Photography: The Most Amazing Cloud Formations Ever Captured

As per the wiki definition, a cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water and/or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. They are also known as aerosols. If we were to define a cloud like children do, we could say that it is a mass of fluffiness in the sky. The following showcase is meant to reflect both definitions of the cloud and show their beauty, power and weirdness. Beauty of the shape and color, power to change the weather, cover the sun and produce mood swings; weirdness comes from their unusual aspect at times and ability to travel across the sky. Ever heard of Mammatus, Lenticular Clouds or Eerie Clouds? Scroll down and enjoy the beauty of ever changing clouds!

Karisimbi Cap

Karisimbi Cap author: Matthew Woodget

Unusual Cloud Formation

Unusual Cloud Formation author: Alex Leonard


Mammatus author: Roberto N.

The Storm is Coming!

The Storm is Coming! author: Ronny Stiffel


Clouds author: Andy Wincer

Clouds Like Flowers

Clouds Like Flowers author: Andy Wincer

The Hand

The Hand author: Eric Gingras

Something in the Air

Something in the Air author: John Foster

Angel in the Sky

Angel in the Sky author: Sue Jackson

Gorgeous Cloud Formation

Gorgeous Cloud Formation author: 123wee

Cloud Formation

Cloud Formation author: digi148


Ribbons author: sassaputzin


Formation author: leondevere

Cloud Formation from Above

Cloud Formation from Above author: QueenEowyn

UFO Cloud

UFO Cloud author: Delticdriver



Pyrocumulous author: Darren Pearson

Mull Skies

Mull Skies author: Lesley Chalmers

Tiny Clouds

Tiny Clouds author: Chris Dalton

Clouds Above Capulin

Clouds Above Capulin author: Rob Kistner

Cape Zanpa

Cape Zanpa author: David Edenfield

Sky High

Sky High author: Iain Welsh

Alien Spaceship


Invaded author: Tom Grubbe

Cloud Formation on a Sad Day

Cloud Formation on a Sad Day author: david c

Cloud formations above Rebecca Spit, Quadra Island

Cloud formations above Rebecca Spit, Quadra Island author: timbarton

Poodle Clouds Formation

Poodle Clouds Formation author: Ciao Studio

Cloud Formation, Newborough Beach, Anglesey

Cloud Formation, Newborough Beach, Anglesey author: HellonEarth2006

Lenticular Cloud Formation

Lenticular Cloud Formation author: coll993

Eerie Cloud Formation from tc Bianca

Eerie Cloud Formation from tc Bianca author: hellkell76

The UFO Cloud

The UFO Cloud author:

Iridescent Cloud

Clearing Storm Clouds

Clouds Like Cotton Balls (Mammatus cloud)

Clouds Like Cotton Balls Mammatus cloud author: eviltomthai

Nacreous Clouds

Nacreous Clouds author: Alan Light

Nacreous Cloud Evolves into a Wave

Nacreous Cloud Evolves into a Wave author:

Lenticular Clouds

Cumulonimbus Clouds

Saskatchewan Thunderheads

Saskatchewan Thunderheads author: Mark Duffy

Crater Lake Clouds

Crater Lake Clouds author: Sam Abell

Dramatic Sky

Dramatic Sky author: Darlisa Black


Fluffs author: Jonathan Groner

Purple Thunder

Purple Thunder author: Tom Dietrich

Mammatus Clouds

Mammatus Clouds author: mixologistmike

The Mountain Cap

Noctilucent Cloud

Noctilucent Cloud author: Jimmy Fraser

OMG Clouds

OMG Clouds author: izzymynizzy

Puffy Clouds

Puffy Clouds author: ESCARPINA

Clouds above China

Clouds above China author: Sanne Govaert


Supercloud author: Paco Perpen


Howdie stranger!
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8 Responses:

  1. PaleBlue says:

    The second photo (“Unusual Cloud Formation”) is called a pileus cloud. It’s caused when a rising updraft punches through a moist layer on its way up. They’re similar to the cap clouds that form over mountains.

    ( 2 years and 4002 days ago )
  2. Corporate Headshots says:

    Wonderful cloud images- you can see why some people think they have seen a UFO!

    ( 2 years and 4001 days ago )
  3. D says:

    OMG! Went to Hawaii w/ my 91 yr old Da & took 100’s of pix, 90% of clouds…none turned out like these! Obsessed w/ clouds!

    These are fantastic! How can people think there is no God? It’s all right here!

    ( 2 years and 4000 days ago )
  4. Leah says:

    Nature looks stunning!!! Fantastic collection of cloud photographs, i’ m really surprised. Thanks for sharing.

    ( 2 years and 3996 days ago )
  5. Juice3.14 says:

    I love clouds. they’re so beautiful.

    ( 2 years and 3700 days ago )
  6. Drew says:

    the one called alien spaceship, i see enderman eyes

    ( 2 years and 3694 days ago )
  7. Marian says:

    Beautiful job capturing these amazing pictures! The poodle is really something! Ever since I started looking at these clouds on line, I find I can’t stop looking up when I’m outside. Always looking for cool clouds now! See alot of angels

    ( 2 years and 3574 days ago )
  8. Mayienga says:

    Amazing work lovely I am including it in my atlas. I will be posting my photos so that African sky is also represented

    ( 2 years and 3509 days ago )