• I have search everywhere through this site and found nothing about contest with the theme of PXL birthday, but after looked at the pxleyes team about, it gave me the reason to dedicate my entry as a celebration of pxleyes birthday which mentioned on April 2006 by Mister Monty’s about. I think it’s not a coincidence; it was God’s plan to make my entry has a lot of meanings together with the three objects on the final round of Photoshop Tournament; a candle, animals with the logo.
• In my opinion, there are three biggest events in our life that we would to celebrate it.
• First, it’s a celebration of birth.
• Second, it’s a celebration of getting married.
• And last, it’s a celebration of death.
• As for the celebration of death, some might think it’s not an appropriate way to say. But for me, it’s also a celebration since I believe in God and Heaven is so real. While started this piece from concept, I’m also in the middle of grieving. My beloved aunt by the name of Etty passed away on 17th April 2012 at 10:10 AM days ago. We ‘celebrate’ her for three days until the cremation of her remnants, after that we spread her dust to the open ocean at 19th April.
• So, please forgive me if I tell you my slice of life that might bother some of you. It’s just a continuity background story of my entry after all; we celebrate our birthday, and then celebrate our married moments until someday we would be ‘celebrated’ by everyone when our life is end. All of them is a Celebration of Life.
Photoshop, AE, Lightroom and hours of sleepless nights... :) • (5 years and 2876 days ago)
Sorry about your aunt passing away. My heart is with you... As for your work....well, it is outstanding, and shows the planning, the thinking, and the effort you put into it. Good luck author.
Thanks, George. It's really a hard one to complete the piece. I just working on m entry for 3 or 4 days to be exact. Thank you for your cheer. Btw did you realize there's also your modified avatar there?
sorry for you loss but as far as your work it is amazing
Thanks for your comment and support on me. Glad that you like it, Shipleygirl.
Great work!!
Thank you very much for your comment and fav, shaiju1974! Really really appreciated.
I undesratnd how you feel, believe me.
Thank you for share your heart and your feelings with us.
Good luck, author, you works is A M A Z I N G!!!!
Thanks for your nice compliment and cheers on me, dear Daniela. I'd love to share my whole life and arts to this community, so it's not just the work itself that represent here, but also the whole idea of sharing something good to make other people help and understand each other better.
Excellent entry author
Thank you very much for your nice comment on my entry, Rob! Glad that you like it!
So sorry for your loss, I imagine this project may have been therapeutic for you. Your concept of celebration of life is fantastic, and your work is exceptional. There is a time for everything...
Yes, there's a time for everything, Pearlie. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD. Thank you very much for your support and cheers.
WoW! What an excellent artwork, congratulations!
Thank you, dear Sofie73. Glad that you like it. I admit it's just an ordinary entry after all but I've done my best to complete the whole image though.
Let's Party.....
extra ordinary entry author.... I never thought the birthday-candle combination, woooo Good luck my friend 
Let's Party Hard, my friend! It's an ordinary entry I admit. But I've tried my best to complete the whole piece for only 3 days for me. Thanks for taking your time to comment and FAV mine, my dearest friend Anoop! You shall be the greatest contributor!
lots of work on this one!! congrats on ur amazing master piece author!
Nisha, it's not a masterpiece yet, I'm just an artist who tried to be a better person, not just a better artist. And I'm yet a master, but maybe a Jedi Master in the future. Lol!
Appreciated a lot for your nice comments, love sysmbol (fav) and also for everything you did to me! I'm waiting for you to show up, my friend. 
Thanks for
-ing my entry with your dance, Nisha! 
you've done something great here, really like the color and their facial emotion.. good luck author!
Thank you very much for your nice comments, Hayato. Appreciated so much and also I'd love to see your portfolio as well. Nice digital paintings you did there!
Hey.....I see myself there, joining the party...yes, I wear glasses too. Thanks for your thought.
Lol! It's specially for you. If you see with a fully details!
Thanks for your fav! Really appreciated so much!
wow! Creative idea and great detail for each animal, author!
I like the camera there, the iPXL brand =D
Thank you, Vaneir. It's not a camera FYI. It's a phone just like an iPhone, but as you can see. It's an iPXL. A brand new phone for the animals. Yes it's a clearly hi-tech oriented for animals though.
Thanks for the nice comment and fav! Really glad that you like it! 
oh I got that, iPhone iPxl! and... I almost forgot, sorry for your loss, author.
Thank you very much for your concern and support, Vaneir.
I'm really sorry for your loss. Every beloved person that passed away is like a part of ourselves that is gone. But God always Takes care of us, Cures our wounds, Gives us peace.

Fantastic work, as always! And thanks for mentioning me, I'm blushing...
I've been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply. Thanks Erikuri. It's my pleasure and I'm sorry if I changed the cat into a white tiger.
Let me start by saying that I'm sorry for your loss..
you are a true artist,doing pictures full of meaning,
in this case a masterpiece..love it..
for me that makes a true artist..always putting passion
and meaning on every chop!..like how you think and express things,
you are gonna be an awesome famous artist the way you are..
or if I'm wrong you already are,dont know much about you.
God bless you and your talent.
take care friend and GL.
I've been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply.
Thanks, Jordy my friend for all your support and cheers! It's not a masterpiece, just a piece that wants to be a master someday. God Bless You and your talents too, my friend.
Congratulations, I love it!
congrats on runnerup
I've been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply.

Thanks, Glockman. I'll be the next king or queen for sure (I hope. Lol)... Appreciated your comment.
Awesome work!!
Been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply. Thanks, TK. You have your fantastic work too. Hope you'll enter the next tournament with all your hearts and talents. See you later, TK!
I've been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your supports, faves, and cheers, Shaiju1974! Really appreciated! All the best. Have a great time!
Congrats my friend, This is never a less... I am sure you will be the next one.. waiting for it.., Good luck and still love this masterpiece
Hi, my dearest friend Anoop! God bless you with your talents and passion. I'm doing my best yet it's not a best yet after all. You've done your great job to make it to the throne! Congratulations once again! Thanks for all your supports and cheers! Have a great time with your brother's wedding!
Awesome entry, and I'm glad you were able to finish even though you are going through such hard times. I know your auntie would want you too.
I've been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply, Emik.

Thank you for your kind words. I'd love to see this entry finished after all. Not aim for the throne myself, just wanna post it and God knows who'll be the perfect one to win the title after all.
Congratulations, Mr.Blur!!! Lovely image.
I've been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply, dear Daniela. Thanks for every kind words and cheers you put on my entries so far. Appreciated and I'd love to unleash my creativity to the max though I'm not a winner yet, but all of us is a champion.
Anoop said that, we're all the winner. 
I've been gone for a while to do my jobs on my studio, so I'm sorry for the late reply, Spaceranger. Thank you very much for your time to congrats me. I'll do my best next time, I promise...
Howdie stranger!
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