Edited in Camera Raw module. (5 years and 3524 days ago)
Just look at their face expression. (5 years and 3526 days ago)
Nice one (or two)!
hahahahahahahaha Nice!
One of the most unique! GL!
Howdie stranger!
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It's me screaming in the water. (5 years and 3582 days ago)
WOW ... aahhh yeh... WOW
excellent idea
excellent.. out of the box and into the water... cool..
nicely done great image
mmm, this one just had to come from someone...........lol
superb shot!
awesome creativity with this one!
Hmmm... hair in one and none in the other. So which is it author?
I'm sorry if I don't look like Charlie Sheen on this one. I shave my hair every two weeks ever since I left army. And in case of any doubts it's me on both pictures and both were taken by myself with cheap remote trigger.
Congrats, amazing shot
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3608 days ago)
nice ^^
Focus is on droplets and not on grass...
lovely picture
Very nice shot, but I agree with arbroono
I don't want to argue with you. IMO the grass is definietly in focus in the middle. But I always appreciate all your comments.
Regardless of focus, this picture is among the best in this contest. Very clean.
Beautiful image, arguably off theme, but still lovely.
great shot of the drops of water, but the grass doesnt seem to be the subject, just the carrier.
Since the contest title is "grass" I thought that photographing a leaves of grass is a smart thing to do. How stupid and naive was that? Perhaps I should have photographed a soviet submarine. That would certainly suit the theme much better. Please excuse my sarcasm, I couldn't help it.
Okay author... if the theme was on submarines and all you shot was water and a small tip of the periscope showing.... is that on theme.... kinda maybe i will grant you but....
now with that said, it is a very good shot. if you had all three drops and more of the grass in focus, then i would say you had a winner. I love macro and this has/had potential
As an after thought cuz i really do like this... can you crop it so that the drops are more off to the side instead of dead center? Try it and see what you think... if you like it that way just replace this one. I will hold vote until then. Good luck .
I think captgeo may have a good idea there about the cropping.
i see grass. with water on it. but grass none the less. and an amazing picture of water on the blade of grass. the texture on the blade and all. Good luck to you!
No change..... but i still like it!!! Got my vote
Congrats for your first place, Mogrim!
Howdie stranger!
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My own arm. (5 years and 3615 days ago)
First entry in and its a great one! Nice job.
Excellent shot
Wow Great Shot....love it....
First one and yet a very high level !!! Wonderfull picture ! Good luck author !
cool! nicely done!
Really Great Shot
Really Great Shot
stunning, might as well put my camera away.
Friiskiwi you're just too modest. I am planning writing a tutorial once the contest ends if anyone is interested.
Help!..... I feel miiiiiiiiiiiserable.....
Hey guys, can't we say it's off topic or oof or blurred or whatever else?... no?
ok. It's perfect.
I am definitely interested in that tutorial, Author (I was even going to request one until you made your last post)!
Awesome shot!!
Just stunning, please do write that tutorial
Very cool!
Thank you very much for your support and votes.
just how do you beat a shot like this.................
Ok, so, this is awesome!
I am still going to enter this contest, fully knowing that I cannot compete....amazing shot, wonderfully composed, clarity etc, etc, etc. Stunning! Looking forward to the tutorial....thanks for sharing this amazing work
Jaw-dropping wow..
i like itttttttttttttttttttttt
Very good... excelent entry.
I would only suggest a minor adjustment in the composition and framing. It's a very powerful image and I think it would work even beter if you had the arm comming straight from the top and in the centre so that we could see the full splash in the frame.
Anyway, it's a great shot.
nice punch dude...
Congrats for your first place, Mogrim!
Congrats Mogrim, awesome shot
Howdie stranger!
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go to mogrim's profile
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Absolutely beautiful shot.
Fantastic mood ! Great shot !
Beautifully stunning shot!
Wow, really nice place, and very very nice photo. congrats
Thank you very much for all favs and comments.
Dorset Coast UK?
Phenomenal shot very well done
Good guess Ade. Once again thanks for your comments.
a favorite part of the world for me........
Wonderful comp and great tonal quality, well done!
Howdie stranger!
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