Above Nothingness... - created by Nellista

Above Nothingness...
Favs: 9SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 2/18Score: 63.4% (30)12066 views

This is my entry for the contest on PST.
Even though I am usually very organized with my stuff on the computer...and keep most of it as well....I simply couldn't find the SBS or photoshop folders for it!
So I apologize for the short SBS.
Basically, I made the strange looking flying creature out of pieces selected from a crow and added them onto the deco girl. Then added backround trees, birds and fog and colored the entire image using gradient adjustment layers.
Hope you still like it!

Credits to:
- "bjearwicke" for tree silhouettes; official account at: http://www.sxc.hu/profile/bjearwicke and please check http://garrisonphoto.org/sxc/ as well;
- "wyckedbrush" on deviantart.com; http://wyckedbrush.deviantart.com/ for more wonderful brushes;
- "qbrush.com" and "cgtextures.com" for an endless source of inspiration and good images. (5 years and 3763 days ago)

4 Sources:

A Little Girl's World - created by Nellista

A Little Girls World
Favs: 7SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 2/31Score: 64.8% (30)26944 views

The minute I saw this image I just thought the chair would be perfect for reading...so I decided to create a magic atmosphere filled with books and vintage items!
I added girl and each item from different PNG files to create room atmosphere.
Added shadows individually for each item, colored overall and then added overall shadows.
Added backround texture, played with adjustment layers.

Extra Sources:
- Sun Mirror Frame - http://bluesse.deviantart.com/art/23-TRNSP-PNGS-MIRRORS-FRAMES-131582454;
- Teddy Bear - http://inspyretash-stock.deviantart.com/art/Teddy-Bear-2-70717297
- Bird Cage - http://bluesse.deviantart.com/art/27-TRNSP-PNGS-VINTAGE-OUTDOOR-123321745;
- Words Brush - http://spiritsighs-stock.deviantart.com/art/Words-15277456;
- Texture - http://sammykaye1sstamps.deviantart.com/art/Fungus-Texture-6-99140668;
- Pixie Dust and Glitter - http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/art/Glitter-Sparkles-Brushes-48646588;
- Light Beams - http://www.obsidiandawn.com/light-beams-photoshop-gimp-brushes.

Credits to:
- "Bluesse" on Deviantart for an amazing stock with lots and lots of PNG files, extremely useful. You can find author at: http://bluesse.deviantart.com/;
- "Darkmaiden" on Deviantart for the perfect little girl reading photo. Please visit author at: http://darkmaiden-stock.deviantart.com/;
- "Inspyretash" for a great teddy bear shot. Author's account at: http://inspyretash-stock.deviantart.com/;
- "Spiritsighs" for a great words brush. Please check a lot more other useful brushes at: http://spiritsighs-stock.deviantart.com/;
- "sammykaye1sstamps" on deviantart for a very nice texture, find other more useful stuff at: http://sammykaye1sstamps.deviantart.com/;
- Last but not least: "Redheadstock" also on Deviantart, for a great glitter brush, and many more at: http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/.

Hope you like it! SBS coming soon! (5 years and 3821 days ago)

10 Sources:

Last Elephant... - created by Nellista

Last Elephant...
Favs: 7SBS: 13Hi-resRank: 2/15Score: 61.8% (30)13869 views

I selected pieces from source image, reconstructed elephant based on source 1, merged all elements, placed sky backround, added shadows using different grey brushes on a separate layer and changed blending mode to hard light.
Added some gradient adjustment layers for coloring, corrected some areas that I wasn't satisfied with using healing brush tool, added source light on the right side and used dodge and burn tool accordingly.

Hope you find it interesting!
(5 years and 3877 days ago)

2 Sources:

Message from Faraway... - created by Nellista

Message from Faraway...
Favs: 6SBS: 33Hi-resRank: 2/13Score: 63.7% (30)12755 views

I felt like doing something different...something that I couldn't quite put my finger on myself....! Hope I succeeded! You tell me....lol!

Alien reconstruction entirely out of source image. From the female portrait used I kept only the face and built everything around it.
A lot of colouring process using gradient adjustment layers.

I would like to thank a lot for the extraordinary stock provided so kindly by "Katanaz" on Deviant art! You can find very good quality photos at: http://katanaz-stock.deviantart.com/.

I would also like to thank "Superior Stock" also on Deviantart for some amazing PNG files collections. Check it out and you won't regret it: http://superior-stock.deviantart.com/.

I have sent notes to both authors with link to this image. As proof you can see screenshots of the messages at the end of my SBS: step 32 and 33.

Deviantart is back on, might have been just my computer, so all sources work now.

Please follow SBS for a lot more details! Enjoy! (5 years and 3879 days ago)

7 Sources:

Wild Dreams - created by Nellista

Wild Dreams
Favs: 3SBS: 22Hi-resRank: 2/18Score: 62.5% (30)11125 views

As the source image is not very clear, I focused on one portion of the chicken that looked bit better to me and selected it.
From that selection only I have created different shapes for my lion's hair. I used a lot of warping, resizing, flipping, rotating, masking in order to create diversity and blend them as good as possible.
I added sky backround, light beams, flattened image and added a lot of adjustment layers: gradients, brightness/contrast and two types of filters that I have never used before but which proved themselves to be very efficient for the overall effect I was looking for: under Artistic/ Sponge and Watercolor.

Hope you like it!

SBS on the way for more details! (5 years and 3880 days ago)

3 Sources:

go to Nellista's profile