Risky bet - created by dka120

Risky bet
Favs: 3SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 1/9Score: 65.7% (36)19848 views

A bold attack is half the battle?

(All models and textures self made, no post processing) (5 years and 3743 days ago)

Hippology - created by dka120

Favs: 1SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 1/6Score: 62% (35)30058 views

This one was made the sub patching way - adjusted point by point along the contest blue prints.

Watch it in HI-RES (5 years and 3795 days ago)

1 Source:

Flamed Skylane - created by dka120

Flamed Skylane
Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 1/4Score: 61.4% (35)15364 views

Spline patched model based on blue prints of a Cessna (by Richard Ferriere, se source link) (5 years and 3823 days ago)

1 Source:

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