can be explained in many ways we will allow most animals as pets. Animals such as gorilla, lions, tigers, bears and such will be off theme unless you can show proof that it is in fact a pet and not just at the zoo. Get creative and have fun!


9. Toy intersection

Contest goal:
The way this works is that you take a picture and make it look like a macro image by creating depth of field by blurring certain parts. Playing with curves to create contrasty and bright images helps the illusion of making your items looks like they are fake. EDIT: To help clear up confusion, you may not do any partial selections in this contest. Having a low depth of field and high contrast will aid in creating the “toy” look for your photo. Your subject does not need to be a toy itself but must share some photographic characteristics (ie. bright, contrasty colors). The purpose of this contest is to make something appear “toy like.” Photographing an actual toy is not allowed (although it may be in the composition of your shot so long as it is not the focus). A perfect example of this would be making a wide angle shot of a zoo appear to be a toy model through the use of depth of field and high contrast. Selective blurring/editing is NOT allowed.


8. Like a prayer

Contest goal:
Our hands are used for so much. From mundane tasks like scratching our heads to fantastic endeavors like painting a great masterpiece. They can convey our emotions and help us to survive. Some may even say that our hands define who we are. In this contest, you need to take a photograph of hands, 1 or more. Other objects can be present, but the main focus should be on the hand(s). The hands can be doing something, showing emotion, helping, or giving a message of some kind. Your photo can include any props you may wish, but the only part of the body visible should be the hands. Be creative and let your hands speak through your photography. The first hands contest can be found here.


7. Cream Colored Ponies

Contest goal:
Your goal in this contest is to take some lines from the song “A few of my favorite things” from the Sound of Music, and illustrate those lines in photography. “rain drops on roses” and “whiskers on kittens” sort of things, and make it as creative as possible. Also mention in your description which line(s) you are using. Need inspiration? Don’t know the song? Listen to it here.


6. Tickled Pink

Contest goal:
Fads come and go, but crazy hairdo’s will always be around. Take a photo of someone with a crazy hairdo. No animals, just people hair.


5. Harvest

Contest goal:
This contest is about the vegetable, not the game…Take a photo of any variety of squash, summer or winter. The squash must be intact – no puree, no squashed squash, no jack o’lanterns allowed.


Harvest photoshop picture)
Author: kyricom, created for: squash photography contest

4. The studio!

Contest goal:
Take your most interesting photos of nails – the metal kind you hit with a hammer. Rusty or shiny, ten-penny or finishing, straight or bent. Nail gun pneumatic nails are off topic, as are oversized metal spikes. Although some nails have ridges, screws are not allowed.


3. Fall On A Country Road

Contest goal:
Autumn, or fall, is one of the four temperate seasons. Autumn marks the transition from summer into winter usually in March (Southern Hemisphere) or September (Northern Hemisphere) when the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier. Your mission is to capture the beauty of autumn. Good luck and as always have fun.


2. Wolf Spider

Contest goal:
Love them or hate them, spiders can be found almost anywhere. Your task is to show us your best spider photo. Lurking in its hole, sitting in its web, devouring its prey or scuttling along – it doesn’t matter as long as the spider is the main focus of your photo. Good Luck!


1. A cup of Coffee?

Contest goal:
Coffee Beans, Jelly Beans, Dried beans, Green beans. Take an artful photo of some beans. No soups, ground coffee, or refritos (refried, mashed) beans allowed. The beans, and nothing but the beans must be the subject.



Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in our photoshop and photography contests, just:


One Response:

  1. thoppp says:

    beautiful photos nice work. thank you for the share !

    ( 2 years and 4100 days ago )