Used Photoshop cs5 more personal digital painting techniques. Special thanks to: Rodolfo Cliks, the beautiful photography of dry helicóptero.Abaixo web site: http://www.rodolfoclix.com.br/2000info.html. I thank all other sources that helped me get to the final result, that includes of course the other photographers who are not quoted by name here because of space. (5 years and 3289 days ago)
looks like the helicopter is inside the bridge, the light has to pass between the metal structure .
I think you need to fix it , it will looks better and more realistic !
Na verdade este efeito foi proposital, dada intensidade da luz e suas propriedades ondas e particulas o que gera uma sensação de transparencia no objeto ao qual ela é desferida. To bricando na proxima eu corrijo abraços. ^_^
Good mood, I like the light from the helicopter and the general action. Vexycon does have a point though. Perhaps it would work better already if the helicpter would have less contrast/ some more blur, so that it looks less pasted. Good luck!
Really nice movement! This is supposed to be a anonymous contest, you might want to remove your name from the bridge.
Pessoal eu estou me adptando as regras daki, deveria ter me informadado melhor. Mais garanto que das proximas veses não procedeirei dessa forma. Agradeço pela paciencia de todos inclusive a moderação. Um abraço.
Very dynamic image and excellent execution
Spark reflection on windscreen is a nice touch..
P.S. as Chalty669 said ,remove signature from the bridge .
Guys I was offline for almost 2 hours .... went back to my image does not fold easily ... no .. you will realize in time .....
One of the best works in the contest for sure...Love the sparks addition and angle of the helicopter is great...cool camera spots also...best of luck author
Thanks my friend, this only encourages me to strive more to make work better ... hugs.
The effects: lights, sparks, speed are awesome. It's only that purple fog in the left, bringing it down. It looks like a cloud filter. Maybe fog and levels overlayed over the original BG, would work better.
Anyway, this is one of the best around, no doubt.
PS: Man please comment in English, it's easier for everybody, and it's an international language. Use this if you have a hard time :
Thanks for the compliments and tell google translator, you really only have people here with advanced technical knowledge. This is exciting artists to compete with this level Hugs. ^ _ ^
Very cool, one of the best here = )
love the movement and tension you've developed here 
Congratulations on 1st!
Look, I thank most sincerely all those who vote for me. It was a pleasure to compete with artists as advanced a level. Congratulations to all who participated and we go to the next.
tank"s......im happy........very happy.
Congrats on 1st, nice work
Congratulations on a terrific entry!!!
Congrats, well deserved.
Howdie stranger!
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