Four Scorned - created by AYRD1

Four Scorned
Favs: 0SBS: 12Hi-resRank: 3/9Score: 65.1% (26)11631 views

Jeffrey Hammond thought he could get away with having four very different, very rich girlfriends. He lived in the life of luxury. Expensive clothes, flashy jewelry, fast cars. He had it made.

Until, that is, they all discovered his little secret.

Now, Jeremy is about to find out how true it is... Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned.

The characters come to life in this edge of your seat, thriller, that will leave you wondering what is around the next corner.

the bottom credits read:

pixleyes pictures presents a manipulation production in association with photoshop a contest picture

angelasasser-stock SenshiStock Noree-stock KristabellaDC "Four Scorned" audreyj White costume

**Edited Type for title - adjusted for better perspective

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

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