50 Creative Examples of Professional Wedding Photography
For a lot of people, the wedding day is the most important day of their lives, because a whole new chapter begins, a different life style and an “until death do us part” partner. Leaving aside the months of preparations and stress, dance lessons and invitations, menus and flowers, the big day is all about […]
The 50 Most Impressive Mountains in the World
A mountain is a landform that stretches above the surrounding land, in the form of a peak. Mount Everest is the largest Mountain on earth, it’s located in the Himalaya mountain region, with a height of 8850 meter. (29035 feet) Mountains and mountain ranges are stunning, as you can see in the following photos. We […]
20 Different Artist Interpretations of Jessica Alba
Jessica Marie Alba was born in California (on 28th April, 1981). She’s a very well known film and television actress, but especially remarkable by her looks. Researchers in this field declared her face a beauty standard, the perfect shape and dimensions for a female’s face. Because she is a sex symbol world-wide, her image is […]
Frog Photography: 50 Frogs from Every Corner of the World
Frogs are amphibian. Their hind legs are typically longer than their front legs and they have a short body. Frogs come in a variety of colors, from simple green to more exotic bright colors. Culturally, frogs are featured in fairy tales and popular culture. Sadly enough, populations of certain frog species are significantly declining. This […]
Minimalism in Photography: 50 Clear Shots Taken by Experts
Minimalism is a movement encountered especially in visual art, where everything is simplified as much as possible, down to the basic lines. Minimalism in photography creates images that calm the eye. They usually have one central subject and nothing else, or very few and simplistic elements surrounding it. Today’s showcase presents 50 of such photographs, […]
50 of the Most Famous Rivers in the World
Rivers usually flow towards an ocean, a lake, a sea, or another river. Some run peacefully through the landscape, others run wildly. We need them for our fresh water supply, food and transportation. Many settlements started along a river. Rivers inspired many poets and painters in the past, and now photographers capture their beauty. In […]
The Cute 3D Animated Commercials from Certus – Belgian Quality Pork
Until not very long ago, Certus was still presenting its products with 2D animated commercials. With the high speed movement on the market, something new was required, in order to promote their quality label in a more efficient and fun manner. A makeover of the 2D pigs was decided and 3D Studio Hoaxland, together with […]
Photography: 50 Coral Reefs – The rainforests of the Sea
Often called “rainforests of the sea”, coral reefs form some of the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. The colors of the corals, together with the most beautiful fish and sea anemones make the reefs a dream for each diver, and a treasure for each photographer. Corals are colonies of tiny living animals found in marine […]
Unbelievably Slick 3D Animations by Cormac Kelly – with Exclusive Interview
Today we have the great pleasure of interviewing a very talented artist: Cormac Kelly. He’s an ambitious digital art creator, a genuine Irish man who’s hobby turn into a career and the other way around. The following post will show part of his personal and professional work, including collaborations and smaller or greater contributions to […]
Beauty is of All Ages – 50 Stunning Portraits, from Baby to Elder
Beauty is of all ages. The innocence of a baby, the enchantment of a toddler… From young children to adolescents, going into adulthood, till the circle is round and we leave this earth. We start with a newborn, only a few hours into its life, and end with an old lady, almost at the end […]