
The 45 Most Impressive Examples of Sky Photography

Posted by: in Photography
For a photographer, the sky is always beautiful and never an “empty” space. The only thing needed is a good vision over things and some adequate equipment. If it’s sunny, birds in flight, kites and hot air balloons make beautiful shots. If it’s stormy, chances are high to catch a majestic lightning. Sunsets and sunrises […]

Top 50 Pictures from the Pxleyes Photography Contests of September 2010

Posted by: in Photography
Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 50 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month September 2010… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries. The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the panaromas only, ships and boats, overflowing, speakers and […]

Top 50 Pictures from the Pxleyes Photoshop Contests of September 2010

Posted by: in Photoshop
Another month of thrilling photoshop contests has ended! We’ve collected the 50 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photoshop contests that were active during the month September 2010… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries. The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the puppetize me, fancy bulbs, rusty machine, red shoes […]

Mindblowing Macro Photography from The Micro-Cosmos, by Blepharopsis – with Exclusive Interview

Posted by: in Photography
For today’s showcase we have a very special and honorable guest: Igor Siwanowicz, a.k.a. Blepharopsis. He is an absolutely amazing photographer and has a life-loving spirit. This post will present 50 of the best photographs shot by him, along with an exclusive interview that he kindly honored us with and where he reveals not only […]

Amazing 3D Art Representing Greek and Roman Mythology

Posted by: in 3D
In ancient times, mythology had an enormous impact on people’s lives, beliefs and behavior. Almost each culture of the world had at one point in time their own myths and legends, but among the most famous ones are the characters built up in Greek and Roman mythologies. These fascinating stories about gods and super-natural heroes, […]

Pxleyes Top 50 Photography Contest Pictures of August 2010

Posted by: in Photography
Another month of thrilling photography contests has ended! We’ve collected the 50 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photography contests that were active during the month August 2010… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries. The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the product ads, eye candy, weapons, land meets water […]

Pxleyes Top 50 Photoshop Contest Pictures of August 2010

Posted by: in Photoshop
Another month of thrilling photoshop contests has ended! We’ve collected the 50 highest scoring entries from the Pxleyes photoshop contests that were active during the month August 2010… This list is ranked by the final scores of the entries. The most spectacular pictures were submitted in the metallic texture, flickr ratatouille, white bird, microscope and […]

Exclusive Interview with Cranio + 40 of His Best Graffiti Street Art Photos

Posted by: in Street Art
Cranio is a very talented artist we recently discovered. He approaches art in a manner that is hard to frame, not traditional but not modern either. While he does paint, his materials and canvas are not the ones that any painter uses. Street art is his area of expertise, graffiti, to be more precise and […]

Little People Project: Brilliant Street Art Photography by Slinkachu

Posted by: in Street Art
Slinkachu is a young artist from the UK, an artist who got so creative that he managed to put together and turn small things into big art. It all started in 2006 with the “Little People Project” that involved remodeling and painting miniature model train set characters and then placing them on the street, in […]

50 Professional Photos Showing the Wonders and Beauty of Brazil

Posted by: in Photography
Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world, both as surface and population, and the largest one in South America. Some know about it because of the unique coffee fragrances, others because of the world-wide known Rio de Janeiro carnival and others because of the talents of sport that country offered in the past […]