Hello! I painted it all with only the mouse, drawing by drawing. Colored with Hue Saturation layer and blending. He was literally painted. Hope you enjoy the result.
See the SOURCE before voting;) (5 years and 3262 days ago)
Hi! This work was quite difficult, especially to cut the wires, but it was cool to do, got the idea of the roller coaster as I saw, particularly not the best art in the world, but it was funny .... lol
Hope you enjoy
(See in HighResolution and SBS before voting ... :-) ......)
thx! (5 years and 3276 days ago)
"I created this image from scratch and is in homage to the great Salvador Dali. I did this thinking of a futuristic vision of his work."
I hope you enjoy!
(Take a look in SBS and High Resolution) (5 years and 3288 days ago)
"Superior beings do not have companions"
comment and critics plz...lol
Hope you like!
(take a look in SBS and High Resolution)
(5 years and 3303 days ago)
"You put and fly"
(5 years and 3308 days ago)
go to petersheep's profile
Very good painting, i like the blending.
Very creative and convincing.
very nice!
wow! wonderful!!!
Absolutly fantastic, would never say it was photoshop made :P the inks look real for sure!
excellent ! love it !
Fantastic work author, you should be proud..
Great stuff
Congratulation Peter !
Congrats Pedro
Congrats !
Congrats for 1st
Congrats for 1st
Howdie stranger!
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