Pink Lady - created by racystcy27

Pink Lady
Favs: 4SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 1/9Score: 69.3% (40)12285 views

1. Changed background
2. Overlayed painted some white to image to lighten.
3. Added yellow, brown, white to hair.
4. Smudge painted face and blouse to make it smooth.
5. Smudge painted hair, in the process changed the style slightly.
6. Used Photoshop Eye and Eyelash brush to add eyes. See Source 1
7. Painted white around pupil and added catchlight in Photoshop
8. Using Topaz Adjust, added a pink tone preset
9. Painted color onto cheeks and lips
10.A little diffused glow in Photoshop
11.Soft focus added in Topaz Adjust
12.Vignette effect added in Filter Forge (5 years and 2589 days ago)

1 Source:

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