(5 years and 1074 days ago)
- 1: child
- 2: nebula
- 3: space bridge floor
credits for stock images to:
riktorsashen from DA for sea image
TwilightAmazonStock from DA for sailboat model image
Xovoire from DA for wooden basket image
ladydove7-stock from DA for pirate gunner image
najustock from DA for pirate flag image
bruno-free from sxc.hu for old pan image
chechetkin from sxc.hu for roman helmet image
Capgros from sxc.hu for rope image
born1945 from flickr.com for beaver teeth image
(5 years and 2880 days ago)
i wish i had more time to finalize some things on this entry, and to make sbs..if i didn't catch the deadline i'll try to put it in the comments...
credits to:
xesko82 fro sxc.hu for Illes Medes image
somadjinn from DA for air balloons iamge
mindCollision-stock from DA for little island iamge
darkrose42-stock from DA for stormy sea image
Titelgestalten from DA for rope image..
also thanks to wikimedia commons, imageafter and cgtextures for stock images..
just to mention, leaf image was used to define brush,and with that brush (adjusted space and scattering) painted over islands and ropes..
link to leaf source :
http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=8580&PHPSESSID=ieh1js9sk15gu9b7uqk7eapvi5 (5 years and 3047 days ago)
go to derdevil's profile
Well now, look what you've done here with just a little bit of sand. Nice
haha... well i guess: All I Have To Do Is Dream - Everly Brothers
super amazing work !! A long time i hadn't seen so well done and imaginative picture
Thanks !
thank you for the kind words
I know there is a lot of work but I have a hard time seeing the source image pieces !
not sure which piece of a source image would you like to see,check the sbs for a hint. it was mostly done from the source,choosing a different parts for different purposes, however i don't think its chopped beyond recognition, but that's a mater of perspective
Congrats, well done
Congrats Derdevil!
Congrats !
thank you all
Howdie stranger!
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