Departure - created by Lelaina

Favs: 8SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 1/5Score: 75.5% (46)10936 views

There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go.
~~Tennessee Williams~~


Additional sources:

Cloudy sky - Thanks to mabaxter

Ground - Thanks to ElementarTeil

Path - Thanks to RWLinder

Noose - Thanks to aviva.n

Heart hole - Thanks to Leo Reynolds (5 years and 2411 days ago)

10 Sources:

It's how you look at it... - created by Lelaina

Its how you look at it...
Favs: 12SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 1/17Score: 67.5% (38)14033 views

This entry made me almost loose my mind. In case anyone wonders, how it was done, it's pretty simple: I opened the PXL logo on my computer screen and mirrored it. The harder part was to hold the camera without a tripod in the tiny little right angle, so I get the whole reflection on it, without any letters missing. I took around 1000 pictures, to get in the end 3 shots that were halfway acceptable.
I know, that this one could have been better too, but I am happy with it anyway. Mainly just because I didn't give up after the first 500 ;) (5 years and 3233 days ago)

Love's gift cannot be given... - created by Lelaina

Loves gift cannot be given...
Favs: 8SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 1/11Score: 59.7% (35)16262 views

“Love's gift cannot be given, it waits to be accepted.”
Rabindranath Tagore

It looks like all the figures in this image are waiting for someone to accept their love. Waiting for that special person, that want their heart. The waiting might make them sad, it might make them think, no one will ever come to accept the most precious thing they have.
But have a closer look...
Even if you lock your heart for years, because you think that special person will never come... One day this person might stand right in front of you, holding that special key, you thought you'd never see...


More sources:
Heart Figure - Thanks blmurch
Heart Hole - Thanks Leo Reynolds

Full credits for source 4, 8, 9 and 10: Leonieke Aalders (Her name is too long for the anchor text box) (5 years and 3299 days ago)

10 Sources:

The guards of time - created by Lelaina

The guards of time
Favs: 12SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 1/16Score: 64.2% (35)18593 views

Extra source:

Wood texture2 - Thanks to CGTextures (5 years and 3564 days ago)

10 Sources:

Out of nowhere hope is born - created by Lelaina

Out of nowhere hope is born
Favs: 5SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 1/28Score: 61.2% (35)22456 views

A little collage of my main emotions right now :)
These are: solitude, grief, love and hope.
I wanted to arrange them in a way so you can see, that they all belong together.
That's why greif, love and solitude are arranged in a kind of triangle.
I used always the same background, cause it shall reperesent me in this case. I'm always the same, I just have different emotions.
And in case you don't recognize the emotions:
On the left side is solitude, what should express the feeling of being alone. That's why the boy is walking away from the girl.
On the right side is grief. I intentionally placed only the girl there and nothing else, cause when you feel grief, you are always alone, notwithstanding how many people may be around you.
And in the middle is the love. I don't think, that I need to explain this one ;)
These three build the traingle. I placed the love intentionally above the two others, cause most of the times the love is just stronger and gives you strength.
The ivy comes from above (the direction of the love), what shall say, that love makes things alive.
But if the love is too weak, there is always hope. Even when you don't believe, that there could be hope.
It's always there, you just have to open your mind for it...
The text, that is engraved in the wall, shall represent the gathering of this emotions.
Yes, I guess, that's it.
Thanks for reading that long description and I hope, that you understood at least a little, what I was trying to say ;)

Oh and I know, that the frame looks bend. But the original frame is bend actually and I didn't wanted to change that, cause in my opinion it adds a special feeling to it :)


Other sources used:

Girl1 - Thanks to Gabriela Camerotti

Tree - Thanks to Marina Cast.

Woman - Thanks to Gabriela Camerotti

Girl2 - Thanks to nyki_m

Tree - Thanks to PXLeyes and mqtrf

CC-License for hope

CC-License for the hand

night_fate has been notified (5 years and 3840 days ago)

10 Sources:

go to Lelaina's profile