tx for the source fire salamander (5 years and 3475 days ago)
high resolution would be great, (5 years and 3492 days ago)
amazing, very good composition
super job ==great detail
Super top job.
Congrats in advance
aWeSoMe WoRk..., yOuR sTylE iS nOw FaMiLiEr.... GoOd LuCk...
Nice Crab, GL
Like the colours.
omg this is amazing, nice work!
I hope this wins! Great Work! And still, it preserves the source photo in some way...
Stunning - well done!
Very very nice work author,great details...i have few nit picks,crab it self is lots more sharper then ground...and ground is to dark for highlights than u created on crab...good luck
salute for ur creativity
Wow...that's some incredible detail. Great work!
wow, amazing! GREAT!
Very beautiful and full of details; we see a lot of work, neat and well executed. GL!...
hehehehe........selamat ya.......suhu
Nicely done!.... very good execution.
superb .........
Could use more texture, but very nice work.
Well crafted crab.Very detailed,successful construction.And its a little shame,that You put Your crab on very uninteresting,dark background.If You take a look on the image,You see,that even though crab is well shadowed,compositon looks flat,chaotic and crab floating.You should try some kind of glossy,icy background(even with cracks) and nice crab ground shadows or reflections,because only this way,You can create pretty cool 3D illusion,which boost whole image to the different level.Try,if not for contest purposes,just do it for Yourself.It is worthy,because thats beautiful crab.Good luck
hahaha thanks jaskier
well done author . good luck
Source? Great technique =]
hahahaahah source ,,????
great work
Nice Job
Looks precious
Now if you could make them easier to eat and not end up 80% on my bib... now THAT would be something... (I love crab when SOMEONE else de MEATS them...)
super duper job by the way... CONGRATS in advance
Beautiful work....
Congrats! for 1st Place
Congrats for the 1st. place, Chan!
Congrats Chan, another amazing work
congrats .......
Congrats my friend. I´m happy to see your Image on top
Well-deserved win!! Congrats!
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3502 days ago)
Fabulous work author,great details and amazing colors...well done
Very well done author.
Another awesome work. Keep them coming
Very cool creature = )
very impressive head.. just wonderful author.. BRAVO
Agreed, the colors are great.... nice job on this!
I am very picky about giving out really high scores, and this got one. Really excellent work, the high rez is definitely worth a look.
Very nice and clean chop here. Don't really know about the sparkles, but.. definitely worth watching the hi-res. Good work, author..
incredible work
The Creatures Creation is good and the colors are nice, but there should be a lot more shadows on the spiky back area than there is, the sparkles don’t really add anything to the image more detracting. It’s also pretty blurry in high res which is a shame because the S.B.S look o.k. and the original source is not that bad quality.
lovely work
Nice, GL
I have no words to describe it... it's simply amazing, fantastic!... You could take a disgusting creature (for me at least) and change it to a wonderful creation! Nice and neat entry.
cooollllll i like it ! good luck
too much glitter but I love the creature
whoa, very cool! looks Asian inspired, if that makes any sense. I like it a lot! Lotsa luck, author!
another kind of DO MORE TALK LESS masterpiece of art.....! super cool.....! I know it's you......salam.....
Congrats for your first place, Chan!
Congrats Chan, lovely work
Congrats on first place!
selamat, karya yang hebat
Congrats on 1st!
tx all., and tx for the fav too
w0w! superb sweetheART fave4sure ;} happy hippy hugglez
Howdie stranger!
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improvements already made. thanks to your suggestions .
(5 years and 3504 days ago)
very very pretty author... love the light touches... GOOD LUCK!!!!
this is just awsome...toooo goodd
welcome back my friend
Mind = BLOWN! Wow..
Looks very good. I like the coloring and the 3D look.
It's a very neat and beautiful work; I love the colors.
AMAZING!..................You've obviously already mastered the art.
Absolute beauty!!!!......
Very clever use of the source indeed, colors and composition are strong, suggestion for improvements. shadow should be darker with this amount of light, the two front legs look to be floating a bit and not touching the leaf, back legs look awkward would expect these to touch the leaf as well. Overall nice work.
improvements already made. thanks to your suggestions
This is gorgeous, author! Where have you been?
Your welcome....Wing shadow as well
very beautiful
very awesome!
Welcome back master
Awesome and fantastic work. Really missing your mind-blowing works, my fav. too
i knew it welcome back
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww,it is very very good ,good luck
Stunning job. Well done.
Absolutely stunning work. Well done.
Very nice. Only thing I don't personally like very much are the edges and overburned white highlights, but it's a matter of taste really. Very well done.
wow, high score
He is 1000000000% Winner Great job, this is really really really AWESOME! Your talent is Legen.... wait for it ..... dary
Looks great. nice clean work as always Gratz in advance
One of the best works in last couple of months...author,i don't know your work from before but this is simply amazing...Great small details,fabulous composition,clean work...i am still speechless...Well done and i wish u best of luck
26 favs till now!!! That itself says it all!!
Three words......... Outstanding, Fabulous & Awesome. Congrats in Advance Author.
no doubt this is the one == super job great detail
Great detailed work.
There are many beautiful ones in this contest, but I think we found the winner. WOW! Is this who I think it is??? Magnificant job! There is nothing else for me to say, everyone has already said it.
Congratulations on the first place!
And congrats for another fantastic first place!
Well done on first place!
Absolutely stunning work Chan, Congrats
selamat lagi untuk no 1....! karya yang super...
Congrats on your well deserved first place, that's the most impressive milestone for your coming back.
Wow... excellent nd congrats
tx all., and tx for the fav too
Congratulations!! You also made the top 50!!! You are obviously an old pro at PS and I can't wait to see more of your work!
Wow, amazing image! Congrats Chan!
Howdie stranger!
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detail is amazing -- great work
very fun!!!! I can almost inhale the steam
excellent work
super! congrats and good luck!
Awesome work and amazing Details. Congrats in advance
Wow...it's unbelievable. I do wish you'd have used more of the actual shoe, though--the image has very little visual reference to a shoe or even the color red considering the contest name. XD But the work is no less stunning...good luck, author.
excellent work ,good luck
WOW!! Serious work here author, im in awe. Detail is fantastic and I can't imagine how long it took to put together
very inspirational 
damn, you're good
Magical! Agree about the source, but at least it's visible there a little.
here it comes again,........super great creation.......suhu memang punya daya kreasi tingkat tinggi dan skill yang super tiada duanya.......selamat dah.....bagi ilmunya dikit dong.......hehehehehehe......
you left something like a transparent tape near the middle top of the image, maybe a layer that shouldn't be there
. Otherwise I do agree with the comments above. No one can compete you with this skill, congrats in advance!
i'm in awe. every one of your works are just amazing.

can i enroll in tutoring from you? i'd love to learn how you do that! :O
anyway, lovely image. and congrats.
Wonderfully magical and intense work. Any flaws? Impossible! It's perfect!
v. nice
Fantastic work, even better in High Res. I like the mood and colors. if the yellow branch would run from the bottom right upwards, it would act as a leading line, guiding the eye to the best parts of this outstanding image.
Excellent!..great job author!
Really nice! It's like you make it without a plan, just go with the flow. Either way the result is very good!
Ressiv, 100% true , never planned on all of my work. ...., Just flowed, until it formed and made me comfortable. heheheh tx all for the comments
Q langstrum , tx. fix it yet
very very nice work author....it looks like some kind of fantasy forest...adding salamander is great touch...best of luck
very nice mood
great work !! g l
Outstanding, Fantastic
Terrific work! A real winner!! GL
great job..........
Congrats for your first place, Chan!
Great work!
Chan, congratulations!
tx all
Congrats Chan
wonderful work 
selamat lagi ......suhu,.....wah lama2 bisa kaya nie....heheehehe..
Congratulations, Chan!!! Amazing work!!
Yes Chan congrats on 1st place.
Congrats! Master for 1st place.

Congrats for making this fantastic piece of art...
Very well done, congrats on your win!
Howdie stranger!
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