Celebration of Life - created by blur

Celebration of Life
Favs: 14SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 2/3Score: 75.3% (41)18719 views

• I have search everywhere through this site and found nothing about contest with the theme of PXL birthday, but after looked at the pxleyes team about, it gave me the reason to dedicate my entry as a celebration of pxleyes birthday which mentioned on April 2006 by Mister Monty’s about. I think it’s not a coincidence; it was God’s plan to make my entry has a lot of meanings together with the three objects on the final round of Photoshop Tournament; a candle, animals with the logo.

• In my opinion, there are three biggest events in our life that we would to celebrate it.

• First, it’s a celebration of birth.
• Second, it’s a celebration of getting married.
• And last, it’s a celebration of death.

• As for the celebration of death, some might think it’s not an appropriate way to say. But for me, it’s also a celebration since I believe in God and Heaven is so real. While started this piece from concept, I’m also in the middle of grieving. My beloved aunt by the name of Etty passed away on 17th April 2012 at 10:10 AM days ago. We ‘celebrate’ her for three days until the cremation of her remnants, after that we spread her dust to the open ocean at 19th April.

• So, please forgive me if I tell you my slice of life that might bother some of you. It’s just a continuity background story of my entry after all; we celebrate our birthday, and then celebrate our married moments until someday we would be ‘celebrated’ by everyone when our life is end. All of them is a Celebration of Life.

Photoshop, AE, Lightroom and hours of sleepless nights... :) • (5 years and 2876 days ago)

Fractalines was - created by blur

Fractalines was
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 2/2Score: 58.7% (30)14058 views

'Fractalines' was definitely like layers in Photoshop with the Multiply Blending Mode. But this one was technically and traditionally done outside the software indeed.

Please check the SBS and see what I've been through to get the fractals more delicious. (5 years and 2887 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!Fractalines, was, red, green

Oldies, Babies! - created by blur

Oldies, Babies!
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 2/3Score: 70.8% (36)22639 views

Picture above is my Mom’s hand. Well... Since my PSC (Print Scan Copy) Canon Pixma can’t make a great scan result, I decided to take a snapshot of my Final Artwork with my Phone’s Camera.

• Please check my SBS to make sure how this piece of art was created with pencil, water color pencils & watercolors medium. •

"Dudes with cool vintage cars get all the chicks!"

Thanks for the quote, it's really help to pimp my inspiration.

•.• (5 years and 2901 days ago)

Water Elemental - created by blur

Water Elemental
Favs: 2SBS: 2Hi-resRank: 2/14Score: 69.4% (35)21140 views

What is the Water Elemental? Please check my WIP section (SBS) to find out more about that creature.

Techniques I've been used are matte painting inside Photoshop, clipping masks, brush with custom brushes (links), puppet warp, also brush inside SAI, and finally adjustments layers with some filters (blur, motion blur, gaussian blur) back into Photoshop.

Hope you like my creation, lots of great entries, I'm afraid I'm no match with the others.

(•̪ . •̪) ~ Thanks!

Edit: link has been updated. (5 years and 2907 days ago)

2 Sources:

Stone Sentinel - created by blur

Stone Sentinel
Favs: 5SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 2/10Score: 71.5% (37)30900 views

This piece of art is my dedication to the nature itself because I love mountains and mystical creatures.

Techniques I’ve been used is a matte painting inside Adobe Photoshop and digital painting with PaintTool SAI. Lots of chops from the source image as well as textures to cover the Stone Sentinel’s body, dirt and manipulate the surroundings; all with my graphic tablets.

No external images required in the process.

Brush in Photoshop is required to clip masks the source image and Brush with paper texture in SAI is applied to summon the one and only Stone Sentinel with its dirt around the environment and the ‘Stone Sentinel Slayer’.

Hope you like my creation; because I had a lot of fun to complete this artworks.

Thanks for viewing (also to my WIP field) and have a great time! (5 years and 2912 days ago)

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